Xuyun - Part 12






After that, the manager immediately lead Sui to the special seat next to Xuyun. Seeing them talking to each other intimately, he could finally breathe in relief. He told his crew to serve them a high quality tea he just bought overseas.

"The battle is divided into 7 levels. The one you participate in is the first level. You win once, you got into the next level. When you pass the level 7, you got a chance to face the colosseum masters," Xuyun explained, because the idiot junior was getting annoyingly arrogant only from one lucky win.

"Is the colosseum master… you?" Sui asked with sparkles in his eyes.

Xuyun hummed. He gave Sui the tea they served, maybe he would talk less.

"Does it mean that you'll got a chance to battle today when they got the winner?" Sui sipped his tea fast, not giving away the chance to ask further.

Xuyun raised his eyebrows. "Why should I? There are other masters."

"I saw their eyes, senior. They want to see you fight."

Xuyun fell silent. "What's the point of demonstrating strength?" His eyes darkened as he recalled that humans couldn't fight against their own fate. "We are weak."

Sui didn't say anything, he just stared at his face. It was a short quiet moment, before he said, "senior, you're so cool. I fell in love with you all over again."

Xuyun raised his eyebrows while looking at him. Sui looked down, so he couldn't see his expressions. This guy sure had gone insane. He just refused to fight, he spouted words that sounded like giving up on life, and declared that he was actually weak. What part of it was 'cool'? What part of him did he fell in love with? Did he actually confused 'love' with 'pity'??

"What do you mean?"

Sui pointed at himself, then pointed at Xuyun, then he made a heart shape with his fingers. He repeated the shameless action a few times.

"…." Xuyun refused to look at him.

"What do you like about me exactly?" but he couldn't help being curious. He was too powerful that a lot of people feared him. Despise him. Used him. There were people who worshiped him for his strength, but only few dares to come to him and started a conversation. They looked at him like a divine being, an entity one couldn't touch.

Yet, this guy dared to confess to him, hugged him and gave him a middle finger, on top of that. This idiot treated him like a senior, a normal person. In his eyes, Xuyun wasn't a war god, not a government's dog, not a great killing machine. Who was he in this guy's eyes?

This creature called Sui Shizi causing him a headache.

Sui smiled widely. He stared at Xuyun for awhile before saying, "senior, I'm a weird person. I love your…"

"What's that??"



"A strong energy detected outside the colosseum!!"


A commotion suddenly occurred, covering up Sui's words. Xuyun glanced at the sky north side of the colosseum, a black line formed a crack on the air, a familiar sight. Xuyun just remembered about the criminal he had killed last time. Usually, he would get out quickly to help get rid of the criminal, but, this time, he was not in hurry anymore. He was more curious about what Sui said earlier that he failed to hear. He was about to pull the boy out of the commotion, before he realized there were something wrong with him.