"Now, without further ado, the representatives of the one known as Nike's enforcer: Mr. Jack Dream, called the black eyed god of death and his beautiful wife Mrs. Dream!"

Everyone watched as the big wooden door opened up and a couple entered the room. One, wearing an expensive black suit, with his hair styled back, was definitely the black eyed god of death. You could sense danger emitting from him, none wanted to start in a fight with him, especially when he represented Nike's enforcer, a name that held a lot of power in the world of organized crime.

The young lady standing next to him, was wearing an expensive black dress, in which she looked amazing, even though the dress itself was nothing special. She had short, wavy brown hair that complimented her piercing aura and natural beauty.

While she was indeed a beauty, the eyes laid upon the man, Jack Dream. He wasn't known simply because he worked under Nike's enforcer, but because of his many deeds. he was a contracted killer, for the right price, you could order a hit and you could be sure than the person would die, no matter who or where he was. It was exceptional work, which had lead Jack to travel all around the world, he even briefly participated in ongoing wars and then disappeared as quickly as he got there in the first place. It was also near impossible to get in contact with him, the only way was to talk to Nike's enforcer, who would then pass the message onto Jack, that is if he approved of it. Meeting The God of death was a very rare event, so a lot of people wanted to talk to him to build good relations with him. However as much as they wanted to do that, they were also afraid, that talking to him would lead to a bad start and of what that could lead to.

There was a silence and the whole room screamed that everything changed with Jack Dream entering. The whole atmosphere of a nice and pleasant dinner party seemed to crumble down, but then Jack began to speak, with a voice that demanded everyone to listen and do as he said.

- It is a pleasure to be here, some of you I have already met, some of you are new faces for me. Either way, I do not plan to keep all attention on me, so I you would go back to the conversations you had before I entered, I would greatly appreciate it. After all the evening is still young and there will be plenty of opportunity to talk.

After that everyone went silent. But after a short while, the ones who already knew Jack from other events, or because they were important enough to meet him directly, began to start talking to each other again and soon everything was just before Jack and Melody entered the room.

- So, what will we do now? Should we go talk to someone? Jack?

Jack signed her to be quiet and wait and after a short while, a person approached them. He was a bulky man, wearing a uniform with lots of military medals and awards pinned to it. he had a military cut and a big smile on his face. He stopped and bowed down to jack, who was a head smaller than him, then the two of them hugged each other, with the military man laughing wholeheartedly.

- Jack, you old rascal! It's great to see you again! Say why don't you join my unit? The whole troop has been missing you!

Jack smiled while answering that half joke half serious question.

- Sorry general, but I have to decline your offer, after all I would do all the work and the others would get slothful and we can't let that happen right?

- Ha-ha! I have missed this! Jack Dream! It really has been a while. What was the last time we have seen each other, about two years ago, in the eastern warzone?

- Yes I remember, thanks to your genius tactical warfare, we were able to save many civilians that day.

The General got a bit flustered and made a hand movement to brush Jack's praise away, but you could clearly see that he was happy being praised.

- That was nothing, I just stood in a bunker and gave orders, you were the one doing all the work, i am still thankful for that! However right after the mission was a success, you left without a warning or even a goodbye.

- Both of us know that if i had stayed with you back then, you would have used me to gather information. Torture wouldn't be out of question either, I have read your files sir.

- He-he, true true but lets not talk about that, after all that is all in the past now and it is forbidden to do any hostile acts tonight anyway. Let's just enjoy ourselves, after all we have a lot to catch up on. A good beginning would be for you to introduce me to that gorgeous lady next to you?

He looked at Melody and leaned down to politely kiss her hand, while Jack introduced Melody enacting as his wife.

- This is my wife, we met on one of my jobs. She is the daughter of a billionaire, and her name is Avra Dream. Please be indulgent, she has never been on such an event, nor does she have anything to do with our metier.

- Avra is your name? Fitting, it is a Greek name and it stands for idealism. Your parents were wise to choose such a fitting and beautiful name for such a beautiful lady!

- That's what I thought too. Now, do you know who is here yet? Maybe there are some other old friend of mine to talk to.

Jack was looking through the crowd, seemingly searching for someone.

- He isn't here yet... Jack, listen boy, I know it's none of my business, but-.

- You are right, it is none of your business. It was nice seeing you once again general. I wish you a wonderful evening.

With that, Jack left, taking Melody or how he called her "Avra" with him, because she was still holding onto his arm. The general stood still, drinking his wine, until some other person began to talk to him.

- Jack... Who was he talking about?

Jack grabbed a glass of wine from one of the servants walking around, drank the whole glass and then looked Melody deep into her eyes.

- Listen, I have done horrible things. And I can and never will forget them. however when I am with you, I feel a bit saver, more secure as a person. So please don't ask me this. Please...

- Jack... I know that you went through more than I could comprehend, but we are a team aren't we? so please tell me i won't judge you, I will just listen and support you. If it wouldn't be necessary I wouldn't have asked you, however it seems to be a factor that could lead to our mission failing. I need to have more information.

Jack looked at her. There was no hint of fear or naivety in her voice, and her eyes were looking back into his, somehow comforting him.

- You have changed a lot you know? Just a few weeks ago you freaked out when I said the word "pornography", yet now you can demand things from me and stand as my equal. I really do love you.

Jack began to smile, as Melody blushed at his embarrassing statement. He put the wine glass away at a nearby table and then kissed Melody on her forehead who was blushing even more than before.

- Although I guess some things never change, do they?

His voice was joking, but then made a pause and his face got serious.

- I lived through hell. I have murdered twelve of my own brothers and sisters. I survived. However I wasn't the only one. Out of the five surviving that day, two are already dead. Their names were Chloe and Haley. Both were well known murderers, who killed for money. Both died during a mission. Now there are only three of us left. Of course I am one of them. Then there is Charlotte, who is an expert at seduction and getting information. And then... Charles. He is a killer, but he's a special one, he isn't like anyone else in the underworld. Not That I know much, I haven't met him since that day, these are all just rumors.However I will never forgive him. He was the first one to murder one of our family. He started it that horrible day... He is called a devil by the most horrible people alive, that is saying something. Many may think its because he is so cruel, that the title devil was given to him because of the way he does things. But that's not the case. From what I hear he is a self centered bastard. He wants to atone for his sins, so he goes around and murders people who deserve it in his eyes. However he only murders one of his kind, just like he did during the day it all went down... He continues with it to this day... He only takes a hit on someone if that person is a horrible human being, at least in his eyes. Others would call him a savior and defender of the weak but he only does it because he feels guilt. He has no noble reason behind murdering his victims. He just wants to feel better. That is the reason why he is called a devil in the underworld. He kills people in the same profession as himself. Calling him a devil... That isn't meant as a compliment. However he is really useful to underworld bosses. If someone is suspected to be a traitor, they hire him. If they need to take out the competition, he is perfect for the job. He makes sure none are doing something that could harm everyone of us. It is like he is the police of the underworld. He takes everything as long as the person involved has done enough bad things. Some call it heroism, I call that vigilante justice. That's why I don't want to see him. I can't, I couldn't predict my own actions. Especially now that I can feel again. I don't know if I could hold back...

- ...I said I would only listen and I did. I said I would support you and I will. But that doesn't mean I share your opinion. You are biased in this case. I must take everything you say with a grain of salt. I know I have no business in saying this, but you should probably talk to him. You said you just know rumors. so unless you yourself confirm what you just said, its pointless to feel hate towards him. However no matter what happens I love you Jack.

She kissed him and gave him a smile. Jack felt that maybe she was right, maybe he could talk it out with him. Even if he hated it, he was Jack's brother, not by blood, but by a stronger bond they formed over the years. Maybe it was time to forgive his brother, and maybe, just maybe forgive himself...

- Now, our next guest is know for being someone hated and loved by everyone. But one thing is for certain, without him, our current structure of the underworld wouldn't hold up! Some call him the police of the underworld, others call him a devil! Now, let's welcome this exceptionally rare guest, also known as 'the devil of the west'! Charles Addington, accomplished by his girlfriend, known for her outstanding research in multiple subjects, Elisabeth Colby!

Then, Jack's brother, whom Jack hadn't seen in years and Melody's foster mother entered the hall, leaving Jack and Melody staring in disbelieve.