- Quiet down! The others are sleeping, and girl are either way not allowed in the boys dorm, especially when she isn't even from the dorms and that it's this late at night certainly isn't helping either...

Jack looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was two twenty, the middle of the night.

- S- sorry...

Melody's embarrassment was written in her face, you could practically see steam coming out of her ears.

- There is no helping it, just be quiet for a while.

They sat in silence for a while, during which jacks ears were laying on his door, to listen if someone was approaching them. After a minute Jack could hear footsteps and grumbling. He was right, the janitor was coming to look what was wrong. Apparently Melody's little shriek was louder than he imagined, or the janitor just had a light sleep, either way, he needed to hide Melody, quick.

- Damn it... Melo- Mel.

- Y-yes?

- Get inside the closet.

- Wha-?

- Just do it. Please, it would be very bad if they discover us now.

Melody nodded. She opened the door to the closet and Jack quickly pulled out some clothes in a seemingly random order. But then something happened in front Melody's eyes that astounded her. The Back of the closet glided to the side and a small room appeared behind it. It was small, but big enough for one person to fit in. This hidden room was for weapon storage. The wall was spiked with various weapons. Melody didn't know the names of them but she could make out a small gun, a sniper which took a large portion of the space on the wall, some high quality looking knifes, and a set of clothes, that reminded her of a military uniform, paired with night vision glasses. However she had little to no time to think about all that, because Jack forcefully shoved her in the closet and closed the doors leaving her in darkness. It wasn't comfortable, but it had to do. With the clothes Jack threw out gone, she was able to lean forward a bit and lay her ears on the door to eavesdrop on what was happening outside. She could hear some rustling, which she assumed came from Jack hiding the clothes somewhere, probably under the small place under his bed. After that Melody assumed that Jack waited for the knocking on his door, because it became silent and she could feel the tension even in the closet.

'Knock Knock'

The door opened and Melody tried to press her ear even more against the wood. She was feeling exited and terrified at the same time, however her excitement of seeing, or at least hearing Jack interact with someone in such a tense situation was winning the upper hand and she was completely engaged in the conversation before her.

- Jack, you shouldn't be awake at such a time.

- Ah, I am sorry, I was studying and it looks like I forgot the time.

- Jack.

His voice got darker.

- You? Studying? You don't need to study, do you? Why would you lie to me?

It got silent very quick, the only thing Melody could hear were the ambient sounds of the night.

- You accuse me of lying? You know that I would never lie to him.

- That's what you keep telling me, however I am not so sure about that. You lie to other people all the time, always. Why would you make an exception for me or him?

- He saved me. He taught me what I know. He is the reason I am standing here. And you dare to oppose that fact? Look at you, in his mid-twenties and how do you spend your life? You live in a small house beside the dorms of a school, working as a janitor, still hoping to marry some rich girl. You are pathetic.

- I don't need to hear that from a virgin orphan brat, who lives off of other people. At least I make my own money!

- I do so too. Oh? Hasn't he told you? I get paid. A lot. How do you think I can afford to live here? Even you aren't brain dead enough that you would think he would save me out the kindness of his heart.

Even while insulting the one who he talked to Jacks voice was calm, with no hint to any emotionless. He was just like a machine made to resemble a human.

Melody could hear some noises, then it was silent. She couldn't handle the curiosity she had and dared to open the closet just a tiny bit, and looked through the small slit.

Jack was in the air, being held there by a guy, who, for Melody, looked like a movie star, who didn't succeed in his career. He was wearing the staff uniform of the school, his face was filled with rage, while Jack had just a blank stare, his body resembling that of a dead person, simply hanging there with no plans of doing anything against it.

The janitor spoke in a voice filled with hatred.

- You are lucky that you are so useful. Next time I won't be so generous.

- You should consider who you speak to, because I won't regret this day when we meet in such a situation again.

Jack looked him dead in the eyes, with a looked that scared Melody, so much that she let out a small gasp, immediately putting her hand on her mouth to suppress any further noise. She was looking outside her hiding place again, the man had put Jack down on the floor again. He tried to play Jacks warning of, but looking closely he was shivering ever so slightly.

Meanwhile Jack was relaxed and began smoothing his clothes.

- To answer your question from before, I was studying up on various types on weapons. I am planning to learn a new skill.

- Tsk...

Although displeased he seemed to accept that excuse, perhaps because he was still afraid of Jack.

- The reason I came here in the first place is that I heard a woman screaming, but thinking back it was stupid to even check up on you, considering you don't have any friends, especially no female ones.

He was smirking, apparently he was hoping for some kind of reaction, but Jack was just standing there with a blank stare, not even responding to that provocation.

- Damn you brat, never showing a sign of being human... I will go now, don't stay up too late, we wouldn't want anything to happen to you on a mission because you are sleepy, right?

Laughing to himself he left the room, probably to check on the other rooms. Jack opened the doors to the closet and Melody, who was still pressed up against it, fell out with some clothes. Jack looked down, looking at Melody lying there, covered under various sets of his school uniforms.

After a brief second Melody began to panic.

- Oh my god, I am so sorry! He will come back, right? I will go back to hiding, quick help me!

- You can relax, he definitely won't be coming back. He probably won't even check the other rooms, he's just too slothful for stuff like that.

- So everything is fine now?

- Yes, you can relax. Now let's talk about what I initially wanted to tell you before this all happened. I have decided. I now have a plan, and I will make sure to kill Harm enterprises as my last job.