Waking up to a Angel Fox !

= [ Ding ! ]

= [Updated Stats after Intense Training. ]


•[ Name : Vontè GoldStar ]

•[ Age: 10 ]

•[ Gender: Male ]

•[ Race: Human ]

•[ Bloodline: Original Essence of Terra ] ( Immortal Grade Bloodline ) ...

•[Cultivation Rank: Lower Silver Rank 1 ]

•[Body Rank: Lower Silver Rank 1 ]


= [ Ding ! ]

•GS: [ Host has leveled up a major rank in cultivation and body !! ]


= [ Host has gained new Titles! ]

( Treasure Hunter: Gained by those who can sniff and efficiently pinpoint gold or high value goods from anywhere ) ..

( Battle Maniac: combat abilities enhance by 25% during life and death battles ) - .. ( evolvable .. )

( Indomitable Will King : " I will never fold or run away, I will never surrender ! " ( When odds are against you, push past your limits, increases all abilities and skills by 50% during duration of 10 minutes ) ... ( User will enter a coma like state for 5 hours after cool-down ) - .. ( evolvable .. )


= [ Ding ! ]

GS: [ Host gained 5 Gacha Tickets for Major Realm Upgrades ] ..


= [ Ding ! ]

GS: [ Host gained unknown grade innate ability: ]


[ • Treasure Ping • ] Unknown Grade .. ( evolvable .. )

Description- When Host is within a 10 ft radius of gold, treasure or exotic herbs, will feel slight tremors in the air pinpointing the exact location to find it !! ..


•[Title: Nature's Champion, Tamer, Smooth Tongue, Glutton, Son of a Diety, Swordsman, Indomitable Will King ( new ! ), Battle Maniac ( new ! ), Treasure Hunter ( new ) ! ]

•Strength: 105 [ NEW !]

•Agility: 120[ NEW !]

•Magic: ♾

•Charm: ♾

•Vitality: 420 [ NEW !]

•Contracted Beasts: 1

•Gacha System Tickets: 17[ NEW !]

•Wives: 1

•Sects: 0

[Skills : ] ..

•[ Devour : ] .. [ Master Chef: ] .. [Tongue of Origin: ] .. [One with Nature: ] .. [ Passive Skill: Accelerated Healing ] .. [ Passive Skill: 10x Extra Exp ] .. [Passive Skill: Magic barrier ] [Passive Skill: ] [ Sword Intent 60% mastery ] .. [ Passive skill: Book Keeper ]

[ Passive Skill: Spear Mastery 4%] [ Passive Skill: Magic Skill Creation ] .. [ Flight Magic: Mastered] ... [Knight Rank Skill : Meteor Strike ]- ( 30 minute cooldown ) .... [Innate Ability : Wings of the Starry Sky ] ... [ Finger of Void ]


[ NEW ! ] [ • Treasure Ping • ] !

Description- When Host is within a 10 ft radius of treasure or exotic herbs, will feel slight tremors in the air pinpointing location of the treasure !!


[ NEW ! ] [ • Passive Skill : • Wing Shield • ] !

Description - Able to use wings ( enhanced with the earth element to further strengthen them ) to block incoming attacks to protect body from harm


[ NEW ! ] [ • Cleansing Slash • ]

Description - Able to enhance the sword with star energy and fire elements to purge the vile soul -


- I finally opened my eyes after what seemed to be a long deep slumber and started to look outside - because the sun is high in the sky in all its glory shining beautiful through my open vendetta. The transparent golden curtains flowing elegantly as if dancing with the winds & the fresh spring breeze bringing comfort to me as I take a slow deep breathes.

- When I felt refreshed enough to start my day and started to rise up ... I felt an additional presence laying next too me on my ROYAL KING SIZE BED sleeping peacefully - with the only contact is her grabbing my sleeve.

( I was truly lost somewhere in space staring at how adorable she was ! )

- The sight that the heavens blessed me with this morning was a very beautiful girl around my age or older because of a body developing too fast: with golden fox ears, pure angelic white fluffy wings & 10 very fluffy tails : She has an milky peach color skin, - white hair with golden streaks - cute nose & very squeezable cheeks. She's about 5'3; which is also tall for her age ... I couldn't help but to whisper her name with a blush on my face & she immediately wakes up in an groggy state which was SO ADORABLE !

•VONTE: " .. lily "


•Lily : " EHhh....? *gasp * Vontè !!! "

( slowly waking up because I felt movement and then hearing vontè say my name IMMEDIATELY woken me up: I started hugging him with all my meekly strength because I MISSES HIM LOTS ! Then started to tell him about my adventure with mother Cleo )





•Cleo : " As much as I would love to continue bonding with you: I have motherly things to attend too, see you for dinner okay ? Vontè is with his father training and shall be back soon, he might be exhausted so make sure to not disturb his rest, you have free reign to do whatever EXCEPT MAKING TROUBLE ! Understood ?

* Smiles gently *


= LILY : ( never upset mother Cleo ! )

" Yes Mother Cleo, I'll be in his room awaiting his arrival ".


•Cleo : ( I walked over and give her a warm hug and kiss on the forehead )

" See you later for dinner or maybe tomorrow hehe " !

( I think I've heard Antonio just now )


- After hearing about how Lily gained her human body: I just have to pull mother aside too ask her quite a few things ! - But she probably already knows that:

*sigh * .


- I have countless notification that's popping up from the system view on the top corner of my eyes ! I couldn't help but to jump out the bed and start fist pumping in the air and dancing !

•Vontè: ( I start circulating my meridians to feel my stage .. ) " I'M SILLLLLLLVER RANNNK BABY !!!! "

( I start feeling very happy about my future !!! )

•Vontè: " New titles and skills, major boost in my stats and a couple more Gacha ! * nods my head in satisfaction *

•Lily : ( I see Vontè suddenly jump up and starts doing a strange fist pump action in the air and then suddenly stops and stands still like he's deep in thought for a second ... and then he drops the bomb !! MAJOR REALM LEAP IN ONE DAY !!? .... I took me 3 months .... well he is Vontè .... ) " I'm so happy for you ! CONGRATS !! "

- I smile warmly back at her for the compliment and hug her to show my thanks -

•Lily : ( He suddenly hugs me for complimenting him sincerely ... my mind goes blank and I completely start melting ) ... " waaaaah "

•Vontè: " Thank you for that Lily, I felt your sincere happiness . I'm glad to have you on my side .. "

•Vontè: " Lets wash up and head to lunch ! "


•Lily : ( My stomach growls just as intensely as Vontè's a few seconds ago and my face immediately turns beat red ... I run quickly to wash up and beat him first to the food on the vendetta ! )


Inside the master bedroom of the mansion


- One can see a very tall statue of man standing next to a closet with unbuckled pants putting on his boots and a beautiful red hair goddess laying down smiling warmly -

•Antonio: " I must head out first to where the rest of the family are situated and finally let Vontè meet the forefather .. That ancient ass old man looks the same age as me lol, our genes are impeccable ... He's been constantly nagging me to finally bring him to the core mountain and visit him, since he's out of closed door cultivation after 10 years ) ...

•Cleo : " Let me get ready and join you dear " ..

- But as life would have it .... that meeting was delayed for an additional hour ... -

•KLEMU GOLDSTAR ( forefather ) : " That Horny Brat has me waiting yet again .... *sigh * ... Long live the family at least ! HAHA "


End of chapter ! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Author note: Hey everyone !! What do you think about the novel so far ? Hope everyone is enjoying this book because I'm having fun writing ! Thanks again for reading and taking time to read my book. See you next chapter !!! Stay safe