
27th October 2019

The sound of multiple fraternity brothers, screaming and shouting awakens Finn from his slumber. He throws the covers off of himself and puts on a pair of grey pants as he marches down the stairs. Finn enters into the common room to see a his frat brothers smashing into each other head first with helmets on. Finn looks at the carnage, he surveys the damage that has been done to the house already. Finn grabs hold of the wooden staff that sits in the corner of the room. He bangs it off of the ground as he shouts "Hey!, knock it off right now" He shouts. The noise holts as they look a Finn standing in front of them.

He places the staff back into the corner. Finn walks around the room slowly, eyeing each frat brother as he does "Is this what we are about?. Early morning goat smashing?. No the men at Sigma Pi throw amazing parties and get the finest of women into our house and into our rooms. Not stand around in the early mornings head-butting each other. This is Greek Row and not only that but this is Hawthorne University and we have a reputation to uphold. Dress smart, meet alumni and sleep with the finest women this university has to offer. He brothers howl in approval. Finn smiles as he watches the brothers worship him.

Finn climbs the stairs to his room, he closes the door behind him as he enters in en-suite. He looks at himself in the mirror. He admires his built physique, posing in the mirror. He flexes his triceps and biceps as he throws himself a cocky smile. The leader of the fraternity pushes open the bathroom door, he catches Finn admiring himself. Finn turns embarrassed, the fraternity leader approaches Finn "Good job calming down those idiots earlier. But don't ever step on my toes again," says the fraternity leader. Finn swallows the lump in his throat nodding in approval.

Sometime later Finn is ready for his first class of the day. His choice of clothing is a slim fitted white shirt, black jeans, grey cardigan and the brown ankle books to match. He props his book bag onto his shoulder and heads to his first class.

Finn enters the auditorium, he picks a seat down the back of the class. The steps raise higher and higher. Until he is merely a ant in the distance. He sits down, placing his leg across the seat in front of him. The class begins to fill, each seat no longer vacated. Finn places his hag on the seat to his right, not allowing anyone to site aside him. The auditorium is large, the small brown desk that sits at front of the class, belonging to the professor is barely visible.

A girl makes her way up to the top of the steps of the classroom. Finn glances at the girl in her long, flowing skirt. Her white t shirt tucked into the skirt. She readjusts her glasses as she approaches. Finn props his feet onto the seat in front of him, blocking her entrance into the row. She looks at him, tilting her head in disapproval "Really Finn?, were doing this," as she point to Finn's feet. He glances at her briefly before stretching his legs out further.

Finn stares directly into her eyes, his breathing quickens, his gaze holds upon her for a number of moments before he removes them from the seat, allowing her to pass. She passes, squeezing her legs and hips, so not to touch him.

Finn sits up right, he stares as the girl walks multiple seats away. His gaze never leaves her. He readjusts himself, pulling his jacket off of his lap, placing it on the seat beside him. He pulls phone from his pocket, a test from Jenny "Hey see you tonight. I cant wait."

 Thirty minutes into the class Finn leans forward looking to his right, she stares at the girl once again. This time he gazes upon for the duration of the lesson. She can feel his presence staring a hold in the side of her head. She never entertains the idea of looking back at him.

The class ends, Finn packs up his stuff as he sees her leaving the classroom. Finn quickly packs his things, following her out of the door. He rushes down the stairs to separate the space between them. Finn approaches her slowly, she has made a sharp left turn, going a route that most of the students would never take. She rushes through the side of two brick buildings. Rushing to get to her next class. She turns the final corner, bumping into a strange man. He startles her, she drops her bag onto the ground.

The stranger stands tall above her  creepily. He reaches down to touch her hair as she backs away into a corner. The stranger grabs her wrist holding it tightly as he kneels down, movong closer into her space. His breath awful, the stench of stale alcohol and cigarettes make her want to vomit. She is frozen stiff when suddenly

Finn pulls the unknown man away from her. He throws him up against the wall with force. Finn places his left forearm into the mans throat as he tells him "You ever touch her again, and I'll kill you." The man cowards away, running down the darkened lane.

 The palm of her hands begin to sweat, she picks up her belongings off of the ground. She stands tall, although a foot smaller then Finn "Are you following me?," she asks. Finn looks at her with a blank expression, his face toneless, running his hands through his combed over hair "No, but it's a good thing I decided to walk this way." he responds before walking away. Finn continues walking down the lane and out the other side.

Night falls, the Frat house is in full party mode, a confident Finn is staring at himself in the mirror of his bedroom, his appearance is slick, his tight jeans matched with a black t-shirt and green bomber jacket has him feeling confident. He runs his hands through his stubble and winks at himself through the mirror. Finn exits his bathroom, and down the stairs to the ongoing party. He quickly swipes a drink from the long wooden table at the front window of the living room. He immediately spots Gabriella, the girl from the lane earlier. He approaches her as she stands in the corner of the room, running her fingers along a dusty bookcase.

"Hey, you came," he says surprised.

Gabriella keeps her head down not looking at him "You scared me today. I thought you wanted to hurt me," she says nervousily. Finn exhales deeply, he looks at her as she stands timid, this is not Gabriella's usual scene. It's normally the library and a coffee shop for some hard studying you'd find her.

"You look nervous" he says charmingly.

"Of course. It's a big party. The last time I was at a party like this, well you know the rest" she says.

"Yeah, I remember."

He pauses for a moment recollecting himself "Listen that was the past and this is the now. Try to live in it. Don'tlet bad memories hold you back."

Finn grabs an unopened beer off of the table and cracks the cap off as he hands it to Gabriella "Here, drink. It'll calm your nerves," he says smiling.

Some time passes, the party now in full swing. The project X type of party. Finn still with Gabriella has been drinking and dancing for the last two hours. Finn wraps his arms around her waist and whispers "Let's go out front and catch up."

The Gabriella smiles as Finn leads her out front onto the portch. He holds her hand as she sits on the rocking bench. Suddenly his phone rings.

"Hello?, who is this - No I'm not alone -  what? – your serious – okay - shit." Finn drops his phone into his pockets.

He looks at Gabriella concerned "What's wrong?."

"Marney's dead," Finn says as he and Gabriella look onto the ground in silence. He wraps his arm around her kissing the top of her head, rubbing her right arm.