Saving The Dutch's Daughter+ Time Skip

Evan: Sorry Vacation Is Pretty Busy For Author And The Author Is Always Feeling Tired And Lazy So... I Would Not Expect Much.

Author: Hey I'm Trying At Least Let Me Do It

Evan: Yeah And Thanks For 4th-Wall Breaking Abilities!!!!

Author: Hate That Guy Always So Positive I'm Making Sure He Regrets Messing With Me Mwahahaha!!!!


After Touya Smelling Blood We Head There Seeing A Bunch Of Lizard Dudes Attacking Soldiers Guarding A Carriage. We Help The Guards While Touya Dealt With The Summoner After The Whole Healing/Recovery Thing We Head Back To The Inn With Yae Joining After Reaching There I Told Them Something

Nusku: I'll Be Leaving To Find Something And I Won't Be Back For Awhile

After Saying That They Were Shocked

Touya: Well If You Have To Go Then I'll Support You!

Linze: We're Going To Miss You But I Hope You Find The Thing Your Looking For!

Elze: Next Time We Meet Tell Us About Your Adventures

Yae: Even Though We Just Barely Met I Give You My Luck

After All The Farewells Nusku Heads To A Forest Clearing Near The Mountains Away From Any Cities

Nusku: Well This Should Be A Good Place, First Build Shelter, Second Find Food Limiting To Only My Knowledge, Survival Instinct And Strength, Third Control All My Energies And Affinities. Asu Can You Remind Me When I Finish Mastering All My Stuff To Leave This World

{Yes, Nusku. I Also Recommend Getting Axe Techniques And All Martial Arts Techniques}

Nusku: Thanks Asu Your Always There For Me

{ It's My Will To Help You So No Probs Nusku}

After Getting All The Techniques And Stuff Ready Nusku Begins To Start His Training

- In-Between Time Skip-

Evan: Well He's Training Hard

Author: It's To Be Expected He Is Your Kind

Evan: And What's That?

Author: A Training Maniac But At Least He Is More Intelligent Then You

Evan: Hey!!! At Least I'm More Powerful And Nicer!!!!

Author: Tell That To The Dragon In The Last Book


Author: Anyway Go Do Your Training

Evan: Fine *Humph* Bye

-2 Year Time-Skip End-

{*Ding* Nusku You Have Fully Mastered All The Techniques And Energies You Have Discovered}

Nusku: Finally, Well Better Say Hi To The Gang

After Opening A Portal To The Silver Moon Inn Nusku Forgot They Moved Already So Nusku Opens A Portal To There New Home Once Getting There A Tiger Is What Greets Him

Kohaku: Who Are You Trespasser!?!??!

Nusku: Woah There Have You Seen Touya Around?

Kohaku: You Mean My Master?

Nusku: Yeah I'm An Old Friend

Kohaku: Hmm Ok Follow Me

After Following Kohaku, Nusku Sees Touya With 9 Girls And 3 More Animals

Nusku: Hey Touya, Linze, And Elze

Touya: Oh Nusku How Have You Been?

Nusku: Good How Are You Guys?

Linze: Well We All Got Married To Touya!

Nusku: Wait Touya, I Know You Have Different Preferences But You Married 4 Small Animals??

Touya: WHAT NO!!!!

Nusku: Hey Elze Is He Telling The Truth?

Elze: He Is Nusku

Girl1: Uhh Who Is He?

Robotic Green Hair Girl: He Is Unknown Variable In Future

Touya: Wait Nusku Is The One That Messed Up The Future

Nusku: Dang Forgot About That Girl That Can See The Future

Touya: Wait You Knew You Were Not Suppose To Be Here!?!?!

Nusku: Well Considering That I'm From A Different Dimension Well..' Asu Send Me To Naruto World In 10 Secs!!!'

{Got It}

Nusku: Well Since Everything Is Good BYE!!!!

After Saying That Nusku Was Sucked In A Black Hole And Sent To The Naruto World While Everyone Including Touya Was Confused

Touya: Well That Was Weird

Linze: To Think Nusku Was From A Different Dimension

Elze: He Seemed Nice Though

Robotic Maid Green Haired Girl: He Seemed Interesting

Fairy Girl: Very Hmm

While They Were Talking Nusku Was Traveling Through Worlds And Seeing Many Beautiful Sights And After Awhile They Finally Arrive In The Naruto World

Nusku: Finally, Let's Begin Training Our Ninja Way


A/N: Really Sorry For Late Chap But I Now Have A Problem Which Is 1st Evan Then The 2nd Problem Is Making Money.... Yep And I Want To Write But Need To Find A Way To Make Money And I Can't Get A Job..... So Anyway Hope You Enjoy And You Can Ignore My Rants Bye

Evan: And Have A Good Time Reading This Chapter Which Is Probably Is His Worst Chapter

A/N: OI, I Tried!!!!!