Majestic Palace P2

Right as the man said that, the force that had been suppressing Gao Baichi was released. "PLOP" Gao Baichi flopped to the floor, all of the strength had been drained from his body due to the mysterious man's oppressive might that had weighed down on him like a Titan that was forced to hold up the sky.

Gao Baichi didn't have the strength to stand up until a chilly voice entered his ears that caused his adrenaline to rush,

"Are you going to ignore my good faith? Gao Baichi…" The man's voice was all that Gao Baichi needed before he raised his head, he didn't dare to look at the man's eyes instead he groveled at his feet, not daring to look up. With all the hair sticking up on the back of his neck and the feeling of a thousand centipedes running down his spine he finally managed to respond to the man,

"MY LORD! I'M SORRY! Please forgive me!"

"BAM, BAM, BAM" Gao Baichi repeatedly beat his forehead to the ground, kowtowing as much as he could with his limited strength. The man in front of him just looked at him as if he were looking at a funny little toy, a disdainful smile appeared on his face as he watched the man beat his own face till even his mother wouldn't recognize him.

Gao Baichi kept kowtowing. The man in front of him had a vicious grin as he let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh, poor human… Fine I shall spare you." The man said, Gao Baichi raised his head, there were tears of joy rolling down his unrecognizable face, he had an ugly smile that was bloody and bruised. When Gao Baichi heard those words enter his ears, he thought he had ascended to Heaven. He couldn't help but kowtow a bunch more thanking the man and calling him a saint, and praising him.

Little did Gao Baichi know that while he was praising the man and kowtowing, the man had a sadistic grin on his face, and his eyes were gleaming with joy. The man almost looked like a toddler that had just gotten a new toy for his birthday.

Gao Baichi once again praised the man as if he were his god,

"Thank you, Lord! You won't regret it!"

With a face full of glee Gao Baichi got up and started to run out of the palace, he ran and ran. At some point Gao Baichi started to frown, he could clearly see the door to the outside where he had just been, and he could see the sun and clouds outside but no matter how fast and long he ran he couldn't get to the door. Gao Baichi shrugged it off thinking it was all in his head.

Behind Gao Baichi the man was still standing there, his grin had only grown wider till it covered his face.

'A damn ant dared to threaten me… I hope you enjoy an eternity of pain my little toy.' Yes, this man was none other than Long Shen. Well, it wasn't technically Long Shen. It was an illusionary world that he had created by looking straight into the eyes of Gao Baichi, it was part of his '3 Illusionary Worlds' it was a mental skill he had developed over millions of years, one world was Heaven, one world was Hell, and another world was Purgatory. Right now he barely had the power to use it on a mortal, and it would only last for half a second, but the problem was for the person in the illusionary world a second felt like an hour. That was what made this art so deadly. Right now Long Shen could only use it on a mortal if a Body Tempering realm where here they wouldn't be caught in it.

Long Shen kept watching Gao Baichi run and run until he was dripping with sweat, he couldn't help but chuckle,

"Ahhh… Gao Baichi how come you haven't left yet?"

Gao Baichi was about to answer when he turned around, his eyes narrowed to a point, and he dug his nails into his palms until they dripped with blood. Behind him was Long Shen, but he didn't have that nice smile from before, instead it was replaced with a sadistic grin that made Gao Baichi feel like nothing more then an ant. Then it hit him, he was nothing in the eyes of this man, his life was nothing but a game to be played with. Tears started rolling down his eyes, the once big smile on his face had disappeared and was replaced with an empty expression.

"Agh. I gave you a chance. Sorry, Gao Baichi you can't stay here as an uninvited guest."

Long Shen raised his finger and pointed it at the forehead of Gao Baichi. A small light condensed on his finger and shot out towards Gao Baichi, before he even had the chance to scream the light had already arrived at his head. It pierced through his forehead and left a bloody hole.

The world around Long Shen once again warped, he was back on the side of the dirt road surrounded by the bandits. Gao Baichi was still in front of him, but a putrid stench hit the noses of everyone around. They looked at Gao Baichi and then saw a giant patch of liquid that gave of the scent of piss. Gao Baichi's eyes went wide as he looked around, and realized that he was back at the dirt road.

A feeling of pure Ecstasy hit Gao Baichi, but before he could enjoy it he saw the disgusted looks of everyone around him, he looked down and saw his soiled pants. Before Gao Baichi could even defend himself he heard Long Shen's voice sound out,

"Oh my Gao Baichi, you pissed your pants!"

Gao Baichi's eyes narrowed, and his hair stood on end with rage. But before he could even strike he listened to the voice more closely. His palms got clammy as he realized that the kid before him was not a kid, but the same man in the hall. Before anyone else could talk Gao Baichi took off in a sprint, running as fast as he could away from Long Shen.


The rest of the bandits were confused, but before they could even react Long Shen was in front of the two men he had left on the floor. He took the knife in his hands and plunged it down into the necks of one of them.


The sound of the man choking on his own blood echoed out, but all that Long Shen did was smile at it.

'I missed this… The thrill of the fight!'

A vicious grin appeared on Long Shen's face, before any of the other men could move Long Shen struck again. This time he threw the knife straight in front of him where a man with a hammer was.


The sound of an eye being pierced was heard, the man's face was full of shock… And a knife in the eye.


The man fell over grasping at the knife in his eye. He tried to pull it out but the pain was to great, he lay there incapacitated.

"Shit, I'm not fighting this kid!"

Slowly the rest of the bandits gave up on fighting Long Shen, they ran away with no care for their fellow companions running in the same direction that Gao Baichi ran.

"What a shame. Your buddies left you, now your all mine"

Long Shen had a cold smile on his face as he looked at all the people on the floor. He went over to the man who had the knife in his eye he grasped the handle of it and with a slight tug it came out, of course, the man was screaming but Long Shen ignored him.

"We're going to have some fun!"

Long Shen's words sent a chill down all the bandit's spines.