Acting was always a strong part of Melody's character. She acted the way people wanted her to, that way she could always avoid trouble. She decided to play the girlfriend of Jack, she tried hugging him, although it was extremely embarrassing for her, she kissed him, even thou it was her first kiss and she really did her best to fulfil her role. But it didn't work.

The first time she broke her role, was when she started to cry. She followed the script perfectly, and after kissing Jack, she made sure to keep him in trance by looking deeply into his eyes. She made sure he would answer yes. But then, once he actually agreed, she couldn't hold it. So many emotions came over her, she just broke down and cried in his arms. At that time Jack saw her real self, even if it was just for a few minutes. At that time she thought that she might have messed up. She always played a role. That's just how things always were. Never show your true self. Just keep acting and things will turn out fine. She was strong, keeping up a Fassbinder for all these years, without ever showing even a crack, she thought that's just how life works, that this is what she was supposed to do. But when she found Jack, that glimmer of hope, for the first time since she was being locked up in that room, she showed someone how she really felt. She let someone through her walls. She made herself vulnerable. And Jack accepted her despite that.

However all of her efforts of being Jack's girlfriend, run against a wall. He rejected her time and time again. All of her attempts of them getting closer to each other, were shattered. Jack had no interest in her being his girlfriend, she needed to move past it. She needed to let that wish go and concentrate on their mission. When Jack shot at her he made clear that they are just business partners.


It was Monday. Three days had passed since that incident and finally the murders were covered on the news. However Jack got spotted by a security camera and now the police were after him, and Melody was being searched for by who knows how many people, not only from the police but also from the people working under her father. Going out in public was the one thing they should avoid, but they couldn't stay any longer at the hotel, even thou Jack said he tried to make a deal for them to stay a bit longer, it just wasn't possible with such a popular hotel located in a big city. Earlier Jack talked a bit to a lady on the reception -another one than before- and after that they hastily left in the morning.

Melody was wearing the clothes she wore on Friday, which they cleaned in their washing machine (yes their hotel room even had its own room dedicated to washing) and now they were sitting in a coffee shop, Jack ordered a black coffee, while Melody got herself a cappuccino and now they were sitting there, not talking a word. In fact they haven't talked since Jack shot at her. They were just doing something by themselves, while occasionally one of them would ask a question, but then they just talked the bare minimum of what was necessary.

- You are excellent at hacking, aren't you?

- Huh?

Melody was confused by the sudden question.

- Why do you ask?

- So I was right. You said that you had contacts at the police, and that that's the reason you knew about my crimes. However I also have Contacts to the police, to the very top to be more precise. Now guess what he told me, he said that my cases were still listed under top secret, which means only the very top of the police has access to it, otherwise you would need to file a request to see the files about my murders. He continued to tell me, that there has been someone who requested said file a few month ago, but he gave it back after a day. I don't think that was your contact, because you would have gone to me as soon as you could, so unless I completely misunderstand your behaviour, there could only be two ways for you to get my data. Either you have contacts to the highest people in the police, or you somehow managed to hack into the police server and look at the files that way. You are the daughter of the very important public figure Mr. Harm, of course there would be a chance for you to get to know said people, but you were also extremely hidden, not appearing in public till a few years back, and even then it was very rare to hear anything about you. The only places you were reported to have been seen were some dinner parties were the highest members of Harm Inc. were present, so you having any contacts to the police seems too farfetched. That leaves only option two, you hacked them. Not entirely impossible since you are a very smart person, even our school handles you like a special case and not only because of your status. Although that leaves one question. Who taught you? From what I know you never had access to the internet until you came to our school and I think it's really unlikely for your father to allow you to learn such a thing. So who was it?

- You figured all of that out, just because I said I had contacts? Who's the genius now...

- I just asked the right person the right questions...

- You are right... I didn't have any sort of connection with the police, my home schooling teacher taught be the basics of programming and hacking and then I looked at your files...

- But why would you do that? I don't understand your motivation behind it.

- It was your eyes. I have seen them before.

- What do you mean?

- When I first looked into your eyes in class... Your eyes had seen death. And you were looking like someone who had killed before. Even thou that was just the aura I got from you, it was pretty scary to be honest... And when I asked my home schooling teacher, she told me that there were some criminals in this school, sons and daughters of mob bosses for example and so I decided to learn about that person I was afraid of. When I found out you actually were a criminal, I was shocked... But after a while I planned to ask you to help me...

- I see, but why me though?


It got silent in the coffee shop and people started to stare at them.

- S-Sorry!

Business continued as usually and Jack sighed in relieve that people weren't staring at them anymore. He couldn't handle large crowds anyway and now that both of them were searched, it was even more important to not stand out.

- What are you talking about, I never treated you other than everyone else. I don't think we ever even talked aside from group projects.

- I know that... You were treating me the same way you did with everyone else... I was standing as an equal and not above others for you. Everyone else constantly put up fake smiles, even thou they were badmouthing me behind my back. You were kind.

- No I wasn't, just give me an example of me being kind.

- You help teacher and students when they are carrying too much stuff around, you won't even say a word, you just do it. You always share your notes when someone asks, you never argue with people, even when they are in the right, you don't tell them they are wrong, you help them finding the right answer without actually telling them, so they are always proud and gain self-confidence, having found the answer themselves. When someone -

- I get it... So I am nice to people. You know I am doing that, so I won't stand out negative? I am just doing minimum effort stuff, nothing noteworthy. I don't deserve any kind of attention...

- It works, people don't notice what you are doing. But I do. I always saw it. I haven't known you for very long, but I don't think you are as bad a person as people think you are. And I also don't think you are as bad as you make yourself out to be. You should try to give yourself a chance.

- Giving myself a chance... Maybe I should... But that's not important right now. If you were able to hack into the police server, my plan is going to work.

He quickly drunk the rest of his coffee, left some money on the table and took Melody with him, who hadn't even finished her cup.

- Follow me, we are going on a shopping tour.