
"Juliette, what are you thinking about?" Hazel asks.

"Uh… I was just thinking about the note." Juliette quickly responds to Hazel. "Everyone check your pockets!"

"Don't lie to me, Juliette!" Hazel rises her voice.

"I--" Juliette stops talking when she sees Hale walking towards her. "I'll tell you later." Juliette quickly whispers to Hazel.

When Hale walks up to Juliette, he slowly moves his hand to her waist. Then his hand moves to her lower back. Juliette starts to shake.

"Wha- Wha- What are you doing?" Juliette mutters.

"Just hold still." Hale whispers bringing his face close to her ear.

Everyone stares at Juliette and Hale with surprised looks, and Wes was holding Weslyn, covering her eyes. Thea takes Harmony out of the room. Everyone else, still in shock, doesn't move an inch. Hale lowers his hand, and that's when Wes leaves the room with Weslyn. Juliette grabs Hale's sleeve, as he moves his hand into her pocket and grabs something out of it. Hale moves away from Juliette holding a note.

"Oh! It was the note that he was grabbing!" Leo sighs in relief.

Juliette sits down on the nearest chair, and collects herself. Thea walks back in the room with Harmony, who had gotten a popsicle. Harmony had Thea's hand in a tight grip, and Wes was holding Weslyn in his strong arms. Wes, glaring at Hale slightly as he sits himself down next to Hazel.

"Did you guys read the note yet?" Thea questions, breaking the silence.

"I'll read the note." Hale announces, "Three of you must prove your worth by casting the spell on yourselves. If you choose to cast this spell, you will face a hardship like you've never faced before. Then there's a spell at the bottom. I know I'm going to do it."

"I'll do it too!!" Leo and Wes exclaim at the same time, before whipping their heads to look at eachother.

"Alright, get over here and we'll just say the spell together." Hale says, and the other two make their way over to him. They study the spell for a bit, before saying in unison. "Ut mihi liceat per devia, uti pro duce spirituum."

"Shit- wait!! No!!" Thea cries, eyes wide as she watches the boys.

"Thea?? What's wrong??" Hazel asks, looking towards her in concern.

"Nothing!! Nothing, it's nothing!! Just… get away from them, now!!" Thea exclaimed, walking backwards towards the door with Harmony and Weslyn.

Hazel and Juliette are quick to get behind the shorter girl, seeing as she's the only one who knows any type of magic.

"Thea, what's going on?" Hazel asks.

"It's… it's nothing. Just keep an eye on the boys. I'm going to get Weslyn and Harmony somewhere safe." Thea explained, before running off and ignoring the shouts behind her.

Juliette and Hazel turned back to the boys, who looked just as confused as they did. They stayed near the doors, unsure of what to do. Leo suddenly gets up, baring his now sharpened teeth. He stalked towards the two cowering girls. Juliette and Hazel look at each other, before running off.

"Hey!! Get back here!!" Leo calls after them, and the girls hear sets of footsteps following them.

The girls run out of the house, and down the road. They keep running, unaware of the four-legged animal gaining on them. Hazel suddenly came to a halt, causing Juliette to run into her back.

Leo was in front of them, only he was in his wolf form. Hazel and Juliette backed up slightly, until Juliette felt heat hitting her back. She quickly turned around, seeing both Hale and Wes standing there.

"We're cornered, Hazel.." Juliette whispers to the taller girl.

"I can see that!!" Hazel whispers back louder.

Leo growls, and all three boys start stalking closer to them.

"It's like they think this is a game!!" Hazel mutters, keeping her eyes trained on Leo's form.

Juliette and Hazel circle so Juliette's now facing Leo. Leo growls at her, baring her teeth again. He growled once again, before jumping at Juliette. A choked scream left Juliette's mouth as she screwed her eyes shut.

The two girls heard a sharp intake of breath. Juliette opened her eyes to see Thea in front of her, blood covering her forearm. Leo's teeth were embedded in her arm, before he backed away, blood covering his snout. Thea quickly lifted her good arm, and vines wound their way around Leo's body. Juliette turned around and saw the same thing happening to the other two, causing them to cry out in surprise.

"That won't hold them forever, come on." Thea says, before running off.

The other two girls quickly follow Thea into a forest. They could barely keep up with her through the closeness of the trees. Thea slows down, and the others jog next to her, panting loudly. Thea leads them to a waterfall with a little pond at the bottom. Juliette and Hazel stare in awe at the scenery. Thea walks into the small pond, turning around and motioning for Hazel and Juliette to follow her.

Hazel and Juliette hesitantly follow her, watching Thea disappear behind the falling water. As the two follow her, they notice that the falling water doesn't affect them. Once they reach the other side, they see Thea, Harmony, and Weslyn sitting by a fire.

"How long will it take for them to find us..?" Juliette asks quietly, and all heads turn to Thea.

"Well, going through the water hid our scent enough for Leo to not know we're here. We need to figure out how to stop them without causing them harm." Thea explains, and the other two nod.

"Wait- what exactly happened to them?" Hazel asks, and Thea sighs.

"That spell allowed wandering spirits to use their bodies as a guide, so they can get revenge on the living." Thea briefly explains.

"Oh… how do we fix it?" Juliette asks, and Thea shrugs.

"I would have to go back to the house and grab my spell book. You guys would have to stay here, since you have no means of protection. Well, you have Harmony and Weslyn. I doubt they could hurt their parents though." Thea mutters, looking at the sleeping girls.

"Alright, how long do you think it would take?" Hazel questions.

"About thirty minutes. Just stay behind the waterfall. If I'm not back in thirty minutes, run." Thea says, before walking past the waterfall.


Thea walked through the forest, trying to blend with the trees. When she made it to the treeline, she looked around cautiously. When she doesn't see anyone, she carefully walked out.

"I just have to get the book and get back to the girls. Why am I even trying to protect them? It's not like I care. If they found out I've been lying to them this whole time, they'd- it doesn't matter. They're too dense to figure it out, anyways." Thea mumbled to herself.

She walked down the road, too absorbed in her thoughts to hear the footsteps behind her. "I mean, they're pretty nice. Too nice. For all they know, I could be plotting to kill them all. They're so naive, and trusting, and stupid!!" Thea groaned, pushing her hair out of her face.

She walked up the path leading to their house. She slowly opened the door and checked her surroundings, sighing in relief when she didn't see anyone. She walked down the hallway and into the living room. She spotted her book laying on the couch, opened. She thought nothing of it as she closed it and picked it up.

"This was easier than I thought it would be." Thea says, holding the book close to her.

She froze when she heard the low growl behind her.

"Well look at what we have here." A deep voice chuckled.

Thea quickly turned around, coming face to face with Leo and Hale. She backed up, falling onto the couch.

"Not so tough when you're all alone, are you?" Leo chuckled as he and Hale walked towards her.

She pushed herself further into the couch as Leo got closer.

"Lux, go help Kyo with finding the other four. This one seems to have a bond with Leo." He instructed, and 'Lux' immediately walked out of the room. Thea flinched when she heard the front door slam, trapping her with the man in front of her.

"We're going to have tons of fun together." He growled, and Thea screamed as he pounced.


Hazel, Juliette, and Harmony were trying to comfort a screaming Weslyn. They had left the cave, deeming it unsafe since it had been an hour since Thea left, and twenty minutes since they heard her scream.

They kept walking and kept trying to calm Welsyn down. They stopped at the edge of a cliff, quickly realizing their mistake. They heard footsteps behind them, and immediately turned around. Wes was standing there, a small smirk on his face.

Hazel put Weslyn down behind her, and stood protectively between them. Weslyn saw Wes and crawled towards him. She pulled on his leg and Wes picked her up, walking towards Hazel. She felt her heart skip a beat as Wes neared the cliff.

"How cute. She's so loud though." Wes hums, walking closer to the cliff.

"Disgusting." Wes mutters, before tossing Weslyn off the cliff.

Wes saw a rush of color zoom past him, and before he knew it, Hazel was falling with Weslyn. Wes' eyes widened, and he gripped his head in pain.

"No… you don't… care…!" Wes growled out.

As Wes struggles to get the spirit out of his body, Juliette and Harmony stand in shock. Finally, Wes jumps after Hazel and Weslyn. Juliette falls to her knees, and begins to tear up.

"Mom… It's alright." Harmony puts her hand on her shoulder.

"Haz- Hazel was-- she was wearing my favorite bracelet!!" Juliette cries.

"Wow, mom. You're really heartless."

"Don't call me mom. You will address me as mother or Juliette from now on."

Suddenly, something appears at the top of the cliff. Wes used his water to bring them to the top. Juliette and Harmony watch as Wes carries an unconscious Hazel, and a smiling Weslyn over to them.

"I didn't make it in time, Hazel fell but luckily saved Weslyn from falling to the ground. I was able to soften her fall though, so she's only unconscious." Wes explains quickly.

"We need to find somewhere to hide. Thea's been taken by the spirits possessing Hale and Leo. Who knows what they could be doing to her." Juliette says, and Wes nods.

"Do you have somewhere in mind?" Wes asks, and Juliette smiles lightly.

"Well, I do have somewhere in mind." Juliette beams.


Hale slowly opened the door of the house, Kyo's spirit following behind him.

"Um- Zero, sir? Kyo… Kyo's been forced out of his guide body, sir." Hale mumbled, and Leo turned around to glare at them.

Thea's eyes trained on the transparent figure standing near Hale. She and the spirit lock eyes, causing said spirit to scream and cower behind Hale. The spirit poked his head over Hale's shoulder, pointing a finger at Thea.

"She… she can see me!!" Kyo cried, and Thea rolled her eyes at it.

"Is this true?" Leo interegates, turning back to face Thea.

She rolls her eyes again and nods, glaring at the spirit. Kyo shrieked again and cowered behind Hale's body again. Hale moves behind Thea, Kyo following him.

"You're able to see Kyo without any sort of spell? How? You're just a nymph!!" Leo exclaimed, slamming his hands onto the table in front of him.

Sitting across from him, Thea was tied to a chair, a gag in her mouth. Leo growled and sat down, putting his face in his hands.

"Zero, she can't speak." Hale mutters from behind Thea.

Thea rolls her eyes and glances at her spell book, sitting behind Leo. She stared at it, trying to figure out how to escape. Leo looked up and smirked. He looked up at Hale and nodded to him.

"Take her gag off."

Hale nodded and carefully tugged at the gag. He slowly pulled it off, then set it down on the table.

"Let me go right now you ignorant sl-"

"Nu uh, no dirty words, brat." Leo mutters, getting up and walking towards the back of the room. Thea's face slowly goes red with anger and embarrassment.

"Don't call me that you son of a-"

"What did I just say." Leo snaps, narrowing his eyes at Thea.

"I don't care." Thea mumbles, rolling her eyes.

Thea looked out the window and hoped the others were better off than she was.


"Uh… Juliette… why did we come here?" Wes asks as they walk out of a Victoria Secret.

"You know Hale, this is the only way that we're going to snap him out of it!" Juliette answers, a less than confident look on her face.

"Do you think just lingerie is going to work?" Wes questions, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Don't worry, I have something else in mind. And... I don't want you or the kids there, so please take them and Hazel somewhere far away." Juliette says with a worried look.

Wes doesn't ask anymore questions, and runs off with Hazel, Weslyn, and Harmony. Juliette watches as they run off into the night, and then she takes no time running off to the house.


Thea, Hale, Leo, and Kyo were sitting in the house. Kyo was still slightly scared to go near Thea, and Leo was looking through Thea's spell book.

"What are you looking for, Zero?" Kyo asks, leaning over his shoulder.

"A spell, what else would I be looking for. Thea, darling, where are the spells that can bring your mortal life back through someone else's body?" Leo asked, and Thea tilted her head.

"How should I know?" Thea grins at the angry look Leo gives her.

"Do you enjoy making me angry? Do you enjoy making Leo angry?" Leo growled out, his grip on the book getting tighter.

"I mean, I like making everyone angry." Thea shrugs, her grin growing.

Leo's glare pierced through her as she fought to keep her smile up. He studied her for a second, before flipping through the book. He neared the beginning of the book and smirked.

"There you are." Leo continues to smirk.

"No!" Thea yells.

"Let's see," Leo stares at the spell for a sec. "Maledicite s--"

"Wait!" The door slams open and Juliette runs in.

"Juliette? Oh my gosh, what are you wearing?" Thea says with a disgusted face.

"Well, it's not for you Thea." Juliette covers herself. "It's for you!" Juliette points at Hale.

"You're so stupid, you think that's going to snap your friend out of it." The spirit inside of Hale says.

"If this won't work, then this will!" Juliette runs to Hale and jumps into his arms, pressing her lips firmly on his.

Hale's hand slowly moves down her back, and down to her ass. His hand then firmly squeezes it. That's when Juliette knows that Hale was back, and the spirit has left. Hale pulls his face away slightly, and Juliette felt his warm breath on her lips. His hand moves away from Juliette's ass, and he lifts his finger to point at Leo's face. Fire shoots out of his finger, going high speed towards Leo's face. Leo was still in shock from Hale and Juliette's display of affection, that he didn't think to move. Thea yells out a spell that she memorized for this specific reason. The fire burns Leo, but he doesn't move an inch. It was like he wasn't feeling the pain at all. Hale pushed Juliette into his chest, so she couldn't see anything. Thea fell to the ground, which caught Leo's attention. Leo was fighting the spirit inside of him, and he finally broke free from the spirit. He ran to Thea, who was clutching her chest.

"Why are you just standing there? We need to help her!" Leo cries out.

Thea stops clutching her chest, and rises her head with a big smile.

"Nice acting, Thea!" Hale chuckles.

Thea grabs her spell book and stands up with a smirk on her face, Leo was still on the ground confused and slightly relieved. Thea turns to a page in the book and recite a spell.

"Spirituum evanescet."

"What was that spell?�� Hale asks.

"It removed all of the spirits." Thea replies. "Hey, where's Hazel?"

"And Wes?" Hale questions.

"Oh no, Hazel!" Juliette yells aloud.

"What's wrong with Hazel?" Thea asks.

Juliette runs out the door without answering Thea. Hale follows behind her, and Thea drags Leo off the ground and out the door.

Hale, Juliette, Thea, and Leo end up at a small house next to the victoria secret. Juliette runs in and sees Wes holding Weslyn, sitting next to an unconscious Hazel.

"She's still not awake." Wes announces.

"Oh my gosh!" Hale begins, "Where's Harmony?"

"Is that all you care about?" Juliette asks.

"No, I also care about you." Hale pushes a stray hair behind Juliette's ear, and Juliette begins to blush.

"She's sleeping under that blanket on the chair." Wes explains.

Wes grabs Hazel's hand, "She freezing, and she won't warm up."

"Hale, can you--" Juliette begins before being cut off by Hale's loud sigh.

Hale then moves his hand closer to Hazel and starts a small fire in his hand. Wes thanks Hale without removing his eyes from Hazel.

Juliette starts, "Thea do you have a spell that--"

Juliette's cut off by the fire growing bigger, almost touching the ceiling. Hazel's eyes open quickly.

"Oh my gosh, Hale!" Wes yells.

"It wasn't me!' Hale yells back.

"Guys, shut up! Look at Hazel's pupils! They're red." Thea announces.

The fire disappears and Hazel's eyes change back to their hazel brown color. Everyone stands in shock.

"Oh, shit." Hazel mumbles.

"Hazel! What the hell was that?" Juliette asks in a loud voice.

"I meant to tell you guys." Hazel explains.

"You're an elemental, aren't you?" Thea questions.

"What? How did you know?" Hazel stares at Thea with wide eyes.

"Your eyes change colors and you can control fire, I'm assuming that you can control the other three elements." Thea explains.


"Wait, Wait, Wait! Are you saying that Hazel can control all three of our abilities?" Hale questions.

"That's right." Thea answers.

"I meant to tell you guys! I swear! It's just a thing that I had to hide my whole life." Hazel cries.

"Why did you have to hide it?" Wes asks.

"Because my species went extinct. If people were to find out that I exist, they would kill me."

"That makes sense, thanks for telling us. Let's go home." Thea ends the conversation.

Everyone starts walking back home, except for Hale.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that Hazel has abilities that can control Thea, Wes, and I?!" Hale yells as they walk out.

"Yep." Juliette responds, and continues walking.