Awakening of the 4th

Chapter II, The Union of The Three Sister

Dine, the 2nd among the sublings, holds the power of shapeshifting and wind control. On the other hand, Vanes is the eldest. She has the ability to pass through any solid surface and fire manipulation.

Together with John, Mich and mom fetched Dine and Vanes. They told them the situation of Mike, persuading them to come and join, and they agreed.

"But how are we going to Greece?" Vanes asked. "Father's way, yes, father's way. No more questions, we need to hurry" Mich replied.

"Can your husband take care of John while we find Mike, Vanes?" mom asked and she said yes.

"Where are we now, Mike?" Jim asked. "I think we're here now, we just need to find the ship as fast as we can," Mike replied.

"Ship?" best friend asked. He nodded. "I thought it was in the underwater? Look at there, it's an ocean" the former asked."You're right, but how?" With a smirk on his face, Jim answered, "Well, you're the one who has powers."

"Let me see it first so we know what direction we will go," Mike said, while he's using his vision ability, something got his attention, a shiny thing underwater.

"I found it," he said. "But how are we going to get it?" Jim replied. "Don't you remember? I have a telekenesis power; I can lift the water up" Mike said.

"But don't lift the water up, we'll attract some people," Jim said. "Then we'll make a bubble."

Mike uses his power to make a bubble to be able to breathe under water, and suddenly his mom and siblings spot it and run towards them.

"Mike, wait! Mike!" mom shouted. "How are we going to follow them now?" Vanes asked, "Did you already forget my sister, I control the water so I can breathe underwater," Mich said.

"I'll go, too," Dine said. "But how?" Mich asked, "Didn't you know that I can transform to any animal I want?" Dine replied. "Then what are you waiting for? follow your brother!" mom said.

Mich lifts her hand and whispered the water, "Twaer Trabeeh" which means water breathe, and Dine transforms herself into a mermaid.

Dine and Mich both swim after Mike and Jim, but the best friends were already at their destination. Mich ordered the water to make a wave.

When the wave is about to hit the latter, Mike uses his power but it doesn't work, then suddenly he heard something Tovewsa which means reverse. He shouted it, and the waves were back to Dine and Mich.

"We could've caught them if you didn't use your power right!" Dine angrily said."I didn't know that he has that kind of power older sister." Mich replied.

"Stop fighting, we need to think where would they go," Their mom said, "Mom, do you still keep the book that dad gave you?" Vanes asked.

"Yes, but it was back on the house. Why?" mom asked. "Maybe we could find some way to navigate Mike and Jim's location mom" Vanes replied.

"Then I think we should get home now, and get that book!" Dine said,

They hurried back home, and to look for the book.

Jim and Mike were back to shore to open the box that they found.

"What was that?" Jim asked."I-I don't know, I just heard it and shouted it," he replied. "Now, what's inside the box?" Jim asked.

"It's a key and a map" Mike said. "Well let's go follow the map" Jim replied. "Are you sure you still wanna do this Jim?" Mike asked.

"Yes, I'm gonna be here by your side, always" said Jim, "Now, let's go" Mike replied. "But where are we going?" Jim asked.

"It says here Mountain of the Dying Star," Mike said. "Well I hope there wouldn't be any dangerous animal or ghosts luring there," Jim replied.

The said mountain shelters big creatures that lures it; only the strongest witches can enter it, but no one had ever gotten out alive.

"Uhm, Mike don't you think it's a bit creepy?" Jim asked. "Just be strong Jim, well just need to find the next clue and we'll get out of here," Mike replied.

While Jim and Mike walk, something took Jim into the woods, leaving the later alone.

"Mike, help me! Mike!" Jim shouted when he's being dragged by a giant snake. Mike fastly follow him, and in just a minute Jim's voice can't be heard anymore.

Mike uses his vision ability to look for Jim and then he found a castle, he went to it to check if Jim is in there.

Mike went closer to the castle, and there he heard his voice again, shouting for help.

Mike sneaks into the castle, but the sense of smell of the snake is too strong. Mike has been seen, he tried using his powers but it didn't work; the snake is just too strong for him.

Mike has been captured along with Jim. The snake shapeshift into a human form, they were shocked from what they sees.

Melissa, the Queen of the Mountain of the Dying Star, is the reason why no one has gooten out alive. She has the power to manipulate the land, one of the strongest witch.

"You also have powers?" Mike asked, "There's a lot of witches around the world, young one" Melissa replied.

"W-Witches?" he asked, "Didn't your father told you? He is the son of the king of the witches," she replied. "My father?" he asked.

"Your father's dead! He sacrificed himself for his children," she said. "But why?" he asked.

"Stop asking too many questions, you little kids!" Melissa said.

They did everything to look for the book, but they didn't find it. They looked for under the bed of Mike.

Mom opened the book to look for a map, she saw the shipwreck, and next to it is the said mountain

"Oh no," she said. "Why mom?" Mich asked. "Melissa's mountain," the children were left confused on the mentioned name.

"Melissa is one of your uncle's trusted ally, we need to find your brother fast" their mom said.

"Uncle Pel? Wasn't he dead already?" Mich asked. "Yes, that's why we need to find your brother now!" Mom replied.

Without hesitation, they teleported to the mountain, and search for the castle and found it.

When Melissa is about to kill Mike when she felt some burning on his back.

"Oihhh! it burns!" she shouted, "Well, I guess I don't need to look for the rest of the family, since they found me" Melissa said

"Let them go!" Mom shouted. "Why would I do that? When you know that they're the key, so that Pel would live again" Melissa replied.

"I won't let you kill my children. I'll protect them" Mom said. "How sweet, but who'll protect you?" Melissa asked.

"We will" Dine and Vanes said, while Mich used her invisibility to get Mike and Jim out.

"You filthy rascals!" Melissa shouted. Melissa uses her power to cover her palace with land. They tried to go back where they entered, but it was blocked with land.

"Well, I guess, we need to fight her," Vanes said. "But she's strong," Dine replied. "Three is stronger that one right?" Vanes replied. "Well what are you waiting for, let's end this!" Mich said while being invisible.

Melissa transformed herself into a giant Bear. Dine uses her wind power, but it isn't strong enough for Melissa, she was hit.

Vanes tried to burn her, but Melissa blocked it with walls. That didn't stop Vanes from trying, she walk through the wall that Melissa made and tried to burn her.

The witch fastly used her power to push Vanes away. Mich tried to drown her in water but she failed, she was hit by Melissa.

Mom remembered something that their father said, "Unity is stronger," then she shouted, "You need to work together!".

Mike stands and helps his sisters. They made a plan to lure her in a vortex.

Mich whispered Vaxretow which means Water Vortex. Vanes whispered Vixritof which means Fire Vortex.

Together, they made a fire and water Vortex in order to trap Melissa inside. Dine and Mike push her using their powers, but Melissa is too strong.

Since four is stronger than one, Melissa fell to the vortex and banished. The only thing that was left is a key.

Jim picks up the key, and gathers his best friend and his family, and went back home.

Mike then says sorry to his mom and his siblings, "I shouldn't disobeyed you, I'm sorry mom," he said.

Mom then explained. Prince and Jim were taken to the Witches school, so Prince can learn to control his powers.

Jim then come to learn on how to make potions and spells. They almost forgot the key until Jim remembered it.

What they don't know is the fact that Melissa didn't die or banished from the vortex they made.

When Melissa is going to the vortex she transformed herself into a lizard. Who knows if Melissa is still luring around waiting for the time, waiting for their downfall.