Then, Jack's brother, whom he hadn't seen in years and Melody's foster mother entered the hall, leaving the two of them staring in disbelieve.

Elisabeth was wearing an olive green dress that seemed to be handmade for her specifically. Her usually messy black hair was tied into a ponytail, and with her tired look gone too, it had left a beautiful woman behind.

Charles on the other hand was looking exactly as Jack remembered him. Short blonde hair, styled by a professional, a small scar on his chin and piercing blue eyes. His smile was the same as the day they last saw each other, and it was not readable for Jack. Behind that smile could be pain, anger, regret but at the same time it could be a sincere smile. He couldn't tell and it was bothering Jack.

- Elisabeth said she couldn't attend the party with us, but she never specified why... I guess we found the reason.

Jack was the first one to regain his composure and instantly got a grasp of the situation. His brain was working out the specifics of what this would mean, while Melody was still dumbfounded next to him. She still couldn't believe her eyes and while Jack wanted to help her, planning out their next step had more priority. He didn't know if they were on their side, or if maybe Elisabeth had betrayed them. He quickly dismissed that thought, because it was something he was ashamed of even thinking about, there had to be a logical explanation for this, Elisabeth was their ally not their enemy.

Everyone in the room was looking at the new couple that entered the room. There was respect and admiration in their looks, but also lots of fear and hate. Everyone kept their distance, until someone who was wearing a white suit approached them and began talking to them. With that people continued to talk although the atmosphere was way tenser then before their entrance. While Jack was regarded as a star, his brother Charles was seen as the complete opposite and thus, even though both created tension in the room, it was a completely different kind.

- Jack, is that really her? Is that really Elisabeth, our Elisabeth...?

Jack looked at Melody's eyes, which were filled with confusion and fear, of a possible betrayal by her foster mother. Jack grabbed her by her shoulders and told her that she needed to get herself together. This wasn't calculated for. Jack looked around the room, thinking of possible ways for an escape if they needed one. But it was hopeless. The only way out would be through the door they entered or the service entrance to the hall. The windows were too thick to break and before entering the room, they were relieved of any weapons they had on them. Not to mention that they were way too high in the air, they could never survive the fall. The only way out would be running towards the entrance where the weapons lied, and pray that Jack could hold out long enough for Melody to escape. He knew he couldn't win against the people in this room. He would need to sacrifice himself, resulting in his death. Was this the way it would end? His life that had just been released from solitude and despair would end today?

Jack began to panic a bit, but calmed himself down, for Melody's sake whose face was as pale as snow. It went south but he needed to make sure Melody would get out. If nothing else, at least that would need to happen.

- I am so sorry sir, we didn't know that he would come. My deepest apologies, I take full responsibility for this grave mistake I made.

Mister Moore was kneeling in front of Jack, hanging his head low in apology. He told Jack his brother wouldn't come, yet he was here. He felt a wrong sense of security. From the moment this plan had formed in jack's head he had the thought of the possibility of him coming to this party. He being here was a wildcard, something that could destroy all of their plans. But he was here with Elisabeth. Maybe there was a chance they could still pull through with their plan.

- Go away, I don't want to see you again.

Jack's words were harsh, yet necessary. If their personal servant wouldn't follow them, it was easier for Melody to slip away from the party. Moore quickly walked away sweating in fear of the possible consequences, however jack couldn't care less. He needed to focus on other things, specifically Charles and Elisabeth walking towards Jack and Melody who stood next to one of the huge panorama windows. When they arrived there was a tension in the air, it almost felt suffocating standing there in this small circle.

After a whole minute of exchanging looks and Jack and Charles seemingly fighting without words nor physical attacks, suddenly Melody and Elisabeth fell into each other's arms, leaving the two brothers dumbfounded. While the two of them fought with their eyes, their accompaniments were reconciling with each other. While Mother and Daughter hugged each other without a word, Charles finally began to speak.

- You have grown into a fine young man little brother.

- And you haven't grown one bit, you are still the same asshole I remember.

- So it's true then, you have feelings now and it seems your feelings towards me aren't possible in the least.

- You killed them. It is your fault they had to die. What else could I feel towards you other than hate...

- You are right and I have to live with that burden. But you yourself are not the only one who hates me. No matter how much you loath me, it doesn't come close to what I fell towards myself. I think you understand that. I don't want forgiveness, not that I will ever get it from you. However I am here to help. Please at least let me do that.

- That's good to hear, although I will be your downfall. And this, my brother, is a promise. And I intend to keep it.

While the two of them were talking, Elisabeth and Melody were following their conversation's every word. However Melody couldn't help but didn't understand a thing. She understood what they were saying but there was a whole other talk going on between those two, something only they understood. But while Melody had no idea what they were actually saying, it seemed they came to an armistice, at least for now. When she looked Elisabeth deep into her eyes, she knew everything would be okay. This day would be the day of their victory. And in just a few weeks Melody would be free from her invisible chains that had held her down for as long as she lived.

- Jack, are you okay?

Melody's voice sounded concerned, so Jack quickly buried his hate and blood lust in front of Melody. He gave her a smile to reassure her everything was going to be fine, then he looked at Elisabeth.

- You knew?

- Yes... That is why I could not tell you... I am sorry.

- ... It is what it is... Does he know the plan?

- I am standing right next to you Jack. You can ask me directly and yes, I do know and plan to cover for you if something goes wrong.

Jack clicked his tongue, he was more displeased having to talk to his brother than he thought. But he needed to swallow his pride and work together with him, he was actually thankful for extra help. He had no actual plan of how to cover for Melody, so help was something he greatly appreciated.

However looking at Elisabeth he couldn't help but feel that something was off. It was an odd feeling that overcame him, but as soon as Elisabeth drank her whole glass in just one swoop, he felt back at ease again. Still there was this lingering feeling that something wasn't the way it was supposed to be. Maybe, what if...

- Jack, I think it is time.

Charles interrupted his thoughts, but he was right. They had not that much time left. He nodded and gave Melody a kiss on her forehead.

- Be quick. If someone sees you, run away. You are more important than the mission.

From here on out Jack couldn't talk to her anymore. They couldn't smuggle any communication devise in, so he would just need to trust Melody to make it in time.

- Oh yeah before you go. I have something for you.

Elisabeth took out a small button like thing out of her hairband. She did it, she managed to smuggle something in! But they needed a counter set to actually talk. And even if she had another device, how could they do it without being found out?

- And where is the counter part?

Charles asked Jacks question for him. Elisabeth gave Charles a peck on his cheek and smiled at him with a seducing look.

- You cute dummy. I already am wearing it.

- You mean... The dress?

Melody was in disbelieve by that reveal.

- Yes, it was a lot of work, but it couldn't be detected by the x-ray nor metal detector. Don't worry, I will be here for you. You won't be alone. I will also help you with the server itself.

Melody's eyes became a bit teary, while she strongly hugged her mother, who petted her head softly.

- I am always there for you honey. I love you. More than anything.

Now Elisabeth's eyes became teary and before they would both cause a ruckus by crying their hearts out, Jack quickly interfered.

- Mel, you need to go.

- Yes, you are right... I'll see you later guys. Wish me luck!

With that, she looked around and made sure no one noticed, when she slipped through the servant's entrance. It was perfect timing as well, because right when she slipped away, the lights dimmed down and a spotlight was directed towards the stage located in the back of the huge hall.

One person was standing there, not a hint of emotion in his face. It was as if Jack looked into a distorted mirror, showing him what could have become of him. He hated that man. More than anything in the world he wanted to see that man dead. For what he did to Melody, for what he did to jack himself, he needed to bleed. The man was standing there, with a microphone in his hand and had the undivided attention of everyone in the room. That was the man who would pay for all of it, the man they would take down.

It was Harm himself and he seemed to look straight into Jack's direction.