
Wes, Hale and Leo sat in Thea's mothers living room. Thea's mother walked out of the kitchen, four cups in her hands. She gave each of the boys a cup, before sitting across from them. Leo grimaced as he realized just how much Thea looks like her mother. The same dark hair, the same bright green eyes.

"So, what are you three doing here?" Thea's mom asks, looking at them.

"Ms. Parker, we've got some bad news." Wes starts.

"Please, call me Vilot." Vilot says with a smile. "Now, what were you saying?"

"I'm sorry.. But Thea isn't coming back home.. I failed you.." Leo said, lowering his head to look at the ground.

"She.. she what..?" Vilot stares down at the cup in her hands, tears welling up in her eyes.

"We're so sorry.. We wanted everyone to stay alive, we really tried to keep everyone alive.." Wes starts, but was silenced by Vilot raising her hand.

"How did she die..?" Vilot asks, looking up at the three. "Where is her body..? Is there any way for me to get my little girl back..?"

"She sacrificed herself to get us out of the curse.. She thought it was the only way.. I'm sure if we talked or.. or brainstormed we could've found another way to get us all out.." Wes tried to explain, choking up on his words as he watches the tears fall from Vilot's eyes.

"Okay listen, Thea's dead and there's no way we can get her back now. Leo feels like shit because he thinks he fucking failed, and it's fucking annoying." Hale rolls his eyes as Leo's head whipped around to look at him.

"Oh, Leo. You're fine, dear. I always knew deep down that she wouldn't make it. I just never wanted to believe it.. Besides, she's never truly gone." Vilot says with a sad smile. "As long as we remember her, she'll always be with us."

Leo teared up, and Wes hugged him from the side. Vilot smiled at them. The front door opened suddenly, and the four turned to look.

Kile, Lucifer, a strange blond man, and a little girl stood at the doorway. Vilot got up and hugged the four of them.

"Leo, Wes, Hale. I'm sure you remember Lucifer." Vilot says.

"Yeah, we sure do." Hale growled.

"Now, now boys, no fighting." Vilot scolded. "I want you to meet someone else."

The little girl and the blond man both stepped towards Vilot. The little girl ran up to Leo, giggling. Leo looked down at her in surprise. She held her arms up, and Leo picked her up.

"Leo, I'd like you to meet Amadrya, Kile and Lucifer's daughter." Vilot smiled. "And this young man is-"

"You can call me Vita." He grinned.

"And I'm Amadrya!!" Amadrya cried, a large grin on her face.

Hale cracked a smile at the kid, before turning to Vita.

"You're one of those spirit things, yeah?" Hale asks.

"Spiritus, and yes. I'm the spiritus of life." Vita answers.

"Then why couldn't you save Thea, huh? She could have lived a happy life, if she hadn't killed herself to be the fucking hero." Hale growled out. "If you're the life spirit, couldn't you have saved her."

"If Thea had not died, you all would still be in the curse for another hundred years." Vita states calmly. "It was her decision to help you, do not let her sacrifice be in vain."

"You're free to stay for however long you guys want, but I'm sure there's some people you want to see." Vilot smiles and nods at them.

"Thanks for the tea, Vilot, but we need to go see our other friends." Wes explains with a smile.

Vilot nods and hugs the three, then takes Amadrya from Leo's arms. The three wave goodbye, before walking out the door. Wes opens Thea's spellbook and grins at the other two.

"Auxilium nostrum locum, ut ad nos volo ut maxime!"

As soon as those words left Wes' lips, a portal opened in front of them.

"Are you guys ready?��� Leo asks.

"Hell yeah!!" Hale yells, before jumping in the portal.

The other two sigh before jumping in after him. The portal closes, like it was never there. Vita walks out of Vilot's house, and smiles.

"Thea really did choose the right people to save."


Hazel and Juliette sat at the park, looking out at the kids playing.

"I can't believe it's been five years." Hazel sighs, looking at the sky.

"I know." Juliette whispers.

"Thea would've loved this place." Hazel says, holding her hand up to the sky.

A light breeze goes over the two, causing them to smile. Juliette leans onto Hazel's shoulder and looks up at the sky with her.

"Thea's right here with us." Juliette smiles.

They sat there for a moment, just enjoying the silence. They sat there for what felt like days, which only ended up being a few hours. They watched the sun shift into the moon, and the clouds to stars. They laughed and cried as they recalled what happened during the curse. Hazel confessed to liking Hale for a short period of time, and Juliette took it surprisingly well.

"I don't want to lose anyone else." Juliette had said after Hazel told her. "We already lost Thea, Leo, Wes and Hale."

A bright light covered the park causing them to shield their eyes. Hazel pushed Juliette behind her, ready to protect her from whatever was coming.

"Damn, have we been gone for so long you've forgotten who we are?" A rough voice asks through the light.

"Hale..?" Juliette asks.

The light fades away, and there stood Hale, Wes and Leo. Wes and Leo were holding hands, and Hale had his hands in his pockets. Juliette felt tears rush to her eyes as she ran and tackled Hale in a hug. Hazel did the same with Wes and Leo.

Juliette and Hale joined the other three's hug, happy tears streaming down their faces.

"I wish Thea were here with us." Leo sighed.

"Trust me." Hazel says, giving Juliette a knowing smile. "She is."