
27th October 2019

The sound of the fog horn alarm goes off, the sound is piercing. It radiates through the entire house. Sierra awakens from her slumber. She sits upright in her bed. She swipes up on her phone knocking off her alarm. Sierra tosses the pink, fluffy covers off of her now cold body. She shivers as she jumps from her bed, looking for her favourite pair of comfy slippers.

She slips her feet into the slippers, letting out a comforting sigh. She looks into her mirror, spinning her body around slowly. She moves closer, scratching the top of her head, her hands lost in her black hair. She moves hair around her neck, left, right, front and back. Not happy with how it would sit in her mind she decides it's going to be a ponytail type of day.

After a long, warming shower, Sierra dresses into her black jeans, a white t-short and a light grey cardigan with the white runners to match. She throws her bag pack around her two shoulders and butters a slice of brown toast. She pulls open front door as she unlocks her car. A range rover, black, sits in the driveway. Sierra opens her driver door, throwing her bag onto the next seat over. She enters her car and reverses out of her driveway heading to school.

A short while later Sierra arrives at the school car park. She exits her car, looking around for her friends. She is greeted with two hands covering her eyes from behind "Guess who?," asks the voice. Sierra plays along for a moment "hmmm, let me guess Ryan Reynolds?," she says playfully. The voice chuckles, spinning Sierra around. She met with a kiss from Jason, her boyfriend of three years. She runs her hands through his soft, dark blonde hair. She runs her hands down his black and red letterman jacket. Her right hand glides smoothly over the FH.

Jason wraps his arms around Sierra's waist, pulling her closer. She smiles uncontrollably, head over heels in love. She is startled my an extra pair of hands draping around her neck, she turns in a fright to see Mia, her best friend and fellow cheerleader. Sierra screams slightly as she hugs her tightly, an unexpected return. Mia was supposed to be away for another week at least. Sierra covers her mouth with her hands "What are you doing here?," she asks excitedly. Mia pushes herself onto the hood of Jason's car. Jason stares at Mia and clears his throat "Mia, my car cost more then your house, please scoot," he says.

Mia slides off of the car with her hands over her head letting out a sigh. Mia approaches Jason tapping him on the shoulder "Jason, we both know that's not true," she says playfully. Sierra join arms at the waist as they walk in front of Jason. He picks his bag up off the ground and whispers "Yes it does." Mia shouts from the distance "I heard that." Jason is startled as he rushes to catch up.

Sierra and Mia stand at their lockers, taking out their books for the day ahead of them. They both close their lockers at the same time. Revealing Cory behind Mia. Sierra looks around awkwardly. Cory attempts to hold Mia's hand as she pulls away "Can we talk?, please?" Asks Cory. Mia looks him up and down then walks down the hall. Cory watches her walk away. Sierra places her hand on his shoulder "She'll never forgive me. Will she?," he asks. Sierra sighs "Maybe, just give her time, okay?," she responds. Cory nods and acknowledges Sierra's plea. He walks the opposite way down the hall. Sierra sighs, following after Mia.

The two girls enter the classroom, they sit in the back row, so they can have a secret conversation. Sierra places her bag down by her legs. She looks at Mia, she is distraught, Mia slams her bag onto the ground, taking out her books and slamming them onto the desk. The loud thud startles Sierra, she jumps in her seat, causing her heart beat to race speraticley "Jesus, Mia. You scared me," she says. Mia looks at her apologetic "Sorry, it's just Cory. He riles me up something fierce," she replies through clenched teeth.

The bell rings as class ends, the girls pick up their belongings and head down the hall. They make their way to cheerleading practise. The locker room decorated in previous accomplishments. Past victories remind them of the squad they are and the new heights they can achieve. Although the stand on the side of the field for the football players the cheerleaders have their own competition's Throughout the school year.

The girls take to the mats, stretching and limbering up for todays practise. The coach arrives, standing on the mat. She looks around the gymnasium at all the talented girls of her squad. The coach roams through the girls, they stand back straight with high chins. The coach approaches Sierra "So, miss tumbler slash flyer. Where were you last practise?," she asks. Sierra swallows the lump in her throat "Sorry coach I was." The coach raises her hand, interrupting Sierra "I'll tell you were you where. You were with Jason, hanging around Forest Hills. My practise is my time, not his. Got it?," she says. Sierra lowers her head "Yes coach, sorry," she responds with a defeated manner.

Practise finishes for the day, the squad tired, aches and pains in their bodies signifies their hard work. Sierra sits in the changing room. Mia approaches sitting beside her. She takes out a Mars bar and begins eating it. Sierra looks at her baffled "If coach catches you with that, she'll make you run laps for the rest of the semester, " she says quietly. Mia stares down the chocolate bar, she whispers to it softly "Coach can never take you away from me, never." Sierra quietly chuckles holding her stomach. Mia places her arm around her shoulder "So what's up?, are we going out tonight?," she asks.

Sierra sighs softly "Can't sorry, I'm going to the super market with my mom later. She wants me to help her pick the groceries," says Sierra. Mia drops the chocolate bar onto the seat beside Sierra, she nonchalantly makes her way over the big, glass mirror placed before her. She tosses her hair back and forth, her lips perked as she readjusts her chest.

Suddenly the locker room door is blasted open, their coach stands in the door frame. Mia panics rushing for the chocolate bar. The coach snatches it off of the chair, holding it at shoulder length "Who does this belong to?," asks the coach as her grip tightens around the once golden bar. Mia raises her hand cautiously "Mine, coach," Mia says with nervous hands. They shake uncontrollably, the sweat arises from her forehead.

The coach stares blankly at Mia. Sierra picks up her bag pack almost as if it were in slow motion. She drapes it over both shoulders. Sierra pulls open the door of the locker-room, taking one last look at Mia before exiting. Sierra pushes open the door leading into the parking lot of the gym. She opens her door throwing her bag onto the back seat. Sierra enters her car, turns in the ignition and drives back home.

Sierra pulls up to her gate. It stands high above her head, hard to see her house above it. She can just make out the chimney that peaks over the electric gate. The street is quiet, a suburban dream for the quite well off family. The green grass, white picket fences even the neighbour's dog who barks as cars pass. The sun sets softly, the street lights a different tone of that during the day. It's soft, the colour of a soft salmon sky oversees the street.

Sierra takes an electric key, she points it at the gate as it opens slowly. She rests her head upon her headrest. Sierra  drives slowly through the gates, head bobbles lightly around the headrest. She drives to the front door of the house. Her tires rattle the calm stones that sit around the front garden.

She exits her car closing the door behind her. Sierra makes her way to the front door, climbing several steps. Two large pillars hold her together the edge of the house. She takes her keys from her pocket, turning them into the lock slowly. She enters the house  into the front hall. It stands enormous, the marble floors, the rounded staircase, the family portrait hanging on the lavish walls. A warm feel, a real home of homes. Sierra roots through the house for her mother, her calls echo throughout "Mom you here!?, mom!?," she yells sweetly.

Sierra walks through the threshold that separate's the kitchen and the long hallway. She drapes her head in, seeing her mother standing at the island near the middle of the floor. Sierra smiles as her mother greets her "Oh, hi sweetheart, I didn't hear you come in. Listen I've already done some shopping for tonight, so don't worry your free," her mother says playfully. Sierra laugh lightly, she stares her mother for a matter of moments before being scurried off to get ready to see Jason.

Sierra waits outside on her brick wall surrounding the house. Her back against one of the pillars waiting fir Jason to show up. Car lights approach,  Sierra rushes down to the gate unlocking it with her fob. She rushes into Jason's car wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him softly. Sierra runs her hands through his short hair "So were are we going?," she asks playfully. Jason smiles and winks at her "Lovers Lane?," he proposes. Sierra smiles nodding her head.

The pair take a calm, relaxing drive around Forest Hills before making their way to Loves Lane. The track is uneven, broken branches make the car shift from left to right. After a short but bumpy drive, they arrive. Complete isolation. The hang out spot for all young passionate lovers. Jason drives forward, noticing that a car has been parked a little further to the edge of the mountain. The pair grow curious, Sierra upon getting closer realises it's Marney's car. Sierra confused as to why Marney would be at Lovers Lane. It's a high school hook-up spot.

Jason parks a bit away, killing his headlights. Sierra attempts to step out of the car. Jason grabs her gently "Wait, what are you doing?, give them some privacy," Jason says. Sierra looks at him nervously "Jason the car lights are on. Everyone knows lights off means somethings going on. Plus it looks like no ones there. Why would Marney leave her headlights on and leave her car?. I'm just going to take a quick look," sierra says stepping out of the car.

Jason quickly jumps out sticking by Sierra's side. The two approach the side of the car, a small dint in the rear passenger side door gives off an ominous feeling. Sierra stares at Jason her palms sweaty. The feel of the cold air, their breath visible to them. Sierra runs both arms off of each other. Sierra looks forward toward the edge of the cliff. Her scream sounds like the proverbial nails on a chalk board. Jason gasps at the sight. It's Marney, laying dead on the rock.

Sierra falls backward as Jason rushes to pick her up. The two run back to the car, locking the doors behind them. Sierra takes her phone from her bag calling the police "Hello, 911. Please help, my cousin Marney, she's dead. Were at Lovers Lane. Ok, please hurry," the call cuts off as Sierra makes another call to her mother "Mom, can you come to Lovers Lane please... Marney's dead" Sierra weeps before dropping her phone.