Stuck with You

Everyone lies near each other, resting in the living room. Hale was on the end of the couch with Juliette on his lap, her legs spread across to Hazel who was next to them. Next to Hazel, was Thea with a book tangled in her arms. Talking in his sleep was Leo beside Thea, his head lied on Wes' shoulder. Lastly, Harmony and Weslyn slept on the recliner next to the couch. The room was silent, it was the quietest it has ever been. Well, it was quiet until Weslyn woke up crying. Her cries woke everyone up, filling the whole room with anger.

"Can't I ever get some sleep!" Juliette yells.

"Wes, would you shut your child up?" Hale shouts.

"You guys yelling isn't helping." Hazel comments.

Wes rolls off the couch, and over to Weslyn. He picks her up, and starts rocking her. No luck. Then Hazel walks over with her arms held open.

"Here, let me try." Hazel grabs Weslyn and starts making silly faces at her, but she wouldn't stop crying.

"Is she hungry?" Harmony questions.

"No, I just fed her an hour ago." Wes answers.

"Leo, how about you try." Hazel says passing the screaming child to Leo.

Leo's not sure what to do, so he just stares at her. Juliette's getting frustrated with the loud crying, and walks over to Leo.

"Give me the damn thing." Juliette swipes Weslyn from him and starts yelling at the baby.

"Oh my gosh Juliette, she's just a baby. Give her to someone else." Hazel demands.



Juliette brings the baby over to Hale.

"Shut it up." Juliette says, handing him the child.

"Not Hale." Wes mumbles.

Hale holds Weslyn in one arm, and in the other was fire.

"No!" Wes and Hazel yell.

"Wait!" Hale yells back.

With the fire, he makes a little horse. It ran in the air as if it were real. Weslyn stopped crying, and smiled at the horse. She put her hand up and made a smaller water pony to run after the fire one. Everyone was in shock over Hale's ability to make Weslyn stop crying. Hale brings her back over to Wes, whose jaw was almost touching the ground.

"How?" Wes asks.

"She just wanted her cool uncle Hale."

Harmony runs up to Hale with amazement in her eyes.

"Whoa! Daddy, can you show me how you did that with your fire?" Harmony almost sounded like a little kid.

"Sure. I'll have to show you after the next scenario happens." Hale replies.

"Can I come with you?" Harmony asks.

Everyone looks down to the ground, knowing the answer to that question.

"Harmony, you know why you can't come with us." Hale grins.

"It's because I'm not real, and there's a chance that I won't be able to come back after the scenario." Harmony explains with a frown.

She frowns and takes Weslyn to the bedroom, where they'll wait.

"It's always heartbreaking to tell her that she can't come with us." Hazel announces.

"At least you're not the one that has to tell her." Hale counters.

Silence fills the room. "So… When is this scenario going to start?"

With that being said, the floor falls beneath them, and the seventh scenario was about to begin.


Hale was falling, but the environment was different from before. There were trees everywhere, and it was pitch dark. Hale was being hit by the trees one by one, when he finally hits the ground. He was lying there covered in his own blood. He tries standing but there was too much pain aching at him. He looked down at his arm to see that it was broken, and his leg was covered in dark red blood. His hair was still in a messy bun, it looked almost untouched. He was thankful for that at least. Hale finally comes to his feet, shaking from the pain. His attention is then brought to the rope around his wrist, it lead somewhere far but he couldn't see where it ended. Hale tried to burn the rope with his fire, but it seemed to have a spell over it making it invincible. Then he tried untying it, but there was no luck there either. He finally gave up on trying to take it off. Suddenly, the rope started to move, as if something was attached to the other end. Hale grabs the rope and yanks on it as hard as he can. With all the pain it was making it a lot harder. The end seemed to be attached to something heavy, because it was a struggle for Hale to pull it. Finally, the end up the rope comes to seeing distance, it looked like a person.

"Hey!" Hale manages to yell out.

"Hale?" A familiar voice comes from the figure.

"Hazel?... Is that... you?" Hale stutters as he falls to the ground passing out.

"Oh my gosh.." Hazel whispers as she watches Hale fall to the ground.

Hazel runs over to Hale to look at his injuries. She takes off her jacket and ties it around his arm to stop the bleeding. His bone was sticking out, it was shocking how it didn't seem to even faze Hazel. She grabs under and above the bone, and counts to three. At three, she pushes the bone back into place. Luckily he was passed out, or he would have been in a lot more pain. Hazel looks down at his leg to see that it had a huge cut on it.

"Shit." Hazel stresses.

She looks around to see if she could use anything else. Her eyes finally come to Hale's waist, where there was a belt. She reaches for his belt, but Hale grabs her hand before she could get to it.

"Hale! I need you to stay still, I'm trying to help you. Also, I'm going to need your belt, so I can stop the bleeding on your leg."

Hale slowly releases Hazel's hand, and she continues taking off his belt. When she slides it off, she brings it down to his thigh where the bleeding is. Hazel realizes that she's going to have to tighten the belt pretty high on his thigh. This makes Hazel start to blush, but she knows she has to do it. She lifts up Hale's leg and wraps the belt a couple inches above the wound.

"Hale, is there any way you could seal your wounds with your fire? You wouldn't want them to get infected out here." Hazel asks.

Hale moves his hand slowly, but Hazel could tell he couldn't go any faster. He went for his leg first, considering that it probably hurts the most. A small flare appears on Hale's fingertip, and he seals the wound as Hazel pushes together the skin. Hale's face grimaces as he's doing it, obviously in pain. The one thing about Hale, is that he doesn't like showing insecurity. Hale then moves up to his arm, and does the same thing. Hazel stands up, and offers him a hand.

"Can we just stay here?" Hale asks.

Hazel first looks around her surroundings, "Sure."

Hale looks back down to his wrist and notices that the rope was still there, but then he noticed that the other end was tied to Hazel wrist. The rope was much shorter than it was before.

"So, what's up with the rope?"

"I'm not sure? It shrunk when I got closer to you, and it won't untie." Hazel explains.

"Yeah, I tried burning it, but it didn't work. It must have some spell over it."

Hale looks over to Hazel's scratched knee. It was bleeding, but it was nothing compared to Hale's wounds.

"What happened to your knee?" Hale asks concerned.

"Oh, I didn't even feel it. I must have gotten it when you pulled on the rope. You pulled it so suddenly, I tripped and fell. I guess I must have scratched it then."

Hale takes off his shirt revealing his six pack and muscular shoulders. Hazel begins to blush again, shocked at Hale suddenly removing his shirt.

"Oh my gosh! What are you doing?!" Hazel shouts closing her eyes and turning her head away from him.

Hazel feels the warmth of his hands as he ties the shirt around her knee, covering the wound. She opens her eyes and looks at him, they look into eachothers eyes for a moment before looking away.

"I'm sorry I hurt you." Hale tells her.

"What? Oh, it's okay. Really." Hazel assures him. Hazel's eyes then fall to the ground. "Can I tell you something?"

"Can I ask you something first?"

"Um, sure."

"How did you know what to do about my wounds?"

"Hm… Well, I guess I just watched a lot of doctor shows."

Hale laughs at Hazel's honesty. "There's one more question I've been wanting to ask you."

"Ask away." Hazel tells him.

"Why don't you use your power?" Hale asks.

"Oh, that one." Hazel grimmanced.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"No, it's fine." Hazel insisted. "I told you guys that I have two loving parents, but I didn't tell you about my birth mother. My mother was an elemental like me, and she was a hero. She saved thousands of people with her abilities, but…" tears started filling in Hazel eyes, but she just wiped them away and continued. "But even my mom has her limits. She died from her own abilities. After that day, I promised that I would never use my abilities unless I absolutely had to."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"No, I'm glad you did. It's nice to talk to someone about this, even if it is you." Hazel giggles.


"Anyways, what's up with you. You seem a lot nicer than you've ever been." Hazel questions.

"I'm not sure, maybe it's because I'm not surrounded by people that I hate." Hale answers.

Hazel blushes once again, and this time Hale notices. He doesn't say anything about it though.

"So, you wanted to tell me something before I asked those questions. What was it?"

"Oh yeah, it's kind of personal. I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone, especially Juliette."

Hale thinks about what she's asking first, "Sure, I can do that."

"I… I think I have a crush on you."

Before Hale could reply, the rope disappeared from their hands. Hale and Hazel were still staring at each other, looking deeply into one another's eyes. Before anyone could talk, they both disappeared from the forest.


"Ahhhhh!" Juliette and Leo both yell as they fall from a portal. Leo fell first landing on his back, and Juliette falling on top of him.

"Thanks for cushioning my fall." Juliette smirks picking herself up.

"No problem." Leo grunts, clutching his stomach.

Leo looks around at his unfamiliar surroundings, seeing no one and nothing of importance. When he looks over at Juliette, he noticed her worried look.

"Do you know this place?" Leo asks.

"It's my high school."

"Why are you so wor-"

"Hey! What are you two doing outside of class? Do you both have hall passes?" A young teacher yells walking towards them.

"Umm…" Juliette tries to think of what to say, but comes up with nothing.

"Wait a minute, I haven't seen you two around here before. Are you new here?"

"Uh… Yes ma'am. My name is Leo Hemming, and this is my daughter Juliette." Leo made up holding out his hand.

"I'm sorry, you just look so young. My name is Lana Quinn. Is there anything I can help you with?" Lana shakes Leo's hand.

"Nice to meet you! We were just going to her locker to grab her stuff, we should be fine on our own."

"Okay, but if you need anything, I'll be around."

"Thank you, Lana." Leo says her name with a tune that sends a shiver down Juliette's spine. Then Lana turns with a smile, and struts away.

Leo turned to Juliette who had an angered look on her face, she looked as if she was going to kill someone.

"What's wrong with you?" Leo questions.

"What's wrong?!" Juliette shouts. "I don't know, Father! What could possibly make me so mad?"

Leo smiles. "Well, I didn't see you coming up with any ideas."

Juliette just glares at Leo as they walk down the long hall.

"Do you know what we're supposed to be doing?" Leo asks.

"I have no idea."

The school bell rings, and students come rushing out of class rooms. Girls started piling up in the hallway, talking a little to loud in their groups about how hot Leo was. It about became unmovable in the hallway, but then three boys walked out of a classroom. The hallway became empty after a single sighting of them. Juliette's face only became more worrisome the closer they got. Leo noticed something was wrong, and started moving closer to Juliette. When the boys came to Juliette they stopped.

"Well, well, well… If it isn't Juliette Fletcher. Why is it your not wearing your school uniform? Did you just want to show off for me?" The leader of the three boys announced.

It was a bad day for Juliette to be wearing such a short dress. Juliette only stood there with her head to the ground, and she could even make eye contact with the boys.

"Hey!" Leo shouted at them, but the boys only had to look at him to make him vulnerable. His arms and legs were magically tied together with rope, and a piece of tape was put across his mouth. Now there was nothing he could do to help Juliette against the boys. She was all by herself.

The leader who went by the name, Daxsten, came closer to Juliette. He put his hand on her waist and slowly descended it. Juliette still stood there, defenseless. All that came to her mind, was Hale, and how he would protect her if he was here this second. Juliette's eyes started to water as his hand stop at her waist. He brought his hand back up to her face, and touched her lips. He brought his face to hers, and a tear ran down her cheek. Daxsten pressed his lips against hers, and that's when Leo got angry. Leo turned into a werewolf and tackled the boys, they all slid across the floor only slightly injured.

Leo turned back into a human, he had nothing but his shorts and underwear on. He walked over to Juliette and asked if she was alright. She was frozen, unable to move. This was the first time Leo has ever seen her this way, she's always been confident or angry, but never scared. He picked Juliette up, and carried her to an empty classroom without attracting too much attention. After a few minutes, Juliette snapped out of it and wiped her tears away.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that." Juliette frowns.

"How long?" Leo stares at the ground.

"What?" Juliette looks to Leo.

"How long have they been harassing you for?"

Juliette stares back at the ground. "Three years."

"Why haven't you gone to a teacher or your Father for help? Why haven't you stood up to them?"

"You think I haven't tried either of those, you think I haven't tried asking a teacher, or my Father, or even the police for that matter? I've tried them all, but nobody listens to me. They're parents are the highest ranked class, they're my Father's boss' boss. They run the school, the police station, and every company in this town. I can't win against them. The teachers are scared of the boys, so they'll just turn the other way. I've stood up to them before, and my Father almost lost his job. I wish I never have to see those bullies ever again." Juliette was sobbing by the end, and Leo felt he had to hug her. Though he was still shirtless, Juliette didn't seem to resist.

Juliette finally calmed down after letting it all out, and it became silent. Leo sat there thinking, and Juliette did the same.

"There's actually something I've been wanting to let off my chest as well." Leo breaks the silence.


"Yeah, but you have to promise to keep it secret."

"I promise! Now what is it?!" Juliette practically jumped up and down.

Leo leaned in closer to Juliette and whispered the secret into her ear. After it was said, Juliette's eyes widened in shock.


Leo and Juliette then disappeared from the room.


Thea and Wes fall into a small room, with four walls made of bookshelves full of books. Wes looks around to see Thea on the ground with a stack of books already next to her. She had a book in hand, already halfway done reading. Wes looks around, skimming his finger across the books. Thea looks up, watching him as he makes faces at the books.

"Can you not find a book that you like? Or can you not read?" Thea questions.

"No, I can read." Wes chuckles. "I'm just having a hard time finding a book I haven't read before."

Thea jumps up. "You've actually read all these books!"

"Well, I do like reading." Wes snickers.

"You're the first person I've met who actually likes reading!"


"It is hard to find people who like to read these days."

"That's true." Wes looks back at the books, and stumbles across one he hasn't seen before.

He takes it out, and Thea immediately recognizes it. She snatches it out of his hands.

"Hey!" Wes shouts.

"I'm sorry, I just had to see if it's what I thought it was." Thea explains.

"I've never seen that book before, what is it?"

"I need you to promise me you won't read this book until the time is right." Thea demands.

"It's a book. Why can't I read it?" Wes whined. She glared at him then said.

"Because I said so!"

"When will I know it's the right time?" Wes asks puzzled.

"When all hope is lost, and no one knows what to do."

"That's very specific."

"Do you promise me?" Thea asks with a serious face.

"Sure, I promise."

Thea hands the books back to him. Then, suddenly the room starts to get smaller, the walls move in slowly. The room was already small enough as it was, now getting smaller by the second.

"What's going on?" Wes panics.

"We have to figure out how to get out of here." Thea states.

"How are we-" Wes is cut off by a book falling on his head.

The book falls to the ground,

opened on a page. Thea picks it up, and reads the name of the chapter. "Secrets Need Told."

"Is it trying to tell us that we need to tell each other a secret?"

"I guess so. I don't have any secrets, is there something you want to tell me?" Thea questions.

Wes lowers his eyes, and mumbles the secret to Thea.

"Well that was pretty obvious if you ask me." Thea responds.

The rooms stops shrinking, and at that point Wes and Thea were almost on top of each other. The floor beneath them then drops. Wes holds Thea close to him from natural instinct.


Everyone appears back in the living room of the house. Hale and Hazel laying on the ground, staring at each other. Juliette hugging Leo, and Thea and Wes holding each other close. Juliette realizes that she's back, and instantly removes herself from Leo. She spots Hale staring at Hazel, both injured.

"Um… what's going on here?" Juliette interagates.

Hale looks away from Hazel, and up to Juliette who's face looked red as if she were crying. Thea and Wes snap out of it as well, moving away from one another. Hale tries to stand up, and manages to get to his feet before losing his balance. Wes runs over and catches Hale before he falls.

"What happened to you?" Hale mutters.

"What happened to me? You're the one who can barely stand, and is that blood all over you."

"I'm fine, I heal fast. Now, why were you crying." Hale insists.

"It was just very windy where we were, it made my eyes water a bunch. Right, Leo?"

"Yeah." Leo lies.

"Okay…" Hale hesitates, "I guess that makes sense."

"Now, what happened? And don't you say it was nothing." Juliette demands.

"I just fell from a very high distance, but Hazel helped me." Hale responds.

Juliette goes to Hazel and hugs her tight, "Thank you, Hazel."

Hazel frowns, "No problem."

"Hazel, can I talk to you… privately." Hale asks.

Hazel walks to the opposite side of the room, and Hale begins to talk.

"Hazel, you know I like Juliette. Why would you tell me this, I was just starting to get used to you." Hale whispers.

"I don't know what I was thinking." Hazel replies.

"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to get over these feelings of yours."

Hazel holds her tears back, "I will, I promise."

Hale ends the conversation, and begins walking back to the group.

"Hey, let's all go get some rest before another scenario happens." Wes announces.