- What do you think about this one?

Melody was wearing a red dress with matching red shoes. It looked amazing on her, but it was not the right one.

- That's not going to work. You would stand out too much. Try something else.

- That's the sixth time you said that! Why don't you choose my outfit, then you would have no excuse!

Jack hesitated for a bit, but in the end he stood up from his chair and disappeared somewhere in the shop. They were buying clothes for Melody, casual outfits she could wear while their operation was still at play, but also one specific outfit, needed for a dinner party. He still didn't tell her much, just that it was necessary and that she needed to wear something unique and special, befitting high society, but it absolutely couldn't stand out. After buying the clothes Melody needed, they began searching for a shop that sold expensive dresses, which they were currently in. It was located in a big mall, and everything was extremely expensive. Melody really tried to pick something Jack would like, but he rejected them all. No matter how special or unique, how completely out of character it was for her, he didn't like any of the outfits she chose. With a sigh she sat down in the same chair Jack was waiting for her to finish changing before. While she waited for him to bring her a new set of clothes, she remembered something. On that day Jack left the hotel room, where did he go? Come to think of it, it was the same day he shot at her and they had that conversation... Melody got upset, she remembered something she tried to forget just now. What could have happened for him to react this way? Before that, it all seemed to be going great between them, well at least it was going better than when they talked in school. But after he came back, he began working on something, he also seemed to be under time pressure and stressed out, to the point where he even fainted once. When that happened Melody gave him a blanked, making sure he didn't wake up, after all he worked the whole day. But once he woke up, he just continued to work even harder. He told her not to worry, but now she really wanted to know where he went and what happened.

- Melody? Hello? I have the clothes.

- Huh? Oh yeah sorry, I was spaced out for a second. I will go change into it.

After a few minutes she came out of the stall and it seemed like the world stopped moving. An Angel appeared in front of Jack. Melody was wearing a white summer dress. It wasn't anything special, but she made it look so good, like it was made out of the most expensive materials on earth. Having her hair open, and wearing the diadem Jack chose for her, she looked stunning. She gave off the aura of a divine being, Jack felt like he wasn't even worthy to breath the same air as her. Just one word filled his mind "gorgeous". When Melody began to blush a bit and looked to the side, he realized he just stared at her for way too long.

- I'm sorry, I just- Well never mind, this won't do either...

- What? But you chose it yourself!

- I know that, but I didn't expect you to look this good in it! We will just take this one, it should be fine.

He pointed at a black dress, hanging on the clothes rail.

- From what I know, most people will wear black, so this will probably be fine...

- Okay, I will try it...

Melody disappeared behind the curtain once again and Jack sat down in the chair.

It needs to work... Plan A failed me... I need this one to work out or else I actually need to, no I shouldn't think about that...

- Is it good like this?

Melody was wearing the dress and again she looked great in it. She was already considered the best looking girl of the whole school, which had a lot of beauties in it, simply because they had designers and stylist taking care of them, but Melody's natural beauty made her the top pick of all the male students. Combined with her being always friendly and helpful, she earned the nickname the 'Kind Angel' and was considered the school treasure. But Jack knew that most of the girls were extremely jealous and were badmouthing her behind Melody's back. Honestly speaking all of her outfits up until now were looking good on her, but she absolutely couldn't be noticed. Jack thought that a plain summer dress and an accessory would fulfill the task, but it just let her true self shine through, which was just too much.

- Yes, let's take that one. I'll quickly go and pay.

- But wasn't your face on TV for the last few days? Isn't that dangerous?

- Don't worry, I am wearing different clothes and the resolution wasn't that good. Also most people won't actually think about me being that boy who is searched. With this outfit, people often think I am a young and rich businessman.

With that being said, they paid with Jacks credit card and left the mall. They got into a taxi and Jack was about to give the driver an address of another hotel, when Melody interrupted him.

- Actually, I think I know another place where we can stay... It would be better and I think she could actually help us.

- She?

Jack was raising an eyebrow, but he accepted Melody's offer, it was better for them to stay away from public places anyway.

After a while the driver stopped. They had left the city and arrived at a big land house, with a magnificent garden, that was adorned by all kinds of bushed cut into various sculptures and all different kinds of trees formed alleyways, leading through the whole garden and ending in the surrounding forest. The whole estate seemed to be that of a retired nobleman or a leading biologist, who was now living on this huge property, surrounded by his plants. Melody and Jack got out of the taxi, Jack paid the driver in cash and they got out their luggage. It wasn't much, however their driver insisted on helping them and so they moved the stuff toward the doorway. It was an old building and some wines were crawling up the walls, however despite that, one couldn't say the building needed a renovation. It was completely intact and the gold adornments were reflecting the sunlight perfectly.

Melody knocked with the huge doorknocker three times and they waited for a short time.

- Maybe she isn't home?

Jack looked around and spotted a red Bugatti parking under a canopy next to the house.

- Do you know if she has more than one car?

- No, I don't think so. She always talked about her one baby and that no car could ever replace it.

- Well then she is still at home. Are you sure that you knocked loud enough?

- Yes, I do think so.

Jack was thinking about it. How could one doorknocker be loud enough to hear in such a building? It wasn't a mansion but it was still impressively big. He looked around and spotted it.

- ...

- What is it Jack, did you find something out? What is it? What did you notice?

- Yes, I did notice something. The bell.

- ... oh...

- Jack went ahead and pressed it and after half a minute the door opened and a woman was standing in front of them.

She had long black hair and green eyes. She was wearing an oversized sweatshirt that had an imprint of the lead singer of AC/DC on it. Her pants had already seen its best days and she was wearing round glasses on her nose, through which she stared at Jack. It was a very bizarre scene that would have probably continued with Jack analysing the lady, that seemed to do the same to him, with Melody being overwhelmed by the situation and not knowing what to do, if it wasn't for the taxi driver, who wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

- I see you won't need my help anymore. I'll just leave your luggage here, okay? Okay. Well, good luck then.

With those words he hastily got back to his car and left, but it was enough to break the tension in the air. The woman was now looking at Melody.


The last thing Jack saw before passing out was Melody being suffocated by a hug and the weird woman that did said hugging, spraying some kind of perfume in his face. He was too careless, what would she do to him?