Nothing is working in fact!! it has gone worse", two young men standing guard in front of the City gate discussed

"This has never happened in the history of our Land, it is as if the gods are angry with us. Our families, our animals everything are being captured by these Spirits and all we can do is stand guard here praying that these demons don't appear" the other replied in a frustrated manner.

"I think the gods are angry with our Ooni because this is new. His reign is nothing but doom perhaps he has committed an atrocity and refuses to confess" the first one said accusingly.

"Adekunle!! haaa haaa you better watch what you say before the gods strike you in anger hmm hmm". The other warned.

"Is it not the same gods that are punishing us??

Is it until we are all finished by these spirits that the Ooni will do the right thing??" Adekunle Continued as he ignored his friend's warning.

"Say whatever you want but remember that the Ooni's reign has been one of the prosperous before these spirits start their invasion and we are not the only ones that are suffering from this so why blame it on our king. Don't be insensitive and cause trouble for yourself". The other guard hissed in irritation. How humans quickly forget the good things when bad things happen, focusing solely on it instead of  appreciating the good days and hope for better is tragic. Ojonla shook his head in disappointment.

Truth is that the situation has gone beyond control as their kingdom is been invaded even with the strong defence of their warriors

He knew how troubled their king will be as all the hope of the people were on him. And the patience of the people is running thin.

The Ooni has been his role model someone he looks up to their own physical god on earth but  he could not but wonder if truly he committed any atrocity that is not making the gods come to their rescue.

He himself had prayed to his Orisha for help today. As he continues to hope in Eledumare to send a helper....


Oko Ilu ( this is a way a king can also be addressed "husband of the village" )

"Oko Ilu you have not been eating, how can you fight the intruders in this state"  Laronke, one of the Queens complained worriedly.


"You have to atleast eat something this can not continue. We cannot afford to loose our king even if the world is coming to an end" Aderibisola, the last wife of Ooni also said, they were kneeling beside him as they urged him to eat.

He has been refusing to eat for almost a week now and they were worried about him.

Let me go and call Olori Moremi because I have tried my best oo", Aderibisola said as she left to seek Moremi.

Moremi was in a meeting with some elders when a servant boy reported the issue to her. She dismissed the meeting as she left for his chambers immediately. She immediately instructed her personal servants to get her some food items.

She prepared the food and personally carried it to his chambers. The other queens left them to their privacy.  He was sleeping on his royal mat looking up at the ceiling not acknowledging her presence at all. She called in maids to clear out the other meals as she set hers beside him.

She held his hand speaking in a loving tone

''Kabieyesi! we don't punish ourselves but brace ourselves in this kind of situation. I know you blame yourself but even the people can attest to the fact that you are a good king. You are trying everything in your power to resolve this, even the Orishas can not deny this. We are all trying everything we know to save our people and by the power of Edumare it will fade away.

It is our fathers that say that a problem will not be so difficult that it can't be solved as long as it is under the sky, there is a solution for it.

I know how you are feeling but we have to face it as bodly as we can, if this is our end we will fight to the end. If it is the plan of the gods so be it but before we resign, we try, before we say it is over we fight!! my husband we fight!!

Oranmiyan responded " we fight... Moremi..", he smiled sadly as he raised himself.

You are beautiful as you are wise...hmmm ( he sighed deeply)

We fight!! Moremi but with what?? These are Spirits from the forests, we had offered sacrifice but nothing. Is it until we are finished before the gods will respond?? He shook his head in lamentation.

"How can this happen in my time my fathers please do not forsake me".

"Kabieyesi no matter what you have to be strong eat something....

I prepared for favourite, I will eat with you okay

Oya ejenyun oko mi olowo ori mi.....

Moremi sang his Oriki ( ancestral praise/ eulogy) as he ate.

Moremi returned back to her quarters, she saw a young youth sitted by her corridor. A smile crept up her face, her pride and future Oluorogbo.

He rose noticing his mother's presence. He prostrated in greeting

Ekason ma ( good afternoon ma )

"How are you?" she asked knowing how moody he has been when one of his friends was kidnapped by the forest spirit some days back.

Am fine maami how is Kabieyesi??

    He will be fine, your father is a strong man", she answered. Another servant brought out a stool for her sit on beside her son.

Father must be feeling hopeless is it that the gods has really forsaken us ?? He asked looking up at the worried eyes of his mother.

"I don't believe their silence to be abandonment I just believe that they trust us enough to win this fight by our own strength", Moremi answered even if she has doubts,she has to give him hope because without hope fear devours.

Hmmm I don't know what to say I will keep praying to Olodumare. 

Maami tomorrow is our Oroorun market day and I would love to buy some adire can you give me some cowries please?? Oluorogbo requested, there was nothing he asked from his parents especially his mother that he won't get. He knows this and sometimes take advantage of it but never goes overboard. Moremi gave him some cowries much more than what he requested and he happily left.

She laid on her bed that night unable to sleep as she tossed and tossed restlessly. Unknowingly to her, the Forest spirits invaded her hometown that night laying to waste the people. The more fortunate ones ran to Ile ife the next morning

It was chaotic as people gathered in front of the palace, it was supposed to be the market day but they left their goods to protest in front of the palace. The guards were trying to pacify them and also threatening those that were bold enough to try push their way into the palace.

The neighbouring villages under the Ooni's rule had relocated to the main city seeking refuge and protection. The chiefs all hurried to the palace (Aafin) when they heard the news. They tried to reason with the people but it only resulted to more shouts and arguments. The Ooni's presence was announced as everyone fell silent. Some were still whispering but no one was bold enough to say anything out loud.

They all bowed in greetings as the Ooni walked out, he stood on a platform.

My people I understand your pain because we are all in this together. I am not enjoying in this misery. Ayaba Moremi just received bad news as well as many of you. Nobody is happy that we are suffering like this. I didn't pray for this Olodumare knows and am doing all in my power with the help of the gods to fight this problem.

My people there is no need for violence we are one if fight amongst ourselves won't it be easy for these spirits to finish us. We are still fighting and must never stop until we win" The people all stared at him with conviction to fight. Their confidence coming up as they cheered in response to their king's words.

The gods will fight for us, you all should continue praying to them. Don't forget your daily sacrifices.

Remember we must not lose ourselves in fear no matter the situation. These spirits will leave as they come lagbara Eledumare (with the power of God).

Adaa fun gbogbo wa ( it shall be well with all of us) the Ooni prayed

Aseee!!!! ( amen) the people chorused

These people came with complaining hearts but all left with fighting spirits. Even if they were not all convinced they know better than to speak against their Ooni in his presence.

They went back to their businesses as the day continued.

Afin Oba ( king's palace)

'Eyin ijoye' Ooni called

Olori odo ilu (village youth head)

Kabieyesi ooo ( they all responded respectfully)

Hmmm Ale joko bayi oo lai lai ( we can't be idle never).

Our people will start to rebel, this is the calm before the storm. We can't sit and be looking like this. I am the hope of the villagers what will happen when am no longer their hope. Everyone is running back into our city because this is our ancestral home what if we can't give them the assurance and security they hope for??.." the Ooni asked worriedly as he looked at his chiefs

Kabieyesi ooo kade Pe lori ki bata pe lese.... one of the chiefs replied as the Ooni cut him off

Enough...just get to the point.

Ha... kabieyesi oo I think we have tried our best what we should be doing now is asking ourselves some questions...

  Questions?? Another interjected. They all looked at the first chief that spoke

Yes questions... why are they invading us what have we done to the forest spirit. Is it that we have offended the spirits in a way or we have committed an atrocity..

Just stop your rubbish Otun. What do you mean?? What are you trying to say?? So you are one of those spreading rumours that our Oba ( king) has done something that incurred the wrath of these spirits." Another chief cut him off angrily.

Please let me finish did I say Ooni?? I said all of us the villagers included I did not mention the Ooni.. don't put words in my mouth and don't twist my words please" chief Otun retorted.

Enough!!! Ha ha see the way you people are shouting without reverence for our king' Iyalode reprimanded.

Kabieyesi ooo " the two chiefs apologised.

What you are saying is not without reason Otun. We have made inquiries but nothing from the gods. I think what we should do is to send guards to the neighbouring villages because the more they are attacked the more we are weakened. Awon Baale ( chiefs ruling the smaller villages) should just make sure their territories are well guarded that is my own contribution.

What are you saying??... these are spirits! all these measures have been carried out yet it is ineffective. Another chief argued

We have tried to face them one on one even their appearances is soo fearsome and inhuman. They are gods not humans. Our juju ( magic) can't do anything I can't but say we are alone in this... the same chief Continued. These words depressed them as they knew deep down that it is true.

We have summoned all the chief priests but even them can do nothing. This is a helpless situation",the chief Continued.

Ha ha ijoye this your words are doing nothing to help this issue. What we say should be positive no more negativity. I think we should make sure to consult the gods more, offer more sacrifices, do things to appease the gods. Abi kilewi moso?? The head of youth said trying to lift their spirits. They were all in deep thoughts as none could come up with any suggestions. The king was beyond sad, he was at the centre of this no matter what his kingdom must not crumble. He dismissed them as he strolled into Moremi's yard. He saw one of  her maid that informed him that she has gone into the city to share food and clothings.

He sighed as he returned to his palace. Moremi, this woman despite the fact that her hometown just got invaded and destroyed she still went out to help those victims. His respect for her grew.


The atmosphere here was different from outside if one of the villagers saw this, they will be stunned. Music filled the air as people was dancing and celebrating. The people here were no different from the people of Ile ife they were humans like them. Even though it was a celebratory mood not all were happy. In a hut some people were seen sitted on the floor all tied by their ankles together and their hands tied behind their backs. They all looked defeated and beaten, their clothes has been stripped. And the less fortunate ones have bruises all over their bodies. The atmosphere here was moody and sadness penetrates the air. Not only in that hut about 5 others huts built close to each other. Their mouths were also gagged, the number of slaves dwindled as some were sold. This settlement looked like it has been established for some time. One could see that this has been planned for a long time it didn't just occur like the other kingdoms believed. Young girls were shared among the men as the more beautiful ones were taken in as concubines or wives of their leaders. These people were currently in a jolly mood. In a hut built more extravagantly, some men obviously leaders of the men were drinking and laughing merrily as they discussed on how to share the spoils of their invasion.

One of them raised his cup in toast to one sitted in what seemed like a throne. The buff looking man stood up with his cup in the air as he said in his gruff voice

"This is just the beginning as Ife our main target is yet to be overpowered but I know that is a little problem we will destroy them when they least expect it now we are just playing with them.

Soon, they will be ours..."  they all cheered in agreement.

I heard the wives of their king are as fine and sweet as fresh palmwine. An ugly looking man said as he fondled the young lady sitted on his lap, she has a look of disgust on her face but could do nothing but bear it as she cursed him in her heart.

Ha ha these ladies are proof, even their older women look beautiful ha ha ha" the first man laughed. The man in the middle laughed quietly as he was not a man of many words. The men all continued in their merriment, they believed in their leader he may not look as strong as them but his mind was enough. He was the one who came up with the idea of them dressing in raffia palm to deceive the people after all he had sent spies months back into the villagers to learn about them. And he knows the usage of raffia palm as decoration in their shrines and sacred places. He smiled gently as he could feel Victory already over the so called Great land of Ile Ife.

He chuckled softly as he looked at the beautiful lady kneeling beside him who was pouring him his palmwine. She was one of the captive from the village they invaded yesterday hmmm his men always reserved the best for him. She was beautiful with a plump body nice and round in the right places just the way he likes them. He smiled once again in satisfaction.