Awakening of the 4th

Chapter I, Telekinesis

Mike Ward, the 4th among the siblings

It was during his high school days when the 16-year-old boy sensed something different. He became a stranger to himself.

Everything changed. His sight has never been clearer: he can vividly see things from a hundred miles; and he can literally see the emotions of the people around him.

He spoke to his mom. And every single time, this is what she says, "Son, it was due to the medicines that you're taking."

And he believed that, until one day when he and his younger brother John, are playing Hide n Seek; Mike is the seeker. Little does he know that John climbed a tree, attempting to hide in the branches. Seconds later, Mike heard him screamed.

"Mike! Mike! help me!" shouting when he's about to fall.

He fastly searches his voice and run to it. "Wait, hold on tight," Mike said. Yet, he's too late. Dropping from the air, he unconsciously lifts his arms towards John.

That's when he knew his Mom lied. There is something wrong— suspicious.

John floated in the air with his jaw dropped and eyes wide opened, reflecting his. It seemed like Mike stopped his fall, controlled him.

They both, told what happened to their mom. She ignored the possibilities again.

Mike ran to his room and locked the door. "It was like the scenarios from my favorite fantasy novels," he said. He tried it again to prove it was real.

He tried to lift a pillow and it worked; he tried to move the chair and it worked again. "I have telekenesis. I have powers!" he shouted.

"Why can't you believe me, mom!" he shouted. She slapped Mike and said, "How dare you to speak to me like that!"

He ran fast and went to his favorite place, at the top of the sleepless hill. There he sat and cried for about an hour; he called his best friend to come and just a few hours, he arrived.

"What happened?" Jim asked. He told him everything but just like his mom, Jim didn't believe him.

"Why does in everything I says no one believes me?!" he shouted. "Because it's just impossible to happen," Jim replied.

Mike lifts Jim, who floats in the air by a flick of his hand. "Is this impossible to happen?" He said. "W-what is happening?" he replied shocked.

"Do you believe me now?" Mike said."Ye-yes, now put me down!" he answered.

"Do you believe me now?" The recent discovered superhuman said. "Ye-yes, now put me down!" Jim answered. He put him down gently.

"What are you going to do now?" Jim asked. "I don't know, my mom won't believe me," he said. "And your father?" The latter questioned further. "I don't know where he is" he replied.

"Well do you wanna look for him?" Jim asked. "Well, of course" he replied.

"I'll go find him tomorrow" Mike said. "Im coming, too. You're my friend so we'll do it together," Jim replied. "Okay, we'll meet tomorrow morning at 7 in front of the school gate." Mike replied.

But what they don't know is they were watched by his sister Mich since Mike went to the sleepless hill. Mich is the 3rd among the siblings. She has the power of invisibility and water manipulation.

Mike went home, surprised that no one looked for him nor worried, he asked himself. "Do they really love me?" he goes to his room and sleep.

Mich then told her mother about his plan tomorrow, so their mother locked up Mike.

Mike woke up and tried to open his door but he was locked. "Let me out!" he shouted. He packed up and thought of a way to get out.

He used his power to lift up his chair and smashed it into his window, and successfully broke it.

He then jumped and got out, ran fast to meet Jim. Minutes later, the escapee arrived seeing Jim waiting for him to arrived.

Jim asked, "Where will we start?"

"My father used to tell me a stoy about about a museum in Greece."

"In Greece? But how will we get there?" Jim asked. "Wait, I remember my dad told me that there is a teleporter here at the school library and look for the book Light numbers 36, 3 and 12 ," he replied.

Jim asked "And what are we going to do with that numbers?" Mike answered, "We'll find out later, come on before mom stops us."

Mike and Jim entered the library and asked the librarian. "Ma'am where can we find the book Light?" Mike asked.

"It's in the Mythology Shelf" She replied. Jim bid his thanks and continued to move.

Mike and Jim goes to the Mythology shelf and look for the book entitled Light. after a minute Mike realizes the number,

"Wait! look there's a numbers engraved, try to look for the 36" Mike said. Jim found the number and the book. "It's here!" said Jim

"What now?" Jim asked. "3 and 12? Wait, it's a page," he replied. Mike opened the book to page 3 and he found a letter in half, he opened the page 12 and found the other half of the letter.

"Genius! Now what?" Jim said. "You know how to read French words, don't you?" Mike asked. "Yes, why?" He replied. "Read this," Mike said.

"Laissez-faire, allowed to do?" Jim asked. "Allowed to do is the translation of it" Jim replied. Mike wondered and remembered his father talking about the story.

"I remember now. Allowed to do in French; we need to say it together and think we want to do or go, that's it. Ready?" Mike said.

They were about to say it until, his older sister barge in, "Stop Mike!" she said, "Mich? B-but where did you come from? You have powers too?" Mike replied.

Jim interrupts "Let's go mike, she'll just stop us from going!" Wanting badly to see his father again, Mike bid his sorry and goodbye to Mich.

Jim and Mike shout the word and they disappear, everyone in the library was shocked, no one knew what was going on and they panic.

Mich, run fast as she could to tell her it to their mom.

"Mom! Mike is looking for dad! We need to follow him!" she said, "No, I'll go by myself, I don't want you to be in trouble. I need you here to watch out for John for me, okay, sweetie?" Mom replied.

"No, mom." Mich opposed, "You're not alone. My sisters and I will go with you."

Mom responded with a proud smile and commented, "I'm so proud of you, Mich! Now, let's go get your sisters."