Majestic Palace

Finally, Long Shen couldn't hold it in anymore as he almost fell over heaving

"Gao Baichi, Your parents must hate you!"

Gao Baichi's face twitched, if there was one thing in this world that he hated the most, it was when people made fun of his name. Ever since he was young his name had become the bane of his existence. In fact, he might have been married by now if he had a different name, he once asked out a girl and she was about to agree when she asked

"What's your name?"

Gao Baichi responded, and it caused the women to disdain and even ridicule him behind his back. Ever since then he became nothing but dirt that is stuck to the bottom of society's shoes. Making a living off of stealing and killing from unsuspecting travelers on this road.

Gao Baichi's eyes narrowed as killing intent visible to the eye began to condense,

"The last person that said that is now 6 feet under! Boy! Do you want to reconsider what you just said?"

Gao Baichi took a step forward as he lifted up his saber, in an overhead slashing position. Even with the show, the Gao Baichi was putting on Long Shen couldn't stop himself from laughing, in fact seeing how angry he got only made it even funnier for him.

"You mutt, I'll skin you alive and then exterminate your clan!"

Gao Baichi's hair was now basically standing up straight on its own, but Gao Baichi would soon realize those were the worst words that he could have ever said in this situation, nay, his entire life.

Long Shen froze, his laughter stopped. He slowly raised his head as his eyes looked straight at Gao Baichi, he took a step back on instinct due to the intense fear he felt upon seeing that gaze. But with a slight chuckle he remembered that the person in front of him was just a kid, his face returned to having a large grin on it as he thought that he had frightened Long Shen. Right as he was about to step forward and grab Long Shen's bag he suddenly froze.

Gao Baichi felt like a thousand knives were looming over his head, as he looked back to see Long Shen still staring at him. Long Shen's deep cold eyes looked at him before they were black eyes, but now his irises had a hint of blue in them. With a voice that would cause a million ghosts to cower,

"The last person that said that Gao Baichi, ended up being tortured for 3 and a half million years along with his 9 generations before I finally killed them. It is a shame though, that I am in this weakened state. But do not think that I am weak, you will endure the most painful thing you have ever seen before I finally kill you."

The hairs on the back of Gao Baichi's neck were already standing up like the hairs on a frightened cat. 'What the fuck! I thought this was a regular kid!' The eyes of the kid were almost like a deep cold hell that Gao Baichi could never escape from. His body kept getting colder and colder as he sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss.

"Crack" A twig was crushed underfoot as Long Shen neared Gao Baichi, his cold eyes still locked on to him not giving him even the chance to breathe. Gao Baichi didn't even dare to look away as he was scared about what would happen. All of a sudden Gao Baichi's vision changed. He was no longer next to the dirt road, his fellow bandits were gone. Instead, he was in front of a large palace with towering pillars that held up the heavens. Carvings of Dragons lined the surface of the pillars as they tried to ascend to the top.

In front of him was a large golden door standing at least 500 meters tall. Majestic runes glowed throughout the door.

"Creak, Boom" The door slowly opened. Gao Baichi looked ahead of him, confused, and flustered. His palms were already sweating to the point of it dripping onto the floor beneath him.

With a gulp, Gao Baichi started moving inside through the doors. As soon as he entered,

"Boom!" The doors behind him slammed shut. It was pitch black, Gao Baichi tried to look around but he could see nothing but darkness upon more darkness.

"Sizzle, Sizzle, Sizzle…" Before he even could finishing thinking numerous lamps were lit by themselves, bestowing his eyes with a majestic throne room. Pillars lined the hall with the same majestic dragons trying to climb to the top. The walls were lined with images of epic battles between Dragons, Immortals, and Devils. Before he could even finish looking around at the majestic hall he felt the universe atop his shoulders.

"You dare! KNEEL!" A voice so deep that sounded like it came from the middle of the Earth echoed out. Before Gao Baichi even had a chance to resist his knees were already on the floor. He had hit the floor with so much force that there was a large crater below him. He finally directed his eyesight to where the Throne was. What he was caused his eyes to shrink to needles, he almost started foaming at the mouth due to fear. And if the oppressive might wasn't restricting him so much he most certainly would have soiled his pants.

In front of him was an Azure throne lined with gold, and images of Dragons flying about. But what scared him was not the Throne but what sat atop the Throne. There on the Throne was a man who looked to be no more than 25, the man was dressed in white emperor robes he held a fan in his right hand as his left grasped the Throne. His hair was tied in a bun but it was unable to hide his lush and glossy blue hair that had streaks of what seemed to be pure gold in them. His handsome face commanded respect and made all who were before him kneel. But what scared Gao Baichi the most were the eyes. Where the whites of the eyes were supposed to be was instead replaced with gold, his irises were a deep azure, and his pupils were not even a color instead they were a majestic glow as if a god himself was staring at him.

"You dare to say you will exterminate my clan! You dare to walk into my palace! This Mighty One WILL PUNISH YOU!" Lightning crackled, as if the Heavens themselves were scared, the sky darkened as the entire world was plunged into hell. The man on the throne rose from his throne.

"Tap, Tap, Tap…" Each footstep destroyed a world while another one was born with the other step. Millions of cycles happened in each step he took. He could give life and he could take it away.

"RUMBLE" As if enraged by the power he displayed the Heavens grumbled. But they were ignored by the man.

The man arrived before Gao Baichi who was still on his knees. His eyes had tears of blood dripping down them. Even just by making eye contact with the man in front of him he felt death near, the only problem was he was forced to maintain it. He couldn't look away no matter how hard he tried.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" The man asked with a slight smile on his face. If it was in a different circumstance Gao Baichi would have thought that it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. But at this point, it looked like nothing more than the smile of a devil.