Xuyun - Part 6





Sui looked shocked. The shock lasted for awhile. Xuyun had predicted this reaction.

"Aren't you the physical type??"

Xuyun sighed. "Both. It's troublesome if people know about it, so I hide it."

Xuyun never told this to anyone, even to the higher-ups; because they saw it themselves. He imagined if he ever told this to any other people, they might got scared, jealous, or somehow would look proud, like the higher-ups, knowing that they added another useful pawn.



But, this boy was making an expression he didn't know.



"Huhuhu!! Senior! Do you even have any weakness!!"

He covered his face with both hands. He was…. crying??

Xuyun stared at Sui, like observing some creature he had never encountered before. The boy covered his face and sobbed, but when he lowered his hand, a wide smile emerged from inside.

"Does that mean… you came from the future to save me?"

Being asked that in sudden, Xuyun got stunned.

"No,��� he said firmly. "You think you can do something if your death time had been decided?"

Sui got silent for awhile, before he said, "time of death is definite. One could change the future except their time of death."

"Does it mean that, there's no such thing as a murderer and a murder victim? The only thing responsible for death is fate?" Xuyun could feel the tremble in his voice.

They looked at each other. Xuyun thought, somehow, this boy might notice his helplessness figure right now. If it was true, then, how weak humans really are? We tried to save lives, like a hero, but what was the point? What were polices and doctors for?

Like he could read his mind, Sui slowly said, "humans are weak."

"That's why the future is being hidden from us. If human could learn what will happen in the future, they would surely break down."



What does it mean?

Before, Xuyun thought that being able to learn from the future was an advantageous power. But now, knowing that there was nothing humans could do to avoid death, he was not sure anymore.

Maybe it was true, the less you know, the happier you would be. Even though he now knew the real truth, he was not sure if he could tell this to anyone, assumed that, someone would believe it. But what was the point of telling them the real truth? It was too cruel. Sui was right, this truth would broke down human's spirit.

What about this guy called Sui Shizi? He knew the truth from long ago, maybe he had already got accustomed to the truth? He had known that everything would die eventually. He could even tell if people around him were about to die, yet he could only keep it to himself.

Knowing that he would die before turning 20, yet he could still confess to the person he liked, even going to arcade and colosseum, where did he got that drive to keep living?

"Come to think of it, you came from the future, so you surely have seen how I would die?"

Sure, this boy is weird, Xuyun thought. He nodded.

Sui's eyes grew widen. His faced moved forward, like urging Xuyun to tell him how.

Xuyun told him. Sui rubbed his chest while hearing about the last accident. "Whew," he didn't look sad, looked more like he had just got out of the cinema after watching a horror movie.

"This time…. maybe you'll die from a lot more worse accident. Aren't you scared?" Xuyun couldn't help asking the weird boy about this concern.

"Well," he inhaled deeply. "Fortunately, I can only predict that I'll die from an accident, and not what kind of accident it will be. That's quite reassuring."

True, not knowing what the future would bring, was the greatest gift that humans had.