One Plenty Date - Part 4






Still sobbing, Sui looked at him straight in the eye. "Senior, something will happen to you. I saw you got sucked by a black hole…" Senior must have known. That's why he confessed today. That's why he looked so different today. Sui didn't know how Xuyun knew about it. Maybe it was true that he came from the past? Did something similar happened in the past? Did senior got chased by that hole?

"I got sucked by a black hole?"

Sui nodded.

Xuyun fell silent for awhile. "What about you?" he asked.

Sui didn't understand. "Me…?"

"Will you be okay?"

Will I be okay? Of course not! Of course not!

"Of course not! Huwaa… huwaa!!" Sui cried. "How can I be okay when you're not?? I don't understand! Why are you so calm? How long have you known about this? Senior, tell me everything!"



But Xuyun didn't say anything and got up instead. He gently pulled Sui's wrist and hold his hand. "I'll tell you everything on the way. Now, let's make this day memorable," he smiled.

Sui didn't understand everything. He was scared. So, he walked close to Xuyun, grabbed his arms tightly with his both hands.

Xuyun brought him into the school parking lot. He placed a helmet on Sui's head, the put one on himself. They got up on the motorcycle and exited the school, ignoring the gatekeeper who tried to remind them of the school rules.



Sui didn't know where they were going, he didn't ask either. He just kept holding on Xuyun's waist, his head lie on Xuyun's back. He was scared that his senior might just disappear if he let him loose.



Xuyun drove until they arrived at the coast. The wind was strong, the smell of sea water kicked in. As they got off, Sui was fascinated by the glimmering surface of the sea. He remembered this beach; he had came here one time in the past. He was still a child back then.

"I thought this was the edge of the world, " he said. The sun light shone on his face, emphasizing his small, baby- like face. "I was still a kid. It was the first time I've been to the beach." He laughed.

When he saw this 'edge of the world', at first he thought that, what people said by 'dying' that would mean they would go to this beach, jumped off the cliff, then they would ended up in the so-called 'heaven'. It was after his best friend's death that he finally realized that this was completely wrong.



"What are you talking about? You're still a kid now," Xuyun teased him.

Sui kicked the sand to him. "Now talk, don't think I don't remember."



Xuyun hold his hand, as they walked through the beach. They both loved how the waves touched their feet, so they took off their shoes, walked barefooted.



Sui's hand tightening on Xuyun's hand as they walked.

"I'm not going to die, you know," Xuyun smiled. "Don't you know who I am?"

"But it's not ordinary power. Do you know what is that black hole?"

Xuyun took a deep breath, then said, "I have two abilities. I could travel between the past and future. The black hole is the portal, the media. But I couldn't bring it out whenever I want, because it needs enormous energy."

Sui stared at him, dumbfounded. Wasn't senior a physical type?? "No way," he said.

"That's true. I hide it because it's troublesome."

Sui thought seriously for awhile. Was that really true? That was why senior said that he came from the past? But if it was true, how great the power is?? That could disrupt the timeline!

"But why did you come here?"

He waited for awhile but Xuyun didn't answer. Is there something he hide from me? When Sui opened his mouth to ask again, Xuyun anwered, "well, something came up, I need to take care of it."



What is it that you have to take care of? Did you come from the past? The future? Do you really have that power? How long have you been in this era, what happened to senior in this era then? Why did you confess to me? Am I the one you have to take care? Do you really like me? What are you hiding from me? Who are you, senior?

Doubts kept appearing in Sui's heart. A lot of questions remained unanswered, Sui kept them on his own. He watched his senior almost two years long. He watched his last year, last week, yesterday, but today's senior was indeed too weird. Too gentle, smile too much, and he was not scary like his usual self. Was he an impostor? Or was he really a time traveller, the future or past senior?

Sui was scared, but he was more scared of seeing senior got sucked by a black hole, leaving him all alone.

"How long will you be here? Will you go back to your time soon?" If he went back today, Sui would try to prepare himself. That was right. Just imagine this day as a dream; got confessed to by a senior you like for two years, walked barefooted side by side with him on the beach. That was already a dream he could treasure for a lifetime.

But, Xuyun smiled at him. "I'll stay with you. Seems it would be months until I can go back. So busy."

"Really?" I can stay with you longer? I can continue dreaming?

Xuyun hummed. He could finally see Sui's smile.



It didn't matter. When he used his power for the last time, it would be for Sui. Sui saw his future. Finally, he got his turn. This time would 'consume' him, because he had interfered too much with it. The higher-ups had warned him on this matter. It didn't matter, because finally, after watching Sui's death countless times, he would too.

Sui told him about the black hole, but he didn't tell him about his own death. Like always. Sui never told him about what would happen to him after each date was over. Sui cried for him, not for himself. How typical of him.

Don't worry. This time, you'll live. Don't think too much about it, and focus on fulfilling my last wish, okay?