Chapter Seven: “Betrayal”

-"I love you." He said to me while kissing under the stars.

-"I love you too."

We couldn't stop kissing, I was waiting for this moment since we fought the other night. All my confusion, all this madness I had was gone, finally.

Minutes later, I saw someone approaching us with one eye, I got distracted and didn't see who it was. I open my eyes one more time and it was Veronica crying.

-"you little slut. I knew you weren't my friend, and you..."

-"Veronica please, let us explain." I said to her trying to calm her down.

-"I knew you didn't brake up with me because you needed time. You needed her!" Veronica said to Chris.

Chris grabbed her and tried to calm her down, but she kept resisting. She was screaming and making to much noise, I knew my family would wake up eventually. My brother Sam came out of the house and grabbed her from behind, she kicked him and tried hurting me by grabbing me by the hair.

-"Veronica please! Let us explain." Chris said as he separated us from fighting.

-"I don't want anyone to explain anything. You left me for her in the time I most needed you..." she said while she was on the grass trying to get up.

-"Veronica, I'm sorry." Chris said while he looked at me.

Veronica started to cry and Chris held her. My parents came out of the house to see what was going on, the neighbors came out as well. We tried taking her into the house but she kept resisting, she wanted to leave but we couldn't let her drive like this.

-"why did you take him from me Lily? why? There's plenty of men in the world and you had to take the only one I cared about away from me." She said to me.

I stared at Chris, he got up and took Veronica to her car, she wasn't okey. He asked my permission to take her home, and I agreed. My parents were startled, so as my brother Chris. My parents took me inside to talk about what had happened, I was in shock trying to feel what Veronica was feeling, but I couldn't.

-"what happened sweetheart?" my parents asked me.

-"Chris broke up with Veronica to be with me." I told them, hoping for them to calm down.

My dad stood up and left the room, he didn't care much about what was going on.

-"how are your feeling Lily? How do you feel about the mess Christopher just made?" She asked.

-"I'm okey, I guess, I just think that everything would have been easier if he would've told me about his relationship with Veronica. I feel bad for her, and I feel bad for loosing one of my closest friends."

An hour has passed and I was getting worried about Chris. I called him several time but I should have guessed he wouldn't pick up, same old Chris. I tried calling Veronica once, but she blocked my number. I tried calling her from my parents number but she didn't answer as well. I grabbed my dad's car keys and left the house with no notice.

As I drove to Chris's house I was thinking a lot about what was happening, Veronicas face, how she looked at me with hate in her eyes. I got to Chris's house but there was no one home, I then drove to Veronica's house to se if they're there. I didn't park in front of the house to alarm Veronica, but I had a clear view about what was going on inside, they where talking, nothing else. I wanted for half an hour to see if he was leaving any time soon. They got up from her couch and Chris left her house. I opened window and called Chris to come to my car and I would give him a ride back to my house.

-"how is she? Is she okey?" I asked him.

-"yeah she's alright, she just needs time. I recommend you not talking to her for a while now."

-"Chris, I'm leaving in two days, I have to make things right with her." I told him, hoping he would agree.

We drove back home and he got out of the car. He opened the door for me and he found his car keys laying on the grass, it made me remember what happened.

-"are you going to tell me any time soon about what you talked about with Veronica?" I asked him.

He gave me a kiss on the lips and turned around and left. He shout out "no", as he smiled and left on his car.