
27th October 2019

The hectic roar of the city, people dodging people. Nick, zigzags avoiding the many shoulders and swinging arms the city has to offer. Not a single drop of coffee spills, he rushes down the street into a glass building. Nick stands in foyer, the marble grey floor, the phones constantly ringing off the hook. Nick pushes his glasses up to his eyes, taking a deep breath.

He walks down the steps, the building busy, one of the busiest days he has seen this year. He makes his way to his desk. Nick sets down his satchel as he sets his coffee down. He looks around his cubby hole, the office near enough to empty. The peace and quiet is angelic to his head, not the normal buzzing and laughter he is accustomed to. Nick runs his hands through his dark, brown, combed over hair. Nick, a tall, good looking, somewhat feels his looks are the reason people pick on him. Although not comfortable in his own skin, could melt a womans heart. He rubs his hand off of the stubble on his face. He readjusts his glasses as he stares at the computer screen.

He logs onto his desktop. The illustrations on his wallpaper is that of the company logo. 'Comet Comics.' Nick clicks into the folder titled work in progress. The folder contains some of Nick's newest comic, The Death Slinger. A comic about a cowboy forced to roam a western town in search of the men who murdered his wife. Nick is due to be published with his latest instalment of the franchise in just a week. The final touches are being made to ensure the comic is up to his standard. Nick zones out, tapping into his writers mode.

From down the hall, Nick can hear the shouts and screams of the Neanderthal boys. Their screams can be heard from the lobby. Nick never raises his head, staying deep into his work. The group of guys pray on the weakness of nice guys like Nick, always bullying him and making him feel as small as they can. Nick buries his head into his head into the desktop, trying to remain hidden.

It's no use. They spot him a mile away. The Neanderthals make their way to Nick to Nick. They pick up some of his belongings off of his desk and start to throw it between them. Nick, still with his head down pays no attention to them. Suddenly a ball bounces off of Nick's head causing him to become upset "Leave me alone." Nick says, banging his hands off of his desk. The bullies laugh as they throw Nick's ball back onto the desk. Nick sits down on his chair, this fists balled, his knuckles whiten. He takes multiple deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. He continues writing his graphic novel as though nothing has happened.

The day is finished, Nick logs off of his computer as he packs his things into his satchel. He walks toward the elevator, getting jeered as he passes each cubicle. Nick presses the button as he waits for the elevator. The smell of smell of a cherry lip gloss forms an aroma around his senses. She stands beside Nick at the elevator. His palms sweaty, his heart racing. The girl of his dreams, Mandy. The sweet, innocent smell of her perfume, her effortless beauty and her kind nature makes Nick feel bubbly inside "Hi, Mandy," he says smiling, gripping tighter of his satchel.

She flashes that million dollar smile. Nick's knees weaken, he' lost in the magic of her eyes. "Hey, Nick. How are you?." She asks. He can not find the words, her eyes hypnotize him, a gentle bite of her bottom lip sends Nick pulse soaring. "Your looks pretty today" he responds. Mandy smiling curling her eyes up as she flicks her hair "Thanks, yours too" replies Mandy.

The elevator dings, the doors open. Mandy enters the elevator as Nick stands trance like starring at her. She holds the door for a moment "Uh Nick?. Aren't you going down?" She asks. Nick snaps back to reality, shaking his head, entering the elevator. The ride down is silent, the awkward tension fills the small space. Nick and Mandy both admiring the walls, the steel floor and the one broken light. He looks at Mandy, pointing to the broken light "Crappy lighting or what?." Mandy smiles, rubbing her left arm up and down, almost in slow motion. The pair step out from the elevator, Mandy flashes her smile, waving to Nick as she leaves the building. Nick stands watching, he bops himself on the head "Well done Nick, you finally get the girl of your dreams alone and you make a comment about the damn broken light" he says. Nick takes his bicycle from the stand outside. He places his helmet on and takes off down the road.

Nick arrives home after a long cycle. He take his bike into the loading bay and locks to the pole. He enters his one bedroom apartment. A small space, he throws his satchel onto the couch as he puts the kettle on. He takes a deep breath, taking off his tie. He unbuttons his shirt, throwing it in the washing machine. Nick opens the door of his fridge, grabbing an old Chinese takeaway. He grabs a fork from his cutlery drawer and begins chomping on the one day old food.

Nick sits on his couch, about to turn on the television when his phone rings suddenly. He picks up the phone, answering the call "Hello? - long time no talk. How are y- what? - oh my god." Nick hangs up the phone as he takes a deep breath, reclining back on his couch.