- It can't be...

Something was wrong. The pieces of the puzzle in front Jane were fitting in a way that didn't please her at all. She was lying in her bed of the small apartment she owned. Her thoughts were still lingering around the picture of the boy who was involved in a murder.

After realizing who the boy was, she searched up his past, being prepared for anything, however what she found was even more disturbing. Nothing. No past, no social media, nothing. She even went to some of her illegal contacts yet no one seemed to have any data about this boy. Jack Dream. A boy at the age of 17, practically not existing in the public eye. How can that be?

In the twenty-first century it is nearly impossible to have no data about yourself. Everyone has, even I do. So why does this normal student have none? My senses as a detective are telling me to go investigate.

Jane was getting exited. A case in which she was interested in was very rare, most cases were just child's play in her eyes. The ones that did grab her attention however always turned out to be extremely difficult and dangerous.

How long has it been since I've felt that way? Since I have felt joy and excitement? The daughter from one of the richest man alive and a boy that doesn't exist. This seems promising.

She looked at the time. It was three o'clock. Considering Jane wanted to go to bed early this was way beyond her schedule. However Jane just couldn't sleep at all. She was getting exited like a little girl on her birthday, opening the presents. She wanted to meet the boy that didn't exist and somewhere inside her, she hoped that her case and the murder were connected in some way. She wanted her guts to be right about this.

She went outside to a 24 hour shop and bought a coffee to stay awake. Deciding that she could start her investigation whenever, she drove around in her car. Jane always did this to clear her thoughts and stay concentrated on her newest case. After driving for a while she ended up at the school the both went to.

She took out her phone and took a few pictures. She looked at the time. It was already morning. Jane decided to stick around till the teachers arrived, so she could ask them some questions about the girl, and if the possibility appeared, also about Jack.

The school was preserved for children with excellent grades or those who had a lot of money. This was another thing that didn't fit. Jane found out that Jack's grades were average. And with both his parents dead, there's no way that he got into that school with money. Jane knew quite a bit about Jacks surroundings, a side effect while searching about Jack himself. She started smoking a cigarette to make the wait less boring.

Not long after that, a car arrived and stopped in front of the private academy. The big doors opened and the Tesla drove forward and after parking a man got out of the car. Jane left her car and walked to the gates.

- Excuse me!

She shouted, hoping the man would hear her and let her in. The guy looked around him, saw Jane standing at the gate and started walking towards her.

- My name is Jane Watson, private detective. I have a few questions regarding one of your students.

- Ah Miss Watson. I have heard quite a lot regarding the famous 'female Sherlock'. Please wait here for a second while I open the door.

After a few seconds the gates opened once again and Jane entered the school grounds.

- Before you say anything Miss Watson, let us go to my office and talk there. Oh by the way, I am the director of this private school.

Jane nodded and the two of them walked through an avenue of trees towards an old looking building somehow resembling a mixture of a church and a castle, the school. to the left was a big parking spot for the teachers, on Jane's right side were the dorms for children whose homes was far away or whose parents simply didn't want them at home.

After entering through the main door, the entrance hall was welcoming Jane with a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a red carped looking like the one used at the Oscars. two staircases went up to the second floor, from which they took the right one, leading into a hallway, from where they went up another staircase followed by another smaller hallway. At the end of this hallway the director opened a door with a fancy looking key and a room with a big desk revealed itself. The left wall was covered with paintings of famous looking persons while the right had two big bookshelves filled with ancient looking books. In between them was a huge plasma screen, showing live recordings of the hallways. The thing that was most standing out thou was the huge church like window behind the chair in which the director already sat down.

- Please, take a seat miss Watson.

She did as she was told, still stunned from the impressive building.

- May I ask which student is under your investigation and why?

Jane was hesitating. She was told that she shouldn't talk about her case with anyone. So she instead decided to ask about the boy who didn't exist while trying to get some information about his relation to her target, because she was certain there was one. There had to be one.

- It's about Jack Dream. I am sorry but I cannot share all the details with you. What I can say thou is that he may be involved with a case of mine. You can calm down, he is not the one I am after.

That wasn't a lie, he wasn't the one who she was asked to find in that case. The director didn't need to know that she was after him because she was curious about this boy.

- You are lucky Miss Watson. Although private and preserved for only the most promising children, this school is very big. I may be the director, however I don't know every students name or background. But Jack Dream is a special case.

- Can you explain what you mean with that?

- Jack Dream isn't rich, nor does he have good grades. They are average at best.

Jane knew that already because she hacked the school last night, however she could only look at his grades and nothing more, she was a good hacker but the wall this school build up around its students was simply too high for her to overcome.

- But if that's the case, how did he get into this school in the first place?

That was the question that she wanted answered the most. Every student in this school had at least one of those two requirements fulfilled. Either they were a genius or rich. The only exception in the twenty years Jane covered was Jack Dream. What was so special about this boy?

- You see Jack Dream was scouted out by me personally. I was the one who got him into this school.