The Twirl School

Chapter VII, The Healer

In the morning

"Why didn't you come here yesterday?" Professor Gian asked. "We're sorry, Professor. It's a long story," Mike replied.

"Come here after all your classes," Professor Gian said.

"Today, we won't do any spells, instead we're going to have some game," Professor said. "What kind of game professor?" Mike said.

"Riddles," he replied. "Riddles?" the class asked. "Yes, Professor Ring assigned me to look for the 6 students who will represent the Blue unit at the Maze witches," Professor said.

"The biggest event of the sport Witch?" Dan replied. "Yes, that's why we're playing riddles," Professor replied.

"What are we waiting for professor? Let's start," Dan replied.

"What is Maze Witches?" Jim asked. "It's biggest event in the Sport Witch. There we can use our powers to defend and attack," Fiona replied.

"But I thought we're prohibited in using them here at school?" Mike said. "Yes, but here when it's about the Sport, we can," Dan replied.

Professor Gian laid a map on the floor, and he gave some task on finding some things in it, after a while he said stop, the students stop on looking at the map.

"We didn't find anything here professor," Dopey said. "Are you sure? How about the others? Did you find anything?" he replied.

"Well, I found some person in the graveyard," Dan replied. "I found it: persons locked up in a castle," Fiona said. "I think Jim and I saw someone who are fighting," Clint said.

"I found a cup who seems glowing," Mike said. "Anyone else?" Professor Gian said."So what was your riddle, Professor? We didn't get it," Dopey asked.

"Students, some tasks are just hindrance to finding the real problem, only five students here found the true meaning of it, they'll be the five to represent the blue unit," Professor Gian said.

"I thought you need six professor?" Jim asked. "Yes, and I already found the sixth one that's why all of you must come here after all your classes tomorrow," Professor Gian said.

Professor Gian then dismissed the class.

"But how about the chamber?" Dan asked. "I guess we'll postponed it. We need to win at the Maze sports first," Mike replied.

"Which class are we going now?" Clint ask. "Professor Nick class," Fiona replied. "We must hurry or we'll be punished if we arrive late," Dan said.

Mike and his friend arrived.

Professor Nick then arrive, and the class is full of tension.

"Why are you all quiet? Did you zip your mouth? Are you afraid of me?" Professor Nick asked.

"No, Professor. We don't wanna make you angry," Dan replied. "Why would you think of that? Is it because of the past and the prohibiting your powers and abilities?" He replied.

"yes, Professor" Dan stuttered. "I prohibited to use your powers so that you wouldn't rely too much in it. Now let's start our class," he said.

After classes

"Let's go now," Clint said.

They are already on their way to Proffesor Gian when suddenly, Mike Bump into someone.

"I'm sorry, miss," Mike said while they both pick up the things. "It's ok," she replied. "Let's go," Fiona said. "Isn't she beautiful, Mike?" Dan said. "Stop it Dan, or I'll hit you with thunderstruck," Fiona replied.

They enter Professor Gian Room.

"You're in time students, we just need to wait a little bit longer before she comes," Professor Gian said. "She?" Clint asked. "There she is," Professor Gian said while pointing at the door.

"Isn't she the one you bumped earlier, Mike?" Clint said. "She's so beautiful," Jim said.

"Students, this is Kyrelle Thiam and she has the ability to heal. She'll be the sixth to represent the blue unit," Professor Gian said.

"A healer? I thought healers don't exist anymore," Clint said. "There's one now," Dan replied.

"Focus now, students. Next week will be the first task of the Maze, and you need to find the first clue," Professor Gian said.

"I thought it will start next month? Why did they moved and changed it?" Jim asked. "What can we do? they've already decided," Professor replied.

"What kind of clue are we going to find?" Mike asked. "I don't know, no one knows it," Professor replied. "But how will we know if we are already found the clue but we don't have any ideas," Kyrelle said.

"That's why you need to think clearly. You need to check your surroundings and connect it to the clue. Ask yourselves what would be the clue in this place," Professor said.

At the event

"The Saage gang are representing the Red unit, and who's that boy they're with? Dan asked. "Why? Are you chickening out? Fiona laughed.

"Me— afraid? Why would someone like me be afraid of them?" Dan said. "Just be careful, guys," Kyrelle said.

"Remember we can use our powers here, so be cautious and alert," Mike said. "They should be the one to be afraid of us," Clint said.

The maze is formed as circle. It has 4 entrance on it: each unit is in their respective entrance.

Professor Greet started the game.

Red unit

"Make a fog guys, and Shan, make the grass bigger," Gracia said.

Angel and Eloiza made a fog inside the game, and Gracia help it distribute faster by the help of her power.

"What's your power again, Sef?" Gracia asked. "Lighting manipulation," Sef replied. "What are you waiting for— make us some thunder," Gracia said.

Blue unit

"Fog? Clint, clear the air, and Fiona can you stop the Thunder?" Mike said. "My pleasure," Clint replied. "I'll try," Fiona said.

Clint then use his power to clear out the fog, and Fiona stop the thunder.

"Nice job guys. Now let's go," Kyrelle said. "Be careful, Kyrelle," Jim and Mike said.

Yellow Unit

"Fiat, can you bring back the grass to the way they were?" Sid asked. "Yes," he replied.

"Can you make a flood over Red unit Stacy?" Sid said. "Let me handle them," She replied.

"let's go now," Melo said.

Green Unit

"Don't bother them, we need to find the clue first," Lay said. "We need to split up into three teams, so that we will find the clue faster," Vlie said.

"May and Star, go east. Lay and Vein, go west, and Vlie come with me," Dwindle said.

Red unit

They were been hit by the flood Stacy made

"Those yellow, I'll make them pay for this," Eloiza said. "Let's hunt them," Sef replied. "Split them all, Eloiza" Gracia said.

Eloiza then makes a fire making each member be separated from their unit.


"What now, Mike?" Dan asked. "Go find the clue, use your power if must," Mike said.

Mike is with Fiona. Dan is with Clint, and Kyrelle is with Jim

Zone 1

Eloiza and Angel saw Stacy and Tin

"Hi, Stacy. You will pay for what you've done," Eloiza said. "You think I'm afraid of you? My power is stronger than yours," Stacy replied.

"Not too strong if I frost you," Angel replied.

Eloiza then tried to burn them, but Stacy's power is too strong for Eloiza. Angel begins to frost Stacy, but Tin suddenly releases a thunder strike in which suddenly Eloiza and Angel were hit.

When Tin and Stacy is about to leave, Angel frost them.

"Too bad you can't join the game now," Eloiza said.

Yellow Unit

"Let's go now, we already found a clue," Sid said. "But wait where's Tin and Stacy?" Melo asked.

Line then knelt to ground and put her hand into it.

"Come on, I know where they are," Line said.

The three then followed Line and in just a while, they found Tin and Stacy.

"Angel made this, Melo can you make a heat to unfreeze this?" Sid asked. "I'll try," Melo replied.

After Melo unfreeze the ice, they went to the entrance and got their clue.

Zone 3

While Lay and Vein are walking, they saw Shan and Aaliyah.

"Vein, hide" Lay whispered. "Do you think you could hide from us?" Gracia said. "Hey, Shan and Aaliyah, there's someone who wants to play with us," Sef said.

"How nice of you to be here," Shan said sarcastically. "Wanna know how strong we are?" Aaliyah said. "We don't wanna fight you, we just wanna find the clue," Lay said.

"We already found ours, but we wanna still have fun," Aaliyah said.

Sef released a Thunderstruck to them, but Lay created a Force field. Vein then attack them with laser eyes and that made them out balance.

Vein and Lay ran, while they're running they saw the four of the Green unit was frozen.

Blue unit

"Where are they now?" Kyrelle asked. "Don't worry, I'm here to protect you," Jim replied.

"Thank you for comforting me, Jim," Kyrelle replied.

"Look, Eloiza there's two blue." Angel said. "A love bird, I actually admire you before Jim, but it's just sad that you would fall for a girl like her? A flirty girl who's small and thin," Eloiza replied while holding Kyrelle's hair.

"Back off, you two or else," Jim said while he put Kyrelle behind his back. "Or else what Jim? Gonna frost us? Just remember we have the same power and Eloiza has Fire, so tell me Jim what are you gonna do?" Angel replied.

"Run, Kyrelle. I'll hold them back," Jim said. "Don't be a hero, Jim," Eloiza replied.

Jim then made a wall made of ice, "Kyrelle, run now!" he shouted.

Angel then unfroze the wall.

"Hi Jim, where's your dear little girl, Jim?" Eloiza asked.

Gracia and company then arrived.

"So you've caught a Blue one," Shan said. "You have the power to manipulate frost but why do you seems to be the weakest among the elements?" Aaliyah said.

"Shan, wanna choke him with plants?" Aaliyah said. "My pleasure," Shan replied. "Wait, let him suffer first," Sef said.

Sef then electrocuted Jim. Kyrelle came back.

"Jim wake up, Jim" Kyrelle said.

Kyrelle then uses her power to heal Jim

"A healer? I thought they didn't exist anymore," Shan said. "This little girl is a healer, you can join us if you want or you'll be like him, alone and can't fight anymore?" Gracia said.

Then a wall of Land began to appear.

"Who said he's alone" Dan replied.