20 years later

The Great land of Ile ife has been more than prosperous 10 years after Prince Oranmiyan was crowned Ooni. It was the central of excellence as it was always bubbling with activities as neighbouring cities and far away cities come to trade. The Oroorun market day was every 5days and today was one of the day. Normally the land of Ife was always busy but today it was crowded as everyone struggled to give way for each other. It was a colourful as it was chaotic. It was as noisy as any market should be.

E kuro lono Olori Moremi bon oh ( make way Queen Moremi is coming )

Moremi loves to visit the market even though she's got servants at her beck and call to run errands for her. A path was created as everyone paid homage to her

  Ayaba Moremi" Iyaoloja ( female head of the market) greeted her as she knelt down in respect. Whenever Moremi visits the Market the male and female head of the market will welcome here and tour the market together with her. Market sellers will gift her with things even if she pays they still bestow more than enough. Not like the Ooni doesn't have other queens but Moremi was the favourite and Queen Mother as her son was the crown prince Oluorogbo her pride and joy as even the love for her Ooni could not rival that of her son. The people love her as she was wise, beautiful and kind. As she also generously gifts her people.

Iyaoloja and Queen Moremi has good relations and could be considered good friends. They will often discuss the people's worries and how to solve them especially that of Women.

Greetings like "Iya wa" ( our mother), "Aya okolu"( wife of the town head ), "iya gbogbo ilu" (mother of the whole town) could be heard.

She smiled as she responded to their greetings with prayers


           "Aje gidi a wa o" ( you will make good sales)

            Eoni fowo jono o ( you will not waste          money).

             Olodumare koni je ki la la yin ja Lason ( God will not make your efforts be in vain)

         Ase ase ase Edumare ( amen amen amen God) was resounding as everyone responded to the prayers.

Esewun mama wa ( thank you our mother )

Moremi smiled as she walked with the town head s to the meeting house not far from the main market.

"How is the situation of these so called spirit ravaging the other villages" Moremi inquired an hour later after they finished their refreshments.

Hmmm....babaoloja heaved as his countenance turned ashen

It is getting worse it is as if their main target is Ife and we can't afford to have this. They are kidnapping women, children anything of value" he replied sadly

I heard they are spirits and are hideous to look at

Another Elder replied.

"Ooni is calling those whose villages have not been ravaged to join forces together to fight these demons". Moremi assured

My sister and her family arrived 2 weeks ago because their village was almost finished by those spirit, do you think Edumare is angry with us by sending these spirits to do this?? A very robust woman said

"Ha ha we will consult the gods I know ifa will tell us what they want. Toba de je irubo aaaafin ( if it is sacrifice we will offer it) abi what do you people think??" Iyaoloja said hopefully.

The meeting dragged on as Everyone had something to suggest. Moremi knew that this people were hoping that the gods will help them fight if the Forest spirits were to attack after all the people made sure to appease and serve them diligently. Moremi hurried back home also to find the Ooni in private meeting with his high chiefs.

She waited in his chambers for him, she was the only queen that have authority to enter his chambers without his direct authority, others had to seek for permission first.

The Ooni walked in seeing as his queen was waiting patiently for him with his dinner served already made him smile. He remembered when they met as if it was yesterday, no woman could make his heart skip like her. Her beauty has matured softly with years.

Will you take your bath before eating or after" she inquired softly as she helped him out of his royal apparel.

"Let me eat first so I can bathe and sleep afterwards", he replied in a tired voice

How was your meeting ?". He asked

The panic is rising, nobody understand why these  spirits are invading us. We should quickly invite baba ifagbemi to know what the gods are saying and if we have to carry sacrifice or give offerings, we should know". Moremi replied worriedly.

"I already summoned baba and we should be excepting him within this week", He said

"We should hope for the best", Moremi said as she called for a servant to clear the table. She looked out the window and prayed the darkness would not swallow them, it should be as peaceful as it once was. She know her husband is worried that something like this was happening in his reign. She could only hope for a change and a miracle.. yes a miracle that's all they need. She sighed as she smuggled close to her husband.

Four months after

The forest spirit has kidnapped neighbouring villages and start to appear at the outskirts of Ile ife this has disrupt the social, economic system. Fear of the forest spirits now rule the minds of people. People going to farm has start to disappear and witness always describe the perpetrators as hideous looking beings covered from their head to toe with raffia.

The raffia palm is often used to decorate the houses of their orishas ( gods ) so the people if Ile ife see these as spirits.

The normal bubbling and happy city as started to loose its vigour.

People are scared to move about but they can't just remain at home what are they going to eat and this will also be a sign of defeat.

They still hope their Orishas will save them before it gets worse.


Ooni sat with a gloomy expression facing the ifa priests, they were about seven of them. These men were usually not seen as they only come out when the village is facing dire situations ( which it rarely does ) or during the coronation of a new Ooni.

Ati Rubo ati gbe etun tun sugbon awon ebora yin  ko si lo ( we have offered sacrifice we have given offerings yet this spirits are not leaving )

   Kinlo sele eyin awo ( what is happening initiates?) High chief Otun said angrily as the other chiefs also nodded in agreement.

Se e Feki igba mi daru mo yin Loju ni ( do you want my reign to be destroyed in your presence)

Ooni asked the priests angrily

Oba oo e ma binu ( king do not be angry)

The Chiefs and the priests tried to pacify the Ooni.

How can't I be angry this situation is escalating in our presence and we can't do anything.

Balogun disperse some of his men yet they were overpowered. What is the strength of a kingdom when the warriors can easily be overcomed eh Balogun?? The Ooni turned his gaze to the head of Warriors. The Balogun is a burly man and a man of formidable strength and to hear the Ooni belittle his men, his face turned unsightly.

" Kabieyesi o ki bata pe lese ati ki ade pe lori " he greeted.

    I have prepared the best fighters in the kingdom to secure it. It is only the outskirts of the kingdom that they are attacking and I know if they try to come inside the city, it will not be easy for them as

He was rudely interrupted by another high chief

    "How can they fight against spirits without fortified weapons or charms and even at that other villages has tried yet all to no avail. I hear this spirits appear out of nowhere and destroy anything in sight. People are going missing and I believe they are been eaten by these forest spirits" 

" Chief Osi we are trying to solve a problem but you are saying things that shatter our hope" chief Otun countered

" But it is the truth, we must face all the facts when dealing with this matter " Iyalode added supporting chief Osi

"Are we even supposed to be arguing right now

It is a great point that Chief Osi is pointing out but atleast Balogun is taking steps to counter the issue." Another Chief replied.

"Hmmm true but awo what Osi said is true how can we fight spirit with mortal weapons. We have to fortify our warriors as best as we can and also we should ask ifa what they want maybe is to take the sacrifice to the forest spirit" Ooni suggested looking at the priests

We will do as Ooni has said and ask Ifa what they really want. We will also need some items for sacrifice and this time around 7 virgin girls will be needed to carry the sacrifice. We will take it to all the T junctions in the kingdom. The items for the sacrifice are

Two white goats without blemish

One white male cock

Basket of kolanut and bitter kola each

And then the main sacrifice that one will be discussed between we and the Ooni.

One of the priest stated.

"This sacrifice is one of the many we have been offering....

  " ha ha agba ni yin now ( you are an elder ) if this is what ifa request who are we not to do it. Thanks to the Orishas afterall they have not really invaded the kingdom just the outskirts that is a sign that the gods are still on our side" Chief Otun reprimanded causing Iyalode to frown at him.

"It is alright we will do as ifa requested just let us know when" The Ooni said.

"Ko pe mo teba so pe loni, loni Loma je ( no need for delay if u say today then today will it be)" another priest that appear to be the leader replied.

"let's begin then Iyalode you know what to do, and the rest of you by tomorrow let everything be set. I will have to talk to the priests then" Ooni said dismissing the Chiefs.

"Kabieyesi oo" They all paid homage and left to do what was assigned to them. The Ooni turned his attention back to the priests. His hope is for this sacrifice to purge the Forest spirits out of his kingdom.

Yea I used a lot of yoruba phrases here

The next page is to show you more of the characters to have a mental picture of what they look like.

And thank you for reading to this level

Love you guys

And you can ask me questions on what you don't understand and tell me what you think about this chapter and if you think the priests were offering the best solutions to this problem.