
Wes, Hale, Leo and Juliette all made their way to the couch, before collapsing on it and falling asleep. Thea and Hazel shook their heads, one with a smile and one with a frown.

"Hey, Thea?" Hazel asks, and the other girl hummed in response. "Can we explore this house? There's so much of it I've never seen before."

"Why can't you go alone?" Thea asks, shifting her gaze from the pile of bodies on the couch. "It's not like anything could go wrong."

"Yeah, but if it does go wrong, I want to be able to protect you like you've protected us. So that means I have to know where you are at all times."

"Gosh, you're so weird." Thea giggled, before rolling her eyes. "Whatever, where to first your highness?"

"Okay, first of all, you would be the princess and I would be your knight. I'm protecting you, not the other way around." Hazel explains, then she grabs Thea's arm. "Secondly, we're starting from the very top!!"

It took Thea a second to realize where she meant, and by the time she did, Hazel had already dragged her halfway up the stairs. Thea let herself be dragged up another flight of stairs, into a dusty attic.

"I didn't even know this existed." Thea mumbles, looking around.

"This is so cool.." Hazel whispers as she walks forward, dragging Thea with her.

Hazel tripped over a box, causing multiple glass balls to roll out. Three of them shattered upon hitting the wooden floor. As soon as they did, a dark gray smoke filled the air. Thea felt something grab her wrist as she was yanked out of the attic.

"What was that?" Hazel panted as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I… I have no idea. We should wake the others up though. It could be dangerous." Thea suggested, and Hazel nodded.

The two quickly walked down the rest of the stairs and practically sprinted into the living room. Thea walked past the couch and went into the kitchen. She grabbed a bowl, and filled it with water. She walked back out and looked at Hazel.

"Let's wake them up." Thea states with a small smirk.

Hazel gave her a smirk back before focusing on the water. As it lifted out of the bowl, a loud crash sounded in the attic. Hazel threw the water at the couch in her panic, causing everybody to jump up. Thea threw the bowl out of an open window, and gave the group a blank stare.

"We have intruders." Thea says simply, before following Hazel back up the stairs.

The rest of the group watched them walk away, before quickly running to follow them. Hazel and Thea were at the end of the attic stairs, fear in both of their eyes. At the top of the stairs, three guys stood. The three walked down the stairs, until they were face to face with the two girls.

The first one had dirty blond hair that was pulled into a man bun, and striking silver eyes. He had a confident aura to him. He looked around until his eyes locked on Juliette, his eyes widened and a look of disgust was present on his face. He stood to the left of the guy in the middle.

The one on the right had dark brown hair that was in a simple casual style, and dark brown eyes. He was cowering behind the guy in the middle and seemed to be shaking. He flinched when he noticed Weslyn crawling on the ground.

The last guy had his eyes on Thea. His black hair was spiked and his blue eyes seemed to pierce through her. His confident stance never faltered, even as Thea's own green eyes reached his gaze.

"Who the fucking hell are you assholes??" Hale growls out.

"Well, I know you wouldn't know who we are. Your brain is too simple to comprehend us, seeing as most of your vocabulary is curse words." The one in the middle says, not breaking eye contact with Thea.

"I have a slight idea as to who you are, but my theory is still far from perfect." Thea states as she continues to stare down the male in front of her.

The male smirked at Thea. He took a step forward, but was blocked by Hazel. Hazel glared at him, and the smirk only made things worse.

"Stay away from her, got it?" Hazel's glare deepens and the male chuckled.

"Why don't I introduce myself. My name's Zero, the guy with the blond hair is Lux and this is-"

"Kyo." Thea finished for him, gaining a glare of her own.

"You know these three, Thea?" Juliette questioned.

"You remember the time the guys got possessed? These are the three who did it." Thea explained.

"What?!" Wes and Leo yelled at the same time.

Zero nods in confirmation, lightly shoving Hazel away so he could get closer to Thea.

"It wasn't very nice of you to get rid of us like that, kitty." Zero pouted, putting his hands on Thea's shoulders.

Thea splutters as she tries to think of something to say back to him, her face growing red with anger. Zero smirks and turns away from the furious girl. Hazel and Juliette are quick to get Zero away from Thea.

"Listen here, buddy. I don't know why you're here, but I'm going to have to ask you to kindly fuck off." Juliette glares at him.

Thea was still throwing curses at Zero, before she stopped with a squeak. Hazel turns to look at her, only to see her unmoving. Her glare softens a little bit, before she looks down at the floor. Kyo whispers something to Zero, causing his eyes to widen with shock.

"You… what?" Zero mumbles.

"So, your power is blood manipulation, Kyo's is mind reading, and Lux is a demon." Thea figures out quickly.

"How did you figure it out?!" Zero growls.

"Well, I can sense demons. And Zero, your eyes give it away. Whenever someone uses a power having to do with blood, their eyes go red. Kyo's eyes were clouded when he looked at me, which meant one of two things. Either he was reading my mind, or he was communicating with one of you." Thea explains. "So, who exactly are you?"

Lux sighed before looking at the group. "We were the previous group to get trapped in this curse. We had nearly made it out, before Kyo killed himself. After that, Zero and I died shortly afterward in a scenario."

"That's horrible.." Hazel whispers.

"It still doesn't explain why they're here." Hale grumbles.

"After someone dies, their souls get trapped in glass balls. The reason we're here is because Hazel and Thea knocked over our glass balls." Lux explains.

Everyone was silent, most of them scared into silence. The one to break it was Thea.

"Guys," Thea says, turning to face her friends. "Can you go to the living room? I'll be right back."

She walked up the attic stairs, and Zero, Lux, and Kyo followed her like lost puppies. Hazel watched her go up, before sighing. She made her way to the living room, with everyone else following her.

"What do you think she's going to do?" Wes asks as they sit down on the couch.

"I don't know." Juliette shrugs, making herself comfortable next to Hale.

"I hope it's nothing stupid-" Leo was cut off by multiple loud crashes coming from upstairs.

Suddenly, multiple voices were heard. A young girl, maybe six, ran down the stairs into the living room. An older boy followed her. In a puff of smoke, Thea and Lux appeared before them.

"Thea, what the hell did you do?" Leo exclaimed.

"I need you to calm down. I'm going to get you home. I promise." Thea mumbled to the little girl, pulling her close.

Thea then turned to Lux. "Tell everyone to get down here, I'm sending you home."

Lux gasped at her, before disappearing. Wes stood up immediately.

"You're going to send all of them home?! Are you insane?! Do you have any idea on how much energy that would cost you? You'll get yourself killed, damn it!!" Wes exclaimed.

"Shut up, I know what I'm doing." Thea glared, shutting Wes up.

Juliette felt tears rush to her eyes, and even Hale was slightly upset. Hazel watched as Thea let the little girl go back to her brother. Hazel jumped at Thea, wrapping her arms around the smaller girl and sobbing. Juliette soon joined the hug, sobbing just as much as Hazel.

"You can't." Leo's voice cut through the sobbing.

"What do you mean I can't?" Thea asked, trying to rid herself of the emotional mess around her.

"I promised your mother I wouldn't let you die. After everything you said with your dad, I thought you'd try harder to see her. Isn't there anyone in your life worth living for?!" Slowly, Leo's voice raised to a shout. His voice cracked as the last sentence left his lips.

"I do have people to live for." Thea says, looking Leo in the eye. "I have you, Hazel, Juliette, Wes, and even Hale. I have my mom, dad, and Kile. I have so much to live for, and so do these people. They have lives that they need to get back to, people they need to see again. I have to help them."

"But if you do this, you'll never get to see your family again! You'll never see any of us again.." Hazel mumbled, her arms still wrapped around Thea.

"I-," Thea couldn't finish her sentence. The group of people had arrived. There were about 50 of them, ages ranging from six to 60. They all looked at Thea with the same, hopeful look. Thea gulped and gave them her best smile.

She watched as Zero, Kyo, and Lux made their way to her side. Thea clapped her hands, and the spellbook appeared in her hands. Zero put a hand on her shoulder, offering her a small smile.

"We're going to help you. This isn't a spell you can cast on your own. You'd be risking your life." Zero says, glaring at Thea when she opens her mouth.

The four take a deep breath, before turning to face the crowd head on. Zero came up behind Thea and read over the spell with Kyo and Lux. When Zero nodded, that's when they began.

"Ne ad liberos spirituum et deduc eos in domum suam." Thea exclaimed, and watched as the spirits started glowing.

The spirits looked at each other, happiness written on all of their faces, before they finally disappeared. Zero looked at Thea with a look of shock as he, Lux, and Kyo vanished. Thea turned to face her friends, swaying lightly on her feet.

Thea let out a cough, and blood dripped down her chin. She dropped her book as she kept coughing. Tears ran down Thea's cheeks as she clawed at her throat. She fell down to her knees, opening her mouth to let out a silent scream.

The other five couldn't move. They were too shocked. They never thought Thea would ever die because of something like this. Hazel was sobbing, Juliette had her face buried in Hale's shirt, and Wes and Leo just stood there.

Before anyone could think, Hazel threw herself at Thea, wrapping her arms around the younger girl. Hazel pulled Thea into her chest and buried her face in Thea's hair.

"Thea.. please don't leave me!�� Hazel cried.

"Haz...el… don't.." Thea's response was cut off by Thea coughing up more blood.

"I'm so...rry…" Thea muttered. "Utar morte aeterna maledictione relinqueret sacrificium


Soon enough, Thea's body goes limp. Leo drops to his knees, eyes widened.

"No.." Leo mumbled.

"Leo, are you-"

"No!" Leo exclaimed. "I promised her I would protect her! I promised her I wouldn't let her die! I failed them! I… I failed her…"

Leo's screams were unable to drown out Hazel's sobs. Juliette pushed herself from Hale's chest and dropped down next to Hazel and Thea. Tears rushed down the two girls cheeks. At the sound of their cries, Harmony walked in with Weslyn.

"Daddy..? What happened to Auntie Thea?" Harmony asks, looking at Thea's lifeless body.

"Auntie Thea's dead, sweetie." Hale says, looking away from the girls on the floor.

"What…?" Harmony's eyes widened.

Weslyn crawls over to Juliette, Hazel and Thea's body. She placed her hands on Thea.

"Annie Tea." Weslyn babbled, lightly hitting Thea's arm.

Hazel's head snapped up, and everyone stared at Weslyn. Thea's body started to shimmer, and Hazel shook her head. Wes watches with tears falling as Weslyn starts crying.

"No... no Thea please don't go…" Hazel weeps.

As Thea's body disappears, Hazel falls forward. Juliette catches her, not caring about the blood staining Hazel's shirt.

The night ended with Hazel's screams towards the sky.