One Plenty Date - FINAL PART






Sui froze. He tried to predict his own future, but it was dark. He couldn't see it. He turned his head, tried to see other people's, but it was futile. The only future he could see was Xuyun's. It was still that annoying vision, it still hadn't change.



"You're going to go back to the past if I died again, aren't you?" Sui asked, unhappy.

"How can you tell?" Ah, of course, you still can see my future.



Sui was quite annoyed at him for throwing back the question. He thought that Xuyun finally willing to talk to him truthfully, but it was just his wish. "Not telling you," Sui looked away, pouting.

"Okay, I will not do that." Xuyun finally promised him. He patted Sui's head, then smiled tenderly. "If you die, I'll die too, yeah?"

"You're lying. I still can't see the future. You're going to the past again,"Sui punched his stomach.

"That's a relief. Don't you always hate seeing the future? You can finally live in this moment."



Sui felt silent. That was right. He couldn't see the future now because of this idiot. He couldn't see what would happen next. Everything was a mystery now. There was nothing to fear about, nothing to restrict him, nothing definite anymore, because his accurate vision was gone. He could still see senior's future, but there were no definite time. It could happen now, tomorrow, maybe next year.

Just like what life was supposed to be. Everything could happen. You just had to treasure this moment like a gift, a present.



He was feeling better. "That's a good point."

Xuyun held his hand. Really, it really happened. Xuyun could feel the warmth of his hand. He finally could stay a little longer with Sui. Didn't matter how long, it was enough.

Above them, the sky was turning dark blue, the clouds had gone. It was clear. The moon shone brightly, besides it, the stars shone too.



"We can finally see the stars," Xuyun smiled. The background wasn't really neat. They sat on a tattered roof, under it a lot of scraps set ashore. You could even found some crocodiles waiting under the water surface.

"Wow, it has been so long since I've found the stars in the night. Maybe because here's the beach." Sui was stunned. Then he saw something and laughed. "I wonder what other creative ways would they use to kill me next time? Maybe a meteorite crash?"

Xuyun glared at him. "We had visit a planetarium one day. You got crushed by the planetarium's lamp, it pierced both of your eyes. They operated you for 6 hours."

Sui instantly turned pale. He covered his eyes, feeling the pain. "No, no, no, skip! Skip!"

"Another time, you got shot by a rifle…"

"Senior! Tell me about our dates instead!"

"…Fine. Once, we went to a library. You drew me in those books, then tucked it inside my bag. When I opened it, it says, 'you should smile more often.' I fell in love instantly after that," Xuyun laughed. Sui blushed like tomatoes.

"Ah! Unfair!! You know all my embarrassing moments, but I don't know yours!"

"We got plenty of time," Xuyun smiled at him.




Let's find more about each other.




We have plenty of time. This time of ours, where there's no past, there's no future. Only this time, this moment, when we are together.









