- Excuse me but I think I didn't quite catch what you were saying?

Jane was sitting on a small couch in an office. She was sipping on her cup of coffee, looking at the woman in front of her. She was dressed in a suit and everything about her was screaming at Jane that she was important. She was currently sitting in one of Harm enterprises office buildings. Jane thought that when she would find Melody, she would find Jack too.

After her quick tour through the school and making sure that she got every bit of information about Jack she could possibly need, she drove to her apartment, which was one floor above her office. She began investigating the murder case in which the two students in question seemed to be involved in, just to find out that there were two more, similar cases reported while she was investigating Jack and Melody's school. All three victims were killed with one clean shot through their head, which killed the victims immediately. The eleven follow up shots, had no reason, which lead the police to believe that this was a hate crime. These information weren't revealed to the public, but Jane had a few passwords from her time working for the police and knew her ways around some barriers to get the information she needed about the newer cases. The older ones however were difficult to get to without hacking, which Jane actually wanted to avoid if possible. So she called a few old friends who owed her a favour and got some more information. Through asking of specific questions she was able to find out about similar murders, which she suspected of being done by the same person. The victims in these cases had twelve holes shot through them, just like the three corpses found yesterday. Apparently there never was a connection made because these cases were handled by very important people who undermined the obvious thing linking them together. Jane was always aware that some parts of the police were corrupt, but it looked like that part was bigger than she thought.

However Jane suspected that there were a lot more murders done by said serial killer, who had been done with another method. But without having the files in front of her, she couldn't say anything for sure. But one thing was for certain, Jack Dream became more and more interesting as a case, as well as a person. Jane was about seventy per cent certain that he was the one responsible for the recent murders, which would mean that either he was a copy-cat, or he would have killed people since he was eleven years old.

But that wasn't enough for Jane. One of the corpses had a message written with their own blood on their chest. That was special since the older murders had never anything like that, and only one of the three new cases had a message. And that message was so vague that you couldn't get much of it either. But what if that was the purpose? That it had no reason other than to confuse and make this case of murder more important? Her research made clear that all three men who died that evening were employed at Harm Enterprises. That's why Jane had a suspicion that the murderer, wanted to either send that message to the top of Harm Enterprises, Harm himself, which would make it all the more interesting that a classmate of Melody was probably involved in said murder, or just wanted to lead the police into an investigation of Harm Enterprises. The more Jane thought about it, the more she wanted to know if that person that was with Jack on the recording really was Melody Harm, which would make this whole thing even more interesting to her.

After thinking about all this, she decided to go investigate Harm itself, in form of trying to hack its server, because even thou she tried to avoid illegal actions like this, she was pretty sure trying to ask wouldn't work anyway. But as it turned out, it was impossible for Jane to hack Harm Enterprises, you would need to be a genius at computer science, especially hacking and to add to that you would probably need direct access to the main server, as in physically interacting with it. So Jane went ahead and tried to ask for the information needed after all.

- I said that I would like to have access to your main server.

- Oh... Excuse me but I don't think I have the authority to-

- Please don't worry, I won't tell anyone. This will be a secret between you and me.

- Even if you say that, just because you are famous doesn't mean we can throw away our policy. If you would really need access to our main server, you should talk to Mister Harm himself.

- Oh, I don't want to bother him with such unimportant stuff, after all he is a very busy man. But maybe you could help me, by telling me if he has some kind of public meeting where I could talk to him?

- Like I already said, I cannot do such a thing.

- Oh that's a shame... You're kids?

Jane was looking at a picture on the wall, showing a boy and a girl, who Jane assumed were about ten years old, being hugged by their mother, the lady sitting in front Jane. They were all smiling, and seemed to have fun.

- Yes, they are twins, they are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

She looked happy and nostalgic looking at the picture. Perfect, that's what Jane wanted.

- Well life is short, so I hope they enjoy it while they can.

- What do you mean...?

Her face went from being happy to being in shock pretty soon.

- Oh... You know... Just saying that you should spend as much time as you can with them, god is unfair, and you will never know when he takes a life away.

She was showing a gentle smile, while seating herself more comfortably, revealing the gun tucked into her belt. The message was clear: give me information or else...

- But you are with the police, you would never do-

- Lady, I am a freelancer, I do whatever the fuck I want. The information please.

Jane took a cigarette and began smoking. The office lady didn't seem okay with that at all, but she kept her mouth shot. Jane began to grin, knowing that she got what she came for. She had won that quick battle of authority, like she always does. The woman began typing something on her keyboard and after a while she seemed to have found something.

- On that date the Boss will be present himself. It seems to be a dinner party, reserved only for special guests.

She printed out a paper and gave it to Jane. It had a date on it and gave the place where the party would be held. The address was the main building of Harm incorporated.

-Like who? I need names.

- Sorry, but the names are all censored. I don't have any access to that information. All that I know beside the date is the place and time it will start. And if you want to join you will need either an invitation yourself or you need to accompany someone who has one.

- Tsk... Do you...?

- I am not important enough to go to such a party.

- But you can give me an invitation, right?

- No, they are all written by hand and given to the people in private. It seems like this will involve a lot of high society people, and even competitors or Harm Incorporated, that's why the security is so high, or at least that's a plausible explanation, I don't know for sure, however we had such dinner parties before.

- Well, that's good enough for now I guess... Thank you for the help, it was a pleasure meeting you.

Jane had such an obvious fake smile on her face, it was impossible to look at her without noticing it.

- Sure whatever you say, now please leave... and if possible never come back...

The distressed look on her face satisfied Jane as she finally left the office.