This story about murder and lies starts in spring. The trees outside were starting to grow new leaves and Jack was - just like every day - sitting in his chair at the back of his classroom. Most students left hours ago and the ones still at school had clubs. Jack was in no club. He had no friends or anyone he could talk to, yet he always stayed at school until the sun was setting, looking out the window with his dead eyes. He had nowhere to go. He owned a small apartment his parent left behind after they died in a car accident but Jack was the so called 'quiet kid' even before this incident took place.

His thought were a dark place, and he locked himself with them every day. However this Friday was different. The sun was starting to get low and orange light flooded the classroom. He was getting ready to leave when he saw a girl standing in front of him.

She was what most people would call a natural beauty. Long brown hair, mixed with some green and blue stripes, eyes that one could lose himself in and a short stature with medium sized breasts, she was the dream of any boy in school -Melody Harm. She was good looking, very smart, she often scored 100% in her tests, and on top of that her parents were the owners of a big company, which meant she was very rich.

What could such a girl want from the quiet boy who was sitting in the back and never stood out?

- You are the murderer who has killed over 5 people in the last year.

Jacks thoughts went nuts. How? Who? Why? What? He quickly came to a conclusion: death. Either for her or himself. Her parents were business people known worldwide, with rumoured connections to even mafia bosses and underground killers. Killing her would mean a life of constant running. Was it worth it? Killing her was an option, however she was known to be excellent in all kinds of fighting sports. Suicide seemed to be his best option, however he at least wanted to try and kill her.

- What do you mean?

There was not a hint of fear or panic in his voice. Just like always he spoke calmly, with almost no emotions at all. He was trying to buy time or get her to look away so he could grab the knife in his bag. He was kind of sad that his gun was at home, but that's just how it goes.

- You are the killer the police has been searching for the last year. They say the victims had no connections, but that probably just means that the murderer is a serial killer.

Yes, talk to your hearts content, give me time...

- Sorry, but do we know each other? I am a little bit confused right now.

- You may not know me, Jack Dream, but I know you quite well, maybe even more than you think.

Jack Dream. An ironic name, after all he never had any dreams. He just wanted to survive this horrible death game called 'Life'. But that didn't matter either way because he was certain that said game would come to an end soon. After all even if he managed to kill her some underground boss would find him and then it would be 'game over'.

-You do? We have math together, right? You are very smart, the teachers always praise you.

His hand was slowly reaching toward his knife. Just a little bit more and he had it.

- Don't try to talk yourself out of this Jack. I have connections to the police, so getting the files about those murders was easy enough. The only thing left to do was putting one and one together. It almost scares me how incompetent our police is. However you haven't killed 5 people.

-Well of course I haven't, that would be ridiculous...

Almost there, just slowly grab it without her noticing.

-No, you haven't killed 5 people... You have killed far more.

He was stunned for a second. How could she possibly know that? Not even the police is onto that. How did she get that information? His thoughts almost made him forget his goal of grabbing the knife.

- I have my connections, if you are wondering how I know about that. I don't know why you did this, but it doesn't matter anyway. Also, please stop trying to grab your knife, it would only end badly for you.

She knew?? His thoughts went crazy again, but he quickly calmed down and made his decision. He needed to listen and get as much information as possible. He banned every irrational thinking he had, and only let logical thoughts inside his brain. He was now like a machine, making cold calculations for his best outcome.

- What do you want from me?

He was ready for every possible answer. Turn yourself in, never do that again, what is wrong with you. Everything was possible in his mind and he formed answers for all of those. However what Melody said caught him off guard.

- Be my boyfriend.

- ...?

His brain stopped working. All of his irrational thoughts that he kept out, flooded his brain again, causing him to stop in his motions entirely.

- I take your silence as a yes.

Melody leaned forward and kissed him. Now would be the perfect time to kill her, but he was still surprised and didn't know what to do, or what was happening.

Melody looked him in the eyes, her face was so close to Jacks, that her eyes completely took his vision.

- You belong to me now Jack, I hope that we will have lots of fun.

Her voice was almost seducing and for a split second he felt something.

Jack never felt anything. The only time he could feel was when he just murdered someone. It couldn't be that he had a feeling. He was always the cold killer machine. What was happening to him? The sun was now setting and no light came through the window anymore. Surrounded by darkness, only he, Jack Dream, a serial killer without emotions and Melody Harm, a beautiful rich girl who knew his secret were standing in the back of his classroom.

- Now, I have a favour to ask of you. Surely you won't decline your girlfriend's needs, am I right, darling?