A/N: No Prologue Because Nusku Magnus's Background Is Well Let's Say Normal Like All Isekai Anime Main Characters So Yeah... He Also Chess Champion Lol


Nusku Was Minding His Own Business Walking, While Listening To Music To Calm His Nerves For His Finals When Suddenly He Felt A Huge Amount Of Pain On Top Of His Head And Blacked Out.

When He Woke Up, He Felt Something Was Missing And Looking Around He Only Say Darkness. He Suddenly See's What He's Missing... A FREAKING BODY... So After Many Hours Of Panic He Finally Calms Down And Just Says

Nusku: Welp I Guess I Died That's The Only Explanation Because Who Would Be Dumb Enough To Not Know By The Fact He Is Missing His Body Anyway The Question I Got Is How Hmm?

Suddenly A Voice Calls Nusku Out And Tells Him

Voice: Hello Nusku, I Am The God Also Owner Of The Void And You Died By A Cat That Dropped A Metal Pot 100 Or So Km Above You.

Nusku Is Shock That A Cat Killed Him And Shocked Because How Did A Cat Move A Metal Pot Outside A Window To Hit Him

Nusku: So I Got A Question How Did A Cat Move The Pot And Dropped It Out The Window?

Void Owner: Well To Be Perfectly Honest I Don't Really Know

Nusku Gave Up And Ask A Question To The God

Nusku: So What Now?

Void Owner: Well It's Either Hell, Heaven, Or You Could Try To Beat Me In Chess 10 Times To Reincarnate In Any World You Like For The Start With 5 Wishes Without Limit And A System That's A Guide That Shows Stats, Has A Inventory, And That's Has A Really Advanced Humanoid A.I.

Nusku: I'll Take The Last Option At Least It Will Be Fun

Void Owner: Really Hoping You Would Say That

After Probably 100 Matches Just To Kill Time, Nusku Won The First 10 In A Row And Just Played Relaxed After For The Sakes Of Playing Chess With God

Void Owner: Well You Won The Bet But Man That Was Fun Let's Play In A Later Date So... What Will Be Your 5 Wishes And What Starting World Will You Choose?

Nusku: Can I Get A Minute Or Many Hours

Void Owner: Sure Wake Me When You Are Ready

With That The God Sleeps While Nusku Thinks Of His Wishes Because He Already Chosen His Starting World So After Several Hours Of Thinking He Finally Has His Wishes Ready

Nusku: Hey God I'm Ready!

Void Owner: Oh Ok, Tell Me Your Wishes Then Your Starting World, And We Will Deal With Appearance After

Nusku: Ok,

1st, I Will Like An Energy Generator So I Will Have Infinite Mana/Chakra/Ki/Soul Power/ ext.

2nd, I Will Like Attack Creation Which Creates Spells, Jutsu's And More With My Energies

3rd, I Want Every Affinity That Includes Space, Time And Sub-Elements So I Can Be Versatile

4th, I Want True Immortality And I Can Give Immortality To My Loved Ones But Not True Immortality

5th, I Want To Be Able To Travel The Multiverse

Void Owner: Very Good If You Didn't Get Immortality You Would Not See All The Universes Anyway I Will Grant These Wishes After You Reincarnate Now What's Your Starting World?

Nusku: I Will Choose, "In Another World With A Smartphone" When Touya Gets Reincarnated And Can My System Have A Smartphone Function So I Won't Get Bored And To Read Webnovel On It

Void Owner(VO): Ok And I'll Add It. Now For Your Appearance?

Nusku: Make Me Look Like Kirito From SAO But With Red Eyes And Can You Make Me Wear A Suit Like Touya's But Instead Of Dark Blue Make Mines Black I Also Want To Be The Same Age As Him

VO: Ok Done Now First Let Me Integrate The System To Your Soul And I'll Send You Right A Way

A Few Minutes Later Nusku Hears A Ding

{*Ding* System Integrating






Integration Complete}

Nusku: System?

{System Welcomes Host}

Nusku: Do You Have A Name?

{System Does Not Have Name, Host Can Input Name}

Nusku: I'll Call You Asu And You Can Call Me Nusku

{Thanks Nusku}

VO: Well That's It For Me I Hope You Enjoy Your Journey Bye

Nusku: Bye God

And With A Snap Of Gods Finger Nusku Is Sucked In A Portal...