The Third Bluff

Titles. Given to Adventurers that made an outstanding feat in a specific field. Derived from the six God titles, down to lower titles.

As generations had passed, more and more titles had been granted. The titles became so many that it lost its glory. But not to the ones granted by the three higher people that ruled the kingdom.

When the king, the Raven Justice and the Holy Crow accept and acknowledge a title, the whole kingdom does the same. Only the God titles are exempted from this rule, and only a handful of acknowledged titles are there.

And one of them happens to be granted to a boy with the said to be fastest speed in the kingdom. He was dubbed the Knight of a Thousand Flowers because the spark his sword creates in a second looked like they were blooming flowers.

"This is gonna be hard for me then," Connor chuckled. "Top Eleven Adventurer, Wesley Dance. You're fast."