Waking Up Next To Touya+ Other Stuff

A/N: Never Take Me Seriously Because I Am Chaos Itself HAHAHA Also No NTR


Nusku Is Seen Under A Tree Asleep And Next To Him Is A Young Boy Named Touya. The Next Moment Nusku Wakes Up.

Nusku:'So I Woke Up Next To Touya Welp Better Get Ready Before He Wakes Up.. Asu'

{Yes Nusku?}

Nusku:'Show Me My Stats And Touya Stats'


Name: Nusku Magnus

Age: 15

Strength: 50

Agility: 50

Endurance: 50

Intelligence: 100

Energy: ????

Affinity: All


{ Name: Touya Mochizuki


Strength: 30

Agility: 30

Endurance: 30

Intelligence: 20-30

Energy: 30-40

Affinity: All Except Space,Time, And All That Crazy Stuff


Nusku:' So I Am Stronger Then Humans And Some Demi-Human In Strength'

Touya Eyes Starts To Flutter And Nusku Notices And Try To Give Him A Hand

Nusku: Need A Hand?

Touya: OH Uhhh, Thanks

Touya Grabs Nusku's Hand

Nusku: My Name Is Nusku Magnus

Touya: My Name Is Mochizuki Touya

Nusku: Uhh Your First Name Is Touya Right?

Touya: Oh, Yes It Is

Nusku: Wel-

Touya's Phone Starts Ringing

Nusku: Your Going To Pick That Up?

Touya: Yes Excuse Me

After Touya Chats With His God

Touya: Your Not From This World Aren't You?

Nusku: Yep, Same As You Anyway Let's Look For A Town Using Your Maps It May Be Easy

Touya: Ok Let's Go

After All The Scenes Touya Did With The Fashion Guy In The Original Only Including Nusku They Start To Head To The Silver Moon Inn But They Heard A Yelling Coming From An Alley

Nusku: Let's Check It Out

Touya Nods To That And When They Get There They See 4 People 2 Girls With Silver Hair At The End Of The Alley 2 Men With One Carrying A Crystal Antler It Seems As Though The 2 Girls Did Their Request And Are Not Getting The Money They Agreed On, So Touya Goes And Ask If He Can Buy The Antler For A Gold Coin The Girls Agree And He Broke It The 2 Men Try To Attack But I Step In And Kick One To The Wall While Touya Deals With The Other One

Nusku: Easier Then Expected

Touya: If I Would've Known They Were This Weak I Could've Just Taken The Antler

Nusku: Well Beggars Can't Be Choosers

The 2 Girls Walk Up To Us And Thanks Us And Touya Goes And Pays Them A Gold Coin Then We Introduce Ourselves

Nusku: My Name Is Nusku Magnus Pleasure To Meet You

Touya: I Am Mochizuki Touya

The Girl With Long Hair: Mochizuki Is A Rare Name

Touya: Oh Actually Touya My Name Mochizuki Is My Family Name

Girl With Short Hair: Oh, Your From Eashen Then?

Nusku: No, He Is From Somewhere Else That Has The Same Naming Sense 'Good Thing I Save Him From Letting Them Think He Is Not From Eashen'

Girl With Long Hair: Well I Am Elze Silhoueska

Girl With Short Hair: I Am Linze Silhoueska

Nusku: Well Bye We Need To Heading To The Silver Moon Inn To Get Our Rooms

Elze: Hey, That's Where We Are Staying

Touya: Then You Can Tag Along Since We Are Already Going There

Linze: Ok

The 4 Of Them Were Walking When Nusku Remembered

Nusku: Hey Can One Of You Teach Touya Magic And Literacy Because He New To These Kinda Thing

Touya:*embarrassed* Well He's Not Wrong

Elze: Wait Your Telling Me Touya Is Illiterate!

Nusku: Yep

Linze: Well I Can Help With The Literacy But What Is His Affinities To Magic?

Nusku: Well I Know Mine But I Mind As Well Test But He Doesn't Know His So Let's Test Our Magic Affinities And Let's Do It Outside Though After We Get Are Rooms

Linze: Ok, We'll Do It After Checking In

After Checking In They First Test The Affinities Outside The Inn

Nusku: Well Let Touya Go First

After Checking Through The Affinities Linze And Elze Are Shocked Because Touya Can Use All Affinities In Their World

Nusku: Well Done Now It My Turn But I Already Know The Affinities

After Nusku Checks His Affinities Elze And

Linze Are Beyond Shocked Because You Can Also Use All Their World's Elements

Elze: What Are You 2 Monsters?

Linze: I Have 3 Affinities And That's Considered Rare But You 2 Have All The Affinities That's Incredible

Nusku: Hey Mind If We Form A Party At The Guild After We Register And Teach Touya Some Literacy

Elze: Sure

After A Few Days Touya Can Write And Read Their Language, Also They Are At The Guild Now To Register At The Guild And Form A Party

Nusku: Now That We Formed A Party Let's First Get Me And Touya Some Weapons Then We'll Head Out To Do A Quest

Touya: I Would Also Like To Learn A Few Spells Before We Head Out

Linze: I Can Give You A Book About Some Null Magic

Touya: Thanks

Elze: Well We Better Head Out Then

Nusku: Yep I Already Got A Weapon In Mind Touya You Can Go And Get A Weapon At The Blacksmith With Linze And Elze

Touya: Ok See You Later Nusku

Elize: Bye

Linze: Good Luck

After Separating With The Group Nusku Goes To An Abandon Alley And Uses His Space Affinity And Attack Creation To Create A Ability To Get Other World Items, So He Gets A Weapon That Will Match Him Quite Nicely. Its...


A/N: Can Anyone Suggest A Weapon To Use I Leaning On More Of A Flaming Sword Or Something That Can Cut Anything So Any Suggestions Please Help This Lowly Author