- Hey Jack what are you doing ~~

The whole room was filled with darkness, the only light source came from the laptop Jack was working on. Ignoring her question, perhaps because he was too focused on what he was working on or maybe because he simply didn't want to answer, he continued to type on his keyboard with his usual emotionless expression.

Melody started to pout to get his attention, which Jack also ignored.

Jack was trying to get more information. His eyes were glued to the screen, scanning for useful information he could use to fulfil Melody's wish. At first he felt used, after she confessed to him unexpected and basically forced this task on him. But looking back Jack thought that this outcome wasn't so bad after all. He remembered that day, that moment still vividly.


- Now, I have a favour to ask of you. Surely you won't decline your girlfriend's needs, am I right, *darling*?

What? How? Her lips were sweet... Wait... what? In Jacks head was a fight for control. He tried to go through the options. Option A: she's trying to confuse him so she can knock him out without any problems and then hand me over to the police. Option B: She's doing that to distract me so she can stab me with my own knife. Option C: She wants to use my ability as a killer for her own benefit, hence the demand. And lastly option D: She fell in love with me. No scratch that, it's too illogical. It's not B or A, too much time has passed for those. That only leaves...

- Tell me what task you need me to do.

Jack was back to his usual emotionless face. It was rare for him to break character and Melody did it in just a few minutes. It was not just the kiss. Something like that wouldn't bring Jack to open up so much. No, the sunset, which changed the mood of the room, her perfectly timed information dumping to make him panic, her way of speaking and her being calm while doing all this... She knew exactly what she was doing.

- Oh don't be like that! We are together now aren't we?

She's still the one in power. I shouldn't go against her will. Just play along.

- Yes, from now on we are a couple. So as your boyfriend I would like to fulfil your wish.

Melody's smile was fading a little bit.

- A wish huh... sure let's call it that.

Her smile was now gone completely she was staring in his eyes, demanding his attention. She was looking very serious, however this look was just making her more gorgeous. Jack was fully enchanted by her looks, even though he would never tell that to anyone. However him not reaching for the knife in his bag, even though right now was the perfect opportunity doing just that, was clear evidence that Jack was entranced by Melody.

- I need you to kill.

Jack knew it. He was chosen by Melody Harm, the most beautiful girl in school, for his skills in killing people.

- Who?

Melody's warm smile came back to her face.

- You see that's how this is different from your usual 'work'.

Jack was very confused. Different? Like in difficulty? Was it a very hard hit, like a diplomat or something like that?

- What do you mean by 'different'?

- I allow you to do everything you want. I won't judge you no matter what you do. But... please...

Melody Harm, a girl that was so out of reach for everyone that she was sometimes even referred to as an angel, this supernatural being, was also just a girl. And Jack knew that the moment, she broke down in tears in front of him, begging him to do it. To kill, not a person, no, she was begging him to help her kill a company, Harm enterprises, her father's company.


Melody Harm. Who are you really? I can't get behind it. She knew exactly how and when to approach me so she would get what she wanted. She is hiding something... Bringing down her own fathers company? There was something that Jack didn't know, and it was bugging him. However even he couldn't bring himself to turn her down after she started to cry in his arms. He decided to help her in the end, even though she reassured him that she wouldn't tell anyone about his secret if he declined.

- Idiot... that's not how blackmailing works...

Jack mumbled to himself, while searching for more information on Harm enterprises. It was late at night and the two of them were in Jacks dorm room, having the bare minimum of lights on, so no one would check up on him.

Melody had her mobile light on, and was very interested in Jacks room.

- That's the first time I am in a boys room. It's very... practical.

She was blushing a little bit while searching through his bookshelf.

- I don't need anything that doesn't benefit me...

- Huh?! You talked to me! Jack!

She was getting excited and tried to hug him, but Jack was holding her off with his hand.

The last three hours he was working constantly on his laptop, ignoring everything melody did. After their conversation, Jack lead her to his room and she gave him a bit more details, however Jack felt that she wasn't telling the whole truth. After that she demanded that he told her his story, but Jack just told her that she should be quietly interacting with the stuff he had in his room, because he had to work. Because of that Melody was looking through his room, which didn't have a lot of furniture in it. There was a bed in one corner of the room, with plain bed linen. There was a closet for clothes, a desk with a laptop and the shelf with books. After confirming that there was nothing of interest in his room, she tried to talk with Jack, who was ignoring her for the last three hours, and that how we ended up here.

- Why are you only now searching my room with interest in the first place? You had about three hours to do so.

- Ah, you see, you said I should interact with the stuff you have in your room, however the most interesting thing in this room is... you...

- Oh... Ok?

- But you ignored me, so I decided to... you know...

Melody was clearly blushing. The next part she whispered out of embarrassment.

- Search for your 'dirty' magazines...

Jack was shocked. Not because of her intentions behind searching his room, but because of her being this innocent. He never heard anyone using the term 'dirty' magazines. And her not being aware of internet pornography was also astounding to him. She must be really spoiled or just really unworldly.

After his fascination with Melody acting like an adorable innocent child, he suppressed a smile

- Melody...

- Please call me Mel...

- Fine then Mel. Mel, how familiar are you with the internet?

- I have used it for school projects before. And I have someone who sometimes takes and uploads pictures of me on social media, but that's about it.

- That actually explains why you didn't played on your phone to distract you before...

- Huh?

- Never mind that... Mel, in this day and age you won't find stuff like ''dirty' magazines' in a boys room.

- Oh, so you don't... want to look at, you know...

Melody's embarrassment was unbearable, and her face was completely reddish pink.

- No, you misunderstand. You can look stuff like that up on the internet. No one needs the analogous form anymore.

- Huh?

Melody seemed to have stopped working.

- I mean that if you want to jerk off, you can just go and look up porn on the internet.

Jack had -like always- no expression while saying those words, while Melody's face was practically glowing in signal red, screaming in embarrassment.