Meeting Minato

A/N: Thanks For Support, I Appreciate It

Evan: It Keeps Me Alive!!!!

A/N: It Also Keeps Everyone In This Story Alive

Evan: Yeah But Mostly Me Right?

A/N: Sure


After Nusku Got Moved To Naruto World He Asked Asu What Timeline Is He In And Asu Said He Was 10 Days Before The Nine-Tails Gets Freed By Obito

Nusku: Well First Let's Test This Systems Limit, Asu Get All The Info About Chakra In This World And Show Me All The Jutsus As Well

{Got It Nusku.... And Done Transferring Info Now}

After Getting A Splitting Headache He Finally Knows Every Jutsu In Naruto World And He Can Train His Chakra Control Here So After A Week Of Chakra Control He Finally Has Almost Perfect Control And Has 3 Days Before Nine-Tails Attack

Nusku: Now Let's See If We Can Meet The 4th Hokage And Save Naruto's Family

{Nusku But That Will Ruin The Plot}

Nusku: Yeah But He Does Deserve A Family And Maybe I Can Kill Danzo Never Liked Him He's A Hypocrite And A Unreasonable Murderer But Then Again We Are All Hypocrites

So After That Talk Nusku Changed His Clothes To Normal Ones And Walked To Konoha After Getting There He Was Stopped By A Gate Guard

GG: What Is Your Business Here And What Village Are You From?

Nusku: I Am From No Village And I Just Wanted To Live Here For A Couple Of Days

GG: Follow Me To The Hokage Tower

(A/N: Sorry Don't Watch Naruto That Much So This Might Be A Little If-ish)

After Walking To The Hokage Tower Nusku Is Escorted In To Meet The Hokage And After Waiting A Couple Of Minutes He Was Finally Called In

Minato: So I've Heard You Wanna Stay Here For A Couple Of Days Any Reason Why?

Nusku: I Just Feel Like Something Big Gonna Happen Here And My Name Is Nusku Magnus Nice To Meet You Hokage

Minato: Do You Know What How Many Days This Event Will Happen?

Nusku: Maybe 3 Days Or More, I Just Got This Feeling.

Minato: Any Names Your "Feeling"?

Nusku: Hmm Obito, Yes That Name I Don't Know Why But I Have A Feeling A Guy Named Obito Will Do Something Big In 3 Or More Days!

Minato:'How Does He Know Obito?' Can You Explain Why You Know The Name Obito?

Nusku: Oh I've Seen This Guy Named Obito With The Sharingan Saying Something About Releasing Some Nine-Tailed Beast In 3 Days Or Something Kinda Crazy Right? Also Can You Tell The People In The Room Stop Pointing Their Weapons At Me Kinda Creepy

Minato: Who Are You?

Nusku: Me Well I'm Nusku Magnus A Very Powerful Ninja With An Axe, Why Do You Ask?

Minato: What Ask?

Nusku: Oh, This One!

After Saying That Nusku Pulls Out The Leviathan Axe From His Spacial Storage And The Anbu Surround Him

Nusku: Hey Hey, I Just Showing Him My Axe!!!!

Minato: Anbu Stop Back To Stations, And Mr.Nusku How Did You Do That?

Nusku: Well I Just Open A Separate Space And Put Items In Them When Needing The Items Just Opening The Space Again

Minato: You Need To Master Space To Do That!

Nusku: Yeah And Your Doing Paperwork Wrong Like All These Paperwork Are Just Small Stuff!

Minato: Then How Should I Do It?

Nusku: Well How About Telling Your Elders Or Choosing Specific People To Sort Out The Paperwork And Only Giving The Most Important Work To The Hokage So More Free Time For You...

Minato: That's Actually A Good Idea...

Nusku: Yep, I Look For The Easy Way Of Life To Just Live Easily

Minato: Well Thanks And Call Me Minato Fir Saving More Time For Me

Nusku: Well Nice To Meet You Minato!


A/N: AHH This Chapter Probably Worst 1st I Don't Know Enough About Naruto And 2nd Minato A Favorite Character In Naruto But R.I.P RIN She Will Be Missed And Sorry For This Chapter It All Bad And Forced ;-; But I Hope You Enjoy