The Twirl School

Chapter VI, The Saage

" Next week, they'll be conducting Sport Witch. We'll try to enter the Chamber, but for now, let's sleep because we have School tomorrow." Fiona said.

In the morning.

"Good morning students!" Professor Gian said. "Good morning Professor!" Students replied.

"Who's that professor?" Jim asked. "He's professor Gian Salas. He has the power to manipulate plants," Dan replied.

"Before we start the lesson there's someone who had just transferred here, and he's in Blue Unit. Come in," Professor Gian said

"Hi! I'm Clinton Isidro, but you can call me Clint. I have the power to manipulate Air," he said.

"Wooh, Air manipulation is rare," Dan said, "Uhm, how did your glass froze?" Fiona asked to Jim. "What?" Jim replied. "How did you do that?" Mike asked.

"Clint, you may sit beside Jim. Now we shall start our spell attack. Who wan to go first?" Professor Gian said.

"Uhm, Professor," Jim said while raising his hands holding the glass froze. "Did you do that?" Professor Gian said.

"He can't do that professor, he's not a witch" Mike said. "Clint, did you do it?" Professor Gian asked.

"No, Professor. I can only manipulate air, not frost it," Clint replied. "Uhm, professor, is it possible that a witch can pass its power on a mortal?" Fiona asked

"No, why did you ask?" Professor Gian asked. "Nothing, Professor," Fiona said. "Not unless it's a power stealer," Professor Gian replied.

"Fiona, Mike, Jim, Dan, and Clint go here when all your classes are done; and Jim go to the Med's Room and ask professor Anne the situation," Professor Gian said.

"Now, who wanna go first?" he asked. "Uhm professor, aren't we allowed to use our powers or abilities?" Dan replied.

"Yes, that's why we can use only spells. Now Clint, come here in front and lift your arms and say Scherutim Vlosa," Professor Gian said.

Clint faced a box. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Professor Gian opened it, and smoke appeared.

"Careful, Clint. That smoke can run through your deepest thoughts," Professor Gian said.

The smoke then began to turn into Giant snake. "Lift your arm and say Scherutim Vlosa," Professor Gian said.

Clint lifts his hand facing the giant snake when the snake is about to attack, he shouted Scherutim Vlosa.

The snake then goes back to the box where it came from.


"Hi professor Anne, professor Gian sent me here so that you can check my condition why did the glass froze at my hand" Jim replied

"What is your ability or powers?" Professor Anne asked, "Im not a witch" Jim replied, "Did you cast a spell on it?" she asked, "I didn't also" Jim replied.

"Can you defrost it?" she said, "I'll try professor" Said Jim.

In just a minute Jim defrost the glass from his hand.

"I knew it, you're a Witch Jim, go on you have a class to go" she said.


"Mike, it's your turn," Professor Gian said.

He opened the box, and the smoke turned into himself. Everyone in the room shocked and whispering confusion: he's afraid of himself?

The other self tried to stab him, but Mike lifted his arms and shouted Ydresto. Everyone was amazed, the room was raining snow, and the smoke was gone.

Suddenly, Jim entered the class.

"What happened here, professor?" Jim asked. "Nothing, just a side effect of the spell," he replied.

"Class dismissed," said Professor Gian,

"Mike and Company, go back here when you finish your classes today."

"How does it feel to be able to manipulate air? Dan asked Clint, "It's not bad actually, it's just like the other elements, I suppose," Clint replied.

"Didn't you know that Telekenesis, Healing ability, Frost Manipulation, and Air Control are the rarest and strongest among the elements, followed by the contradicting water and fire," Fiona said.

"Hey, you're a Telekenetic, Mike. Clint has Air element. So that makes the two of you as the strongest in the school," Jim said.

"Hey Jim, what did the Professor told you when you were on the Med's Room?" Clint asked.

"The professor keeps telling me that I'm a witch," Jim replied. "Why would professor say that?" Dan replied. "Wait remember the explosion from Charlotte?" Fiona asked.

"Why?" Jim asked. "Professor said that's it's possible to pass the powers of Witches with the help of the ability of a stealer witch," Fiona said.

"So you're saying that, the power from the witch transferred in mine?" Jim asked, "Yes, that's why you survived the explosion" Dan replied.

Clint gave him a bottle of water

"Try frosting this," Clint said.

Jim concentrated and frost the bottled water.

"But how did I do that?" Jim asked. "You have the element of Frost Jim!" Fiona replied. "Frost? So I am one of the strongest Witches?" Jim replied.

"Don't forget ,Jim, our group is not the only who has these two elements," Dan replied.

Clint bumped to a red unit.

"Watch out, you!" Gracia said. "You're the one who's not looking," Clint replied. "Is that so? Wanna fly?" Gracia replied.

"I don't know? Do you?" Clint said. "Sorry for my friend he's just new here and doesn't know you guys. We're going now," Dan replied.

"Hey, Clint, what have you done? You almost get us killed," Dan said. "Why? Who are them?" Mike asked.

"The one who faced Clint was Gracia Delapeña, the leader of the Saage gang, she has the power to manipulate air just like Clint," Dan replied.

"The other one is Angel Laboreda, she has the power to manipulate frost just like Jim; on the left of Gracia is Eloiza Bucasan, she can manipulate Fire," Dan said.

"So they're powerful, but not powerful as we do," Jim said. "You haven't seen Aaliyah Dulay and Shan Chai Delfin yet," he replied.

"Wait, there's two more?" Clint replied. "Yes Aaliyah has the power to manipulate water and Shan has the power to manipulate plants," Dan said.

"They're indeed the strongest group in the school," Fiona said. "Don't be afraid, Fiona, I'll protect you from them," Dan replied.

"As if you can, just remember they're the strongest group here at Lite," Fiona said. "Don't be harsh, I'm just making you comfortable," Dan replied.

After all of their classes ends,

"Let's go now. I'm frustrated already," Jim said. "Did you forget? We need to go to Professor Ted," Fiona replied. "Are we still gonna go?" Clint asked.

"Maybe there's something important he wanna ask us," Mike replied.

"Wait, where's Dan?" Fiona asked.

Then something fell from the sky written, 'Help your friend, find us in the forest.'

"We need to help Dan," Mike replied

Mike and the three went to the forest to find Dan.

"Where are you going?" Eloiza asked. "None of your business," Fiona replied. "What a feisty one, wanna get roasted?" Eloiza said.

"You're asking me? Aren't you afraid to get electrocuted," Fiona replied. "Where's Dan?" Clint asked.

"Here he is," Angel throwing him to Mike's. "Leaving so soon?" Aaliyah said. "We don't want any trouble," Jim said. "After you bumped us earlier? We won't leave untill we beat you," Shan replied.

"We bumped you? Your friend bumped my friend," Jim replied. "You're blaming my friend? Now it's on," Gracia replied.

"Bring it on. Aaliyah, wanna give us some water dome," Gracia said. "Stop it, we're not here to fight," Mike said.

Jim then slipped from the frost of Angel made.

"I already told you stop it," Mike said while he uses his power to push them all. "It's on, Gracia replied.

Angel made a big cube of ice then burnt by Eloiza that made it fog

But what they didn't know is Clint has also the power to manipulate air: he cleared the fog. Fiona unleash a thunderstruck, but Aaliyah made a shield out of water.

Aaliyah then began to make a tsunami directly to Mike and his friends, but Jim made the water turn into snow.

The Saage girls unite and made their power connected as one, and they made a strong force which made it hit Mike and his friend.

Mike then shout Tovewsa which the force made by the Saage turn back to them, and they were hit, and the water dome also destroyed.

"Who are you?" Gracia asking Mike. "You don't have to know. We already told you that we don't want to fight you," Mike replied

Mike and his friend then went to their own rooms to have a rest, and when Mike is already sleeping he had a vision in which he sees half of himself full with blood, ruling the world.