Everything Will Be Fine

Lance got in between them and scoffed. "Why would you like this idiot?"

Ed snorted and bumped Hope with his elbow. "There he goes acting like a jealous fool again."

"I heard that," Lance glared. "No, I mean among all of us, there's five gorgeous men in our party and you chose the least attractive? I could say I'm the most handsome one and why is it not me?"

"Woof," Connor was the one who snorted this time. "That was unexpected."

"I don't like cocky men," Valerie smiled awkwardly. Lance heard this and took a step back, dramatically touching his chest.

"So, Elliot…" Valerie played with her fingers. "What do you say?"

Everyone could see that Elliot was flustered. Besides the fact that he can take down large beasts with his overwhelming powers, he has never had any experience in talking to women.

That was when Ripple slung her arm around the shorter boy's neck. She kissed Elliot's cheek and winked at Valerie.