Xuyun - Part 20






Every time, one or two hours before 6 PM, Sui would try to split with Xuyun. Seeing this pattern each time, Xuyun slowly knew why; he didn't want Xuyun to see him die. This irked Xuyun. So, everytime, he would either refuse or divert Sui's attention from the time.




One day, Sui would tell him again, "I'm a weird person, senior, be careful of me in the future. Sometimes I would prefer meat to vegetables, sometimes I would prefer fruits instead!"

Sometimes, Xuyun teased him, "does that mean sometimes you like me and sometimes you don't?"

After awhile, he answered, "that's right! I think, if this day would repeat again, maybe I would not confess to you like today, senior! Next time, how about you confess to me instead?"

Xuyun smiled.

Every time, Sui would get out of the bed early. Sometimes, he would tidy his room, sometimes, he would clean the bathroom instead. Sometimes, he would do both. He would tell his parents he loved them. Sometimes, he would prefer kissing them instead without telling them anything. Then, sometimes, he would stopped by the post office to deliver his letter. Sometimes, he would hide the letter somewhere in his room instead.

But, every time, every 8 AM, he would always be in that hallway, glancing nervously to the direction Xuyun would appear, bowed to him and confess. No matter how inconsistent he was, he would never skip confessing to him even for a day.

"Sure, if we can return the time, I'll be the one to confess to you instead," Xuyun said, sincerely.






That day, Sui died for the 29th time.