Visiting The Past

"Alright, what should we share to move onto the next one??" Juliette asked once they sat down inside their house.

"How about our relationships with our family??" Wes suggested.

"Well, my dad died when I was younger. I love my mom to pieces though. My grandparents are both extremely nice, and I love them too. I'm also an only child." Leo smiled, looking at Hazel.

"I absolutely love my parents. They're so understanding and kind. I really miss them. I never really got to see my grandparents often, and my little sister and older brother live with them." Hazel gives Leo a smile back, before turning to Wes and Hale.

"Our dad could care less what we do, as long as we tell them beforehand, and the only siblings we have are each other." Wes answers swiftly, looking towards Juliette.

"My mom died when I was seven. I have no siblings, and my dad and I have a love-hate relationship. I love him, I really do, but he's always getting married to some random woman. He's gotten married ten different times since mom died." Juliette explained bitterly, glaring at nothing and everything.

Hale carefully puts a hand on Juliette's shoulder, causing the girl to go pink. Hazel and Wes raise their eyebrows at Hale and Juliette, and Leo chuckled. Thea shifts her gaze so that she's looking out the window.

"You two missed it, these two were kissing up a storm in the kitchen. They probably would have gone further if Thea and I weren't there!!" Leo exclaims, causing Wes and Hazel to laugh.

"Can it, Leo!! Thea, you haven't said anything. Are you doing okay?" Hale asks, trying to make it seem like he wasn't concerned while also trying to change the subject.

"M'fine. I'm an only child, and I love my mom." Thea mutters looking down at her lap.

"What about your dad?" Juliette asks, hesitantly.

"I hate him." Thea answers simply.

Hazel suddenly yawned, followed by Hale. Soon enough, they were all struggling to stay awake. Thea watched as the others fell asleep, before letting the darkness consume her.

Thea woke up with heat surrounding her. She groaned and sat up, looking around the now red room. Her face paled as she whipped her head around. She stared at the familiar walls that haunted her memories. She vaulted herself out of the bed, pulling her door open. A girl that looked to be Thea's age stood in front of her. The girl had red skin and dark ebony hair, with matching eyes. She gave Thea a smile.

"It's good to see you awake, princess!! Your father is waiting for you in the living quarters." The young girl bowed slightly, before turning and walking down the hall.

Thea stared at the girls retreating figure, before going down the opposite direction. As she walked down the hallway, she couldn't help but wonder where the others were.

'They could be at the house, looking for me. They could think that I died. They could also be here, huddled in a corner because of my father.' Thea thought, a shiver running down her spine at the latter.

Once she made it to the living room, she carelessly opened the door. She stared, eyes wide and mouth open once she saw her friends sitting with the man she despised most.

"Thea? My darling little girl? Is that you?" The man asked, standing up quickly.

Thea stared at him, before turning around and walking away quickly. She glared at anyone or anything in front of her, young servants squeaking in fear at the sight of her.

"Thea, wait!!" Thea heard Hazel call after her, but she didn't stop.

Thea stomped on, before someone pulled her back. She whipped her head around, glaring at whoever stopped her from leaving. Her glare softened once she saw Hazel.

"Are you okay, Thea? Your face is pale and you're shaking." Hazel asks softly, lifting up Thea's hand.

Thea pulled her hand back defensively, before staring at it. It was indeed shaking. She let out a humorless laugh, looking down at the floor.

"In that room is Satan himself." Thea stopped at the gasp Hazel let out. Thea looked up, locking eyes with Hazel, no sign of a smile on her face. "He's my dad."

"Thea, I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"It's fine. You didn't know." Thea mutters.

"We should at least go back. You know, to make sure that he doesn't kill anyone." Hazel gives Thea a shaky grin.

Thea stared at Hazel for a minute, before nodding slightly. Hazel lightly takes Thea's hand and leads the smaller girl back to the living room. Hazel pushed the door open and led Thea to the couch farthest from her father.

"How are you, my little demon? You never visit me anymore." Lucifer exclaims, a slight pout on his face.

"Maybe I've been avoiding you for a reason." Thea rolls her eyes, leaning back in her seat as she let go of Hazel's hand. She gives her father a lazy smirk. Her expression grew dark, and her eyes seemed to glow as the room grew darker. "Why would I even want to see you, honestly? You nearly killed my mother because she tried to get me out of this literal hell hole."

The pout on her father's face vanished, and was replaced with the same look his daughter was wearing. He stood up, and Thea followed suit. They stalked towards each other, a deadly glint in both of their eyes.

"I sacrificed nearly everything for your mother, and she just threw it all away!!" Lucifer spat out. Hazel watched his teeth sharpen to a point, and fear washed over her. "My kingdom was nearly destroyed because of your mother's selfish actions!!"

"My mother's selfish actions!!" Thea growled, grabbing the front of her fathers shirt and yanking him down. Lucifer stared at Thea in surprise. "My mother was in the hospital recovering from your idiocy for seven years!! I lived alone for seven years!! I had to learn how to take care of myself, and my mother at the age of ten!! So you tell me who's the selfish one now!!"

Thea let go of her father and shoved him away from her. The rest of the group stared in shock, unable to see Thea's face. Lucifer's face softened, and he lifted a hand up to her.

"Thea, darling. I'm-" Thea slapped his hand away, shaking her head. She brought her hand up to her face, before turning around.

Leo noticed her hand covering her mouth as she stormed out of the room for the second time that day. Hale and Juliette were the first to follow her out of the room. Wes and Leo both glared at Lucifer before leaving as well. Hazel just sat there, shock still consuming her mind. Hazel slowly raised her head to look at Lucifer, a small frown tugging at her lips.

Hazel got up and started walking towards the door. She stopped after a couple of steps, then turned around. She walked up to Lucifer and stared at him. She raised her hand and slapped him. The noise resonated through the room as Lucifer's head snapped to the left. She gave him one last look before following her friends.


Hazel found the rest of her friends in front of an old door. She looked around, but couldn't find Thea.

As if he could read her mind, Hale spoke up. "Thea locked herself in there. She's refusing to come out."

A young girl with red skin and dark hair walked up to the door. She gave two curt knocks and the door opened. She looked back at the others and motioned for them to follow her. They all walk in, and they hear small sniffles coming from the pitch black room.

"Thea? Are you okay, princess?" The young girl asked, looking around the dark room.

"Go away." They heard someone mumble, the sound of shifting coming from their left.

The girls yellow eyes flickered to the sound. "Princess, your friends are worried about you." The girl said, locking her eyes on something.

More shuffling was heard, and soon the room was covered in light. Thea stood in front of them with a blanket draped over her shoulders. Her eyes were puffy and her nose was red. A few stray tears made their way down her cheeks. The young demon bows before leaving the room.

Wes walks over and envelops her in a soft hug. "It's okay, Thea. Everybody's parents have flaws. My dad was bad at baking, and your dad likes to kill people. It's totally normal."

Hale rolls his eyes and leans on the wall. Juliette looks at him with a glare. "Your friend is upset, and all you're going to do is sit there??" Juliette growls, Hale nodding in response.

Leo and Hazel drag Wes off of Thea, and Leo starts whispering to him. Hazel rolls her eyes at her four friends, before turning back to Thea. Said girl was watching her friends with an extremely small smile on her face.

Hazel walks over to Thea and opens her arms. "Come here you big softie." Hazel grins as Thea quickly wraps her arms around Hazel. A soft gasp comes from behind them as the arguing stops.

Hazel and Thea look to see Juliette smiling at them. The two girls look at each other, before opening their arms. Juliette's smile gets wider and she throws herself into the hug. The two taller girls wrap their arms around Thea, who laughs in return. Leo and Wes are quick to join the hug, falling onto the girls. Multiple shrieks were heard as the three girls struggled to hold the two guys up.

Juliette pushed her way out of the hug, light chuckles escaping her lips. She walked over to Hale and grabbed his hands. Juliette gave him a soft smile, before pulling him towards the group hug.

"Open up guys!! This kid needs extra hugs!!" Juliette exclaims, shoving Hale into the groups awaiting arms.

They squeezed Hale as he struggled to escape. After a few seconds, he stopped and accepted his fate. He grumbled as Thea elbowed him.

"Smile, and I'll show you where we keep the prisoners." Thea whispered, and Hale immediately started smiling. Thea chuckled at her friend, before looking around.

"You should go get some sleep, I'll find a way to get us home." Thea broke the silence, squirming her way out of the hug.

"Are you sure? We can help you if you'd-"

"Somnum." Thea cut Hazel off with a wave of her hand.

She watched as everyone slumped in the hug, before letting out a sigh. She searched all of her friends pockets only to find nothing. As she reached into her pocket, the young demon from before walked in.

"This is for you, princess." She said as she placed a piece of paper in Thea's hands.

The demon bowed before leaving the room. Thea opened the piece of paper to see extremely fancy handwriting. She read it, before dropping it and rushing out the door.


Your challenge awaits. Let go of your past.



A young man practically skipped down the hallway, a soft smile on his face. He was visiting his boyfriend for the sixth time that month. He turned the corner quickly, running into a small body. With a yelp, the two people fell to the floor. The man looked up to see a young girl staring at him.

"I'm sorry, let me help you up!!" The man exclaimed, before standing up and giving the young girl his hand.

She dusted herself off, before looking up at the man.

"Hi mister!! Are you here for a job?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Oh, no. I'm visiting my boyfriend. He lives here." The man explained.

The girl brushed her dark hair out of her face as her expression grew confused. Her bright green eyes seemed to glow in the darkness of the hallway.

"Can I walk with you? I'm looking for my daddy. He also lives here." The girl asks, looking to the side.

"Yeah, of course!!" The man exclaimed. "My name's Kile."

"I'm Thea." The girl smiled.


Juliette let out a yawn as she forced her eyes open. She ran a hand through her hair and lifted her head up. She looked around the room, seeing everyone else awake. Hale, Wes and Leo were trying to break the door down while Hazel was talking with the young demon from earlier.

"What's going on?" Juliette asks.

"Thea locked us in here with this lady. The door won't budge and Hale's hungry." Hazel explained briefly.

"What would you like to eat, Mister Bennett?" The young demon asked.

"Excuse you!!" Hale exclaimed, turning around to face the girl.

"Hey you! Demon girl, what's your name?" Juliette asked, completely ignoring the livid Hale.

"It is Karamun, Lady Fletcher." Karamun answers.

"That's too long, we need a nickname for you. Something simple and easy to say." Hazel ponders.

"Mun??" Leo questioned, and Hale rolled his eyes.

"If we had to come up with a nickname for her, Kara would be the easiest." Hale grumbled.

"Kara, I like it." Juliette smiled, looking back at Hale.

Hale's face turned a light pink as he looked away. "It's not a big deal, it's just a name."


Thea made it to the room she decided to storm out of multiple times. Thea lifted her hand to knock, before hesitating. Was she ready to face her dad again? Before she could back out, she knocked. A young boy opened the door. Just like the young demon from earlier, he had red skin and dark hair. He smiles up at Thea.

"Come in, come in!!" He exclaims, grabbing her hands and pulling her in.

"Thanks, Sol." Thea gave him an awkward smile as Sol closed the door and led her further into the room.

"Who's at the door Solmurath, I told you-" Lucifer stormed over, stopping once he saw Thea.

"Hey old man.." Thea muttered, looking to the side.

"Listen, sweetheart. I'm so, so sorry. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness for everything I've done, but-" Thea cut him off with a hug.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest. Her father froze, before wrapping his arms around the back of her head.

"I think it's time I learned to forgive and forget." Thea mumbled, pulling away to look at her dad.

Thea pulled away completely as someone cleared their throat. She looked over to see a man with dirty blond hair and electric blue eyes.

"Kile…?" Thea asks, tilting her head.

"Thea?? It's been so long sweetie!! The last time I saw you, you were so small!! Now look at you!! You're still short but you look more grown up!!" Kile rambled and Thea chuckled.

"I know I'm still small. I'm actually here to tell my father that I forgive him, and that I hope we get to see each other more often after this curse is over." Thea says, before her eyes widened and she covered her mouth.

"What curse?" Her father asked, looking down at her.

"Maledicite sors, more commonly known as the teamwork curse. My friends and I all got cursed a while ago. I- I don't know what to do. They all think I'm so smart- or that I have the answers to everything!! I try so hard to believe that I can get us out, but I- I know I can't!!" Thea exclaimed, tears gathering in her eyes. "I didn't want to trust them!! I hide everything from them!! My background, my emotions, my pain!! I didn't want to seem weak to people I thought I'd never see again!! It hurts so much!! I just want to go home!! I just want to see my mom again!! I- I'm so fucking scared daddy!!"

Kile and Lucifer stood shocked at her outburst, watching as the small girl fell to the ground. Tear after tear escaped her eyes as she openly sobbed. Thea curled into herself as the door carefully opened.

"Is Thea in here- oh my goodness Thea!!" Came Hazel's voice from the door.

Hazel all but walked over to Thea and immediately pulled the shorter girl into her arms. As Hazel pulled Thea's hands from her face, Thea's sobs got louder. Hazel pulled her into her chest, rubbing Thea's back in a soothing manner. Leo marched forward, grabbing her father by the front of the shirt.

"I don't give a fuck if you're Satan himself, if you keep hurting Thea there will be hell to pay!!" Leo growled out.

"This wasn't my fault!!" Lucifer shouted, glaring at Leo.

"Bullshit it's not your fault!!" Juliette hissed. "Thea is literally the strongest woman I know, and yet she's cried twice after being with you for a couple hours!!"

Hale looked around the room as Juliette and Leo continued screaming at the silent man. Wes had joined Hazel on the ground, trying to comfort the two crying girls. Hazel had started crying at failing at comforting Thea. Juliette suddenly let out a small yelp, and Hale's eyes flashed towards her. Hale practically sprinted over and pulled her close to him. His eyes roamed her body, looking for any type of wound. Hale noticed slight burn marks covering her left arm and leg. Hale carefully lifted her shirt slightly, only to find more burn wounds. He lifted his gaze to Juliette's face, and saw tears in her eyes.

"That's it fucker. I really didn't care about this until you brought my princess into this." Hale growled.

"You can't do anything to hurt me. I'm literally the King of Hell. Your small flames can't do sh-" Lucifer was cut off by a sharp punch in his face.

"You talk too much." Hale rolled his eyes as he stepped closer to Lucifer.

Hale and Lucifer stood, face to face, each with a glare on their face.

"I didn't really care about Thea until I realized how much it hurt my Juliette to see her upset. So if killing you makes Thea feel better, then so fucking be it." Hale smirks, before lifting his fist and going in for another punch.

"Prohibere!!" Thea screamed, stopping Hale's fists moments before it reached its target.

Everyone in the room was frozen. Thea grumbled under her breath as she walked over to the fighting males. Thea got inbetween them, before shoving Hale away. Hale fell to the floor with a grunt, before glaring up at Thea.

"What the actual hell!!" Hale exclaimed, before trying to get up.

"I said prohibere!!" Thea snapped, causing Hale to freeze again.

"What the hell Thea!!" Hale complained.

"If you don't shut up, no Juliette for a week." Thea growled.

"Really, you think I'm going to fall for that?" Hale chuckled, before sending a worried look to Thea. "A full week?"

"Do you want it to be a month??" Thea glared, and Hale gulped.

"N-no! No, no! We're fine!! Sorry Thea! No need to take Juliette away! I said sorry!" Hale's voice cracked as he desperately begged.

Thea rolled her eyes and walked up to a wall.

"I just want to go back to the house!" Thea growled, slamming her hands on the wall.

Almost immediately after, a portal appeared under her hands. She sighed in relief, before dragging the nearest person and throwing them through the portal. That person happened to be Hale. She continues her method until all of her friends were on the other side.

"Well, old man, I guess this is goodbye. You too Kile. I'll see you later, I guess." Thea gave the two men an awkward smile. "Regelo."

Then she walked through the portal to join her friends on the other side.