
"Thea, it's been so long since we last came to see you. Two years to be exact. I'm sorry we haven't visited you in a while. There's just been so much happening lately, as you can probably see." Hazel looks back to the baby in the carrier. "We have another member of the cursed family, Hale and Juliette had Harmony right after the double wedding. Oh right, you don't know, Hale and Juliette had their wedding when they found out Juliette was pregnant with Harmony, then Leo and Wes decided to just get married as well." Hazel smiles to herself, bringing her hand to her big stomach. Then she looks back to Thea's grave stone.

"I fell in love shortly after, and found out that I was pregnant. I told the father, and it turns out he was a total jackass. He ditched me, and left me to take care of our unborn child alone. But I'm just happy I won't be alone anymore." Hazel explains.

"Hazel, you should tell Thea what you're going to name her." Wes adds.

"Oh yeah, so her full name is going to be Thea Rose Grace. Rose being after my mother."

"Why are we talking to this rock, it's not like Thea's listening." Hale comments.

"I know she's looking over us, watching and listening." Hazel replies.

"So, she's like a stalker?" Hale snickers. Hazel rolls her eyes, and looks back to the stone.

"I almost forgot to tell you. After Juliette went back to school to get her high school diploma, she took over her father's company. He passed away after she graduated. She didn't want to run the company by herself, so she decided to run it with Hale. Which means their basically the richest people here." Hazel says annoyed. "It also seems that you're the hero of Maledictus too. Without you, everyone in Maledictus would of died. The world was deteriorating, so we opened up Earth for them to enter. It took humans a while to get used to the new creatures in their world. After we announced that they're here for peace, the humans started to get used to them. Considering that you brought us here and the fact that you saved all of those other people from the curse, you're the hero that everyone knows." Hazel continues.

Juliette's phone starts to ring, and she walks to the side.

"What?!" Juliette shouts on the phone, "Ok… Thank you for letting me know."

Juliette marches over to Hale, and turns him to look at her. She smacks him across the face, sending an echoing noise for miles.

"You son of a bitch! How many times have I told you to wear fucking protection!" Juliette yells.

Leo and Wes chuckle to the side, and Hazel turns to Thea grave smiling.

"Does this mean we're having another kid?!" Hale exclaims with joy.

"No shit! That's what happens when you don't wear anything!"

Hale and Juliette walk off to the side and exchange their thoughts very loudly.

"Speaking of children, Leo and Wes found a surrogate. She���s holding Leo and Wes' child. Her due date is about the same time as mine, so it'll be any day now." Hazel continues.

"It's going to be a boy. We haven't come up with a name yet, though." Leo comments.

"I just want to say a few more things before we head out. My project I told you about, it's finally happening. Opening day will be the same time next year. You're probably wondering how in the world I could afford it. Well, my father passed around the same time Juliette's father died. I used my inheritance to pay for it, by the way, I had no idea my father was so rich. He must have saved up a lot while I was gone." Hazel tears up, but swiftly wipes them away.

"I finally came up with the name for my project. I know you would hate it, but it's the best one I could think of. How does Parker Memorial School for the Cursed sound, PMSC for short?"

The End