- Tonight, many remarkable people have gathered in this room. Considering who you all are, some might say the security should be higher. But then I say, it is way too high, considering the people who are gathered here!

There was a general laugh of the audience at that little joke Harm told. He told a joke to humans, some might argue couldn't even be considered humans anymore. And he pulled it off flawlessly. His composure was that of a ruler, while his voice and acting were full of charm and wits. From that little beginning, Jack could tell, that this was not Harm.

- He isn't here...

Jack whispered to let Elisabeth and Charles know. Charles nodded, he apparently has had the same trail of thoughts as Jack, however Elisabeth was confused.

- What do you mean by that?

Charles answered her question, while trying to keep his voice down.

- This isn't Harm. He is just one of his actors. Harm isn't some talented guy giving a speech and cracking jokes. He is a businessman, who doesn't care about the methods he needs to use to reach what he wants. Sometimes I think he is more emotionless than Jack, at least the old one. However he needs to make public appearances, that is why he choose some duplicates of him, actors he put in a mask. They play him, but aren't him. None of us have seen him, the real him anyway. In that sense, Melody could actually be considered lucky, right?

Jack stared at him with a deadly look on his face, he was not amused, not one bit. Elisabeth quickly said something before Jack would behead her boyfriend.

- That's a good thing right? If Harm isn't here, we shouldn't need to worry about Melody being found out. So it's all working out, right?

- Harm is here, just not in this room. I guess he's monitoring us all over the security cameras. Which would be even worse than him being here in person. There's a possibility he already knows and Melody is in real danger... We need to warn her. Now.

Jack's voice was serious and it really seemed like he was worried about Melody. Elisabeth quickly pressed a small button and whispered to not gain any attentions.

- Mel, can you hear me? Are you fine? There is a chance your father knows about what's going on! ...Melody? Hello? Are you doing alright?!

There was silence from the other side, you could only hear static noises. Jack began to panic. What if they were too late? Could it be that-?

- I can hear you. I needed to get somewhere safe to talk first. The whole building is filled with security. Not only is this a labyrinth, There is always the possibility of me walking into an enemy around the corner... Right now I am hiding in a storeroom in some hallway.

Damn it, the situation was worse than what we initially expected... Stay calm Jack, that's why you trained her in stealth. She will get through this... You need to stay positive, for her sake too.

- Mel can you hear me?

- Jack? Yes I can hear you! So far what you have taught me is working out. I haven't encountered anyone. But... I am scared. Please help me Jack. I-I don't know if I can pull this off...

That was something Jack feared. Melody wasn't cut out for high dangerous situations like this...

- Mel, close your eyes. Listen to only my voice.

Melody Harm, you are the most amazing person I have ever met. Not only are you the most intelligent out of us, you are also the best when it comes to close combat fighting. Don't try to hide it, I have seen your tournament fights in martial arts. What, did you honestly expect me to not learn more about my own girlfriend? Listen, you will not fail. I won't allow you to fail and you won't either. Remember what we promised each other? We will help each other improve and then stand as equals.

- We never promised that...

- Well, then let's do it now! I promise you that I'll help you become your own person. You won't need to lean on me anymore. However I'd like for you to still do it from time to time, if it's fine with you...

- Yes, it's a promise Jack... I-I love you...

- I love you too Mel. And now get out there and show them what you are able to do, not as the daughter of Harm, but as your own person!

- Right, let's do this! Oh and... Thank you Jack... For everything...

With that the transmission ended and Jack sighed out of relieve. When he looked up he saw two faces. One looking smugly at him, with a mocking undertone in his mimic, Charles, the other one being excited and protective at the same time, Elisabeth.

Once again Jack sighed and brushed their looks off. They needed to concentrate.

- Damn! I hate that I can't do anything... All I can do is stay here and wait...

- You are not alone with that Jack. We all need to stay down and wait...

However they weren't the only ones who were waiting that evening. Jane was leaning against a wall, smoking a cigarette waiting for Melody and Jack to come out of the main building of Harm incorporated. She was observing them as they entered the building, both of them being dressed up for a fancy event. They were going to the dinner party.

A warm summer breeze was going through Jane's hair. She put up her collar of her dark brown trench coat, holding her hand protective in front of her cigarette to make sure it wouldn't go out. Today it would end. Her little hunt of Jack Dream and Melody Harm would come to a close. It was difficult to find them, after multiple weeks of her trying to find clues about Jack Dream, all she found was an abandoned building he used to live in. While visiting though, she noticed that dust was missing on some parts of the house, she could also make out that two men were having a discussion. Seeing as the director lied to her about Jack's dorm, she assumed it was him that Jack met. While asking around she found three guys who apparently got beat up by a young man, fitting Jack's description. They weren't willingly giving her that information, but Jane knew how to make people talk. It wasn't the first time she needed to get dirty for a job.

Today she was able to locate Jack and Melody's current hiding spot. That's right, Jane knew exactly where they were hiding. While driving there, she noticed a car leaving the property and decided to slowly follow it. And oh how Jane was surprised to find out it was driving to the main building of Harm incorporated.

The interesting thing to her was, seeing not only Jack and Melody enter, but a few minutes later the person that had been given the two of them shelter, Elisabeth Colby accompanied by none other than the internationally searched criminal, Charles Addington. After confirming it was really him, by running a picture she was able to make from afar, through a face detection system, she decided to get her old career back. She was fired because of her unorthodox methods, well now she intended to catch Jack Dream and Charles Addington at once, while fulfilling her job of bringing Melody Harm back to her family. She deliberately choose to not get any reinforcements, she could handle it on her own.

She began drooling thinking about all the different job opportunities that would be given to her. Maybe she would even become her own boss? The possibilities were endless.

- Tonight it's all going to end.

She said with confidence in her voice, blowing cigarette smoke into the air.

- Tonight it's all going to end. You can do it Melody. You WILL do it. No one will stay on your way.

After speaking to herself for a while and talking courage into herself, she took a deep breath and opened the door to the hallway.

In front of her was a big man, dressed up in security clothes, staring at her. A second later a gun was pointed at her head.

She forgot to listen to what was going on outside before opening the door! It was all over! She screwed up and now she would need to pay for her mistakes.