Jane Watson was considered to be the worst. She always smoked cigarettes didn't care about one's personal opinion or private space and was overall someone no one liked, not even her boss, even thou she was his best employee. She truly wasn't someone considered likable, her ex-boyfriends could confirm that, probably for hours without end, however she had two things that spoke for her, she was pretty and a genius at her job.

She was a police detective, until her boss had enough of her narcissistic and sociopathic behaviour and finally fired her, leading to a party thrown by her co-workers. Jane however didn't care about that. She just thought to herself 'If you don't want me, then I will just show you how to do it right'.

Thus she opened her own detective agency, becoming a private detective, solving each of her cases with extreme accuracy. Because of that she quickly gained a repetition as 'The female Sherlock' as reference to her name, although she herself wasn't very fond of it.

Sitting in her small room, one Sunday evening a man, wearing a black cloak a hat and sunglasses appeared in her office.

- You aren't suspicious looking at all...

- Are you the famous female Sherlock?

Jane didn't like that name. She liked the attention it gave her, but the name was something she hated.

- I suppose so. Who is asking?

- I want you to do something for me. I need you to find someone.

Finding someone was easy. Jane had her contacts and some skills when it came to hacking. If it got really difficult she could look at camera footage from all around the world, not that she planned to do so, after all that would be considered illegal...

- Who is it and who is requesting this?

- You need to understand that once I give you my name, you must take my request but you are the female Sherlock, so I guess it shouldn't be a problem.

Jane hated that name, she really did. It reminded her of her school life where she got bullied for her surname.


A gun was pointed at the customer, Jane was clearly not amused.

- Never call me by that nickname again. Are we clear on that?

The man nodded quickly.

- Good, then I will gladly take your request to find someone mister...?

- My name is Harm, pleasure making business with you.

A grin formed on his face which was filled with terror a second ago.

- Harm? Like the company Harm enterprises?

- Exactly. The person in question is my daughter Melody Harm. She went missing this Friday evening.

- That's two days ago. Why are you only coming to me now?

- We didn't want to make this public. If news about this incident got out... You understand right?

Jane nodded.

- That's also why I need you to keep quiet about your investigation, I hope you're fine with this.

- Of course, do you have a picture of her on you?

Harm showed her a class picture and pointed to a girl at the far right. She was pretty for her age and with her hair dyed, she stood out even more.

- I will take the case. We will discuss payment once I've found her. Can I keep the picture?

- Of course. Whatever you need. Here is my card, just call me if you need anything else.

He left the room, looking suspiciously all around him to make sure that no one noticed him.

Jane had heard all kinds of stories about that man. That he was in contact with the higher ups of the underworld and that some people working under him suddenly disappeared but no one ever ordered her to do any sort of investigation about him, so she didn't care about those stories. What she did know however were a few things. That man was not normal.

After pointing a gun at him, he seemed to be shocked, but it was an act. He shouted in panic but then was completely calm after someone just threatened his life, even going so far as to say 'pleased to make business with you'? Something was not right.

The other thing that was odd was the picture. He clearly came prepared to bring a picture of his daughter. He had time to search, but he only had an old class picture? His daughter must have a social media account, so why didn't he take a picture from there? It was truly something that didn't make sense, however Jane didn't bother with it after all Melody was her target, not Harm himself. She went through all that during their conversation, however she did agree because she saw an opportunity. An opportunity to get a lot of money really quick.

The girl was outstanding with her looks alone, and probably wasn't used to the outside world, at least if the stories were true. Finding her should be fairly easy. And Harm had a lot of money, charging him a high price was no problem. Grinning to herself Jane was certain she could find that kid quickly and she started to smoke again. Starting to look for her now would just be a bother. She was probably fine, being at a friend's place or somewhere similar.

However there was the option that she was kidnapped. And that could mean every minute counts. If Jane would find her dead, her father probably wouldn't pay. Coming up with a compromise for herself, she searched up Melody Harms social media accounts.

There was nothing special about them. Just some pictures of her in front of various locations. From the looks of it she had quite a few followers and the pictures themselves were looking high quality. Under each of them the photographer was linked, a boy named Phil. After waiting for a while, Phil answered her message.

I saw your pictures of Melody, are you her boyfriend or something?

No xD! I am someone she ordered to take pictures. She pays me for the job.

He got payed? That ruled the possibly of him being a friend out. However maybe he could still help her.

Do you know where she is rn? She doesn't answer my calls! -.-

Haha! Yeah she can be stubborn, right? I don't know where she is exactly, but from what I know she doesn't even have any friends. You're the first one I've met.

Ok, thanks anyway! ^^

Sure no problem at all :)

- No friends... That makes things more difficult... Ah screw it! I will just watch some TV for now, I did all I could.

"...for that contribution Sarah. Now on a more serious note, there has been another murder last night, this time with a message. John Glee with more.

- Thank you Kyle. It is true that the victim has a message written with blood on his chest: 'Watch out'. The police still insists that the murders that happened this year are in no relation to each other, however with a message like this we can't be too sure about that. This time however we have a witness who claims to have seen two people, likely teenagers around the age of 17, running away from the scene. A boy with black hair and a scar over his left eye and a girl, wearing a hood. If those two are related to that horrible crime at all is still unclear. Back to you Kyle.

Thank you for that information John, now we come to..."

A scar over his left eye... age 17... black hair... Jane dropped her coffee mug, leading her to swear, but that didn't matter, she had no time to clean up. She needed to confirm something. Jane looked at her desk, which still had the class picture of Harm's daughter on it. She looked at the picture intensely, -until she found what she was looking for.

A boy wearing a black shirt in the far left corner of the picture. He had messy black hair and his face showed no smile like the other did. His posure was also normal, nothing really stood out about him. But what Jane looked at was his face, and his scar that was over his left eyebrow marking him as the person in question.