Gao Baichi

"He must have good stuff, look how full that bag is." Another voice sounded out, this one was calmer than the other one and chilly almost like it was a man and a block of ice talking.

Long Shen frowned, he had made a bag out of deerskin that he laid next to him, and it took him days of gathering deer hide and took him even longer to assemble it. Until he got a storage ring or something that had better efficiency this was his only way to carry his things. It would be a very large pain if he had to carry everything in his arms. Over the last few days, he had gathered all types of hides and meats that he was planning to sell once he reached a city, if these people took it away it could impede how much money he got. Money was the most important thing for a cultivator who had no backing. If you had a backing then you would be supplied with resources and people would do their best to pamper you, but for people like Long Shen who was currently equivalent to a Rogue Cultivator, money was very important.

"Boss, but what if he is backed by a big family or something?" The Husky sounding voice once again asked a question to the "Boss."

The Boss's face was almost red from trying to hold back his laughter, "Don't worry look at what he's wearing. You think a Noble or Sect Disciple would wear that shit?"

Long Shen frowned, he was hopeful that they would think he was from a Sect or a Noble Family because then they would be scared of the repercussions, but now that they knew he wasn't from a backing they would surely kill him and then steal his things, no one would care if some random kid was found dead on the side of a dirt road unless they where important, that's just how the cultivation world worked.

The sound of people letting out a light chuckle reached Long Shen's ears, he realized that there was more than 2, which was starting to get deadly even with his superior battle power he wasn't confident in being able to take down so many people. A regular Body Tempering cultivator at the 1st stage could take on 2-3 regular men with almost no difficulty, but the danger increased when they were armed and had more people.

In fact, people of the Body Tempering realm weren't even considered real cultivators by the Cultivation World, unless you were at the Qi Gathering Stage you were still considered a regular person just with a little more power. That's why it was not uncommon for Bandit groups and gangs to have Body Tempering experts in their ranks, even though people who were able to break into Body Tempering was already rare, it was still common in the grand scheme of things.

This caused Long Shen to worry, even more, if even one of them was a Body Tempering expert then he would struggle to get out of this situation unharmed.

Long Shen was screaming in his head 'Fuck, I wish I had a weapon! AM I A RETARD? ROAMING THE NIGHT WITH NO DEFENSE?!'

Long Shen was so used to not even having to lift a finger to kill someone that he forgot to make a stone knife or something to defend himself. Against cultivators of a lower realm, only the hands were usually necessary, but against those of the same or higher realm, it was almost a requirement to have some sort of weapon. Long Shen decided that right when he arrived at the city he would use the money he got from hunting to buy a weapon of some sort.

"Crack" The sound of a branch breaking beneath feet sounded out, pulling Long Shen from his thoughts. He slightly opened one eye to survey his surroundings. As he was doing so his eyes narrowed to the size of a needle. There were at least 5 people in front of him all of them dressed in black clothing. The clothing was ripped and you could see their tan skin under it. Some of them carried knives, while others had hammers. It was clear that they were not a very wealthy gang as the weapons were clearly of bad quality, and in fact, some were almost broken.

But what really worried Long Shen was the man standing in the middle, he had a saber resting on his shoulder and was clearly larger than the rest of his crew. Long Shen instantly recognized this man as the leader, and the man he needed to take out. Looking at the man Long Shen was assured that the man was not in Body Tempering, but that didn't change the fact that he was in great shape and had a weapon on hand.

The group of men froze for a second and checked to make sure that Long Shen was still asleep, after checking and seeing that he was still asleep they happily walked over to him. One of the men started reaching for Long Shen's bag, but right as he was about to grab it he felt a sharp pain from his forearm.

The man looked at his arm to see Long Shen grabbing it. Long Shen gave the arm a hard pull "CRACK" He dislocated the man's arm with ease.

The man's eyes turned bloodshot "WHAT THE FUCK! Aghhhh!"

The man quickly retreated.

"Oh, so the kid was awake." The cold voice sounded from behind the group.

The rest of the gang members made way for the man, he was the man holding the large saber. Long Shen could see that the man had a gaze of contempt as he looked at him. He clearly thought that Long Shen was just a fruit ready for the picking. It was a shame that he was wrong.

Before the man could even continue to speak Long Shen jumped from his sitting position into a charge, he quickly caught up to the man with the dislocated arm. He grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground.

The man once again screamed in agony as his shoulder had hit a rock "KID! I'll FUCKING KILL YOU!"

Before the man had a chance to swipe at him with his knife Long Shen had already grabbed his other arm. With another hard pull, he dislocated the other arm. He could clearly see the man looking at him with eyes full of hatred at this point.

Long Shen didn't bother with him anymore as he grabbed the knife and retreated from the man. Right as he did so 2 other men charged out at him, one on his left, one on his right. He quickly crouched down and kicked at the man to his left, effectively knocking him to the ground. Long Shen then turned his focus to the man on his left, he took his knife and hacked down at the man. To his surprise, the man managed to parry it off with his hammer. Long Shen quickly retreated a couple of steps before unintentionally stepping on the man that he had kicked.

The man's voice squeaked so high that someone might mistake him for a mouse "Brat! You dare to step on my family jewels!" Long Shen looked down and realized that his foot was on the man's sacred region. He didn't give it a second thought before picking up his foot and smashing it down again effectively incapacitating the man.

Before anyone had a chance to move again, the big man with the saber had enough as he looked at Long Shen with cold eyes "Boy, what's your name?"

Long Shen was disgusted being called boy by this man, what would this man think if he knew that he was millions of years older than him?

Long Shen looked at the big man in contempt, "Why does it matter to scum that's about to die?"

The big man's face twitched as he heard those words, "Very well boy! I'll tell you who's going to kill you then! I am the great Gao Baichi!"

Long Shen's face turned purple, not out of fright but of trying not to laugh. Who in the hell would name their kid Baichi?

(AN: Baichi means idiot pretty much… At least to my knowledge)