Beacon of Substitution

Licht's eyes widened and his jaw fell when he heard the report. In his anger, he burst an aura with a destructive force, blowing the man away.

"And Angin?" Licht asked. "Do you have a news of him?"

"He was killed along with Sayu, sire. The man immediately returned kneeling and bowing to the floor. "They resisted the darkness before they died."

"Resist?" Licht fell back to his throne and laughed. "What nerve do they have to resist the Queen's powers. They are nothing but ants, yet they dared to do it? No wonder they ended up dead."


"Silence!" Licht yelled. "I have no choice, but to go to Shyako myself. This is getting out of hand. The longer we keep it that way, the harder it will be for us."

"Do you want me to prepare the ships sire?" the man asked.

Licht waved his hand at he man dismissively. The man left the room, bowing several times before returning to his post.
