Founding Father of the Supreme GoldStar Clan : GRANDPA KLEMU !!

- Very quick info dump for my readers !! Thanks for having patience in advance ! -

For a better understanding of who's talking :

- .... - = author talking through vontè ..

[ ... ] = system talking ..

• name : " ... " = specific character dialogue ..

( ) or * * = characters inner thought ..

[ name POV ] = person talking from their point of view ..


- ... After a very scrupulously made lunch and a fulfilling session of teasing & deep conversation with my beautiful 10 Tailed fox companion, I received a telepathy message from father : ... -

•Antonio: " Goodmorning son, plenty of things I want to talk to you about today. Firstly congratulations on achieving SILVER RANK !! Get yourself cleaned up and meet me in my study room along with Lily in 10 mins .. "

- .. I then tell Lily we must meet father in a few minutes and immediately head to the wash room to tidy myself up while Lily is still sitting on the open vendetta brushing her angel wings ... ( how many times must she make my heart flutter today .. ) After tidying myself up by brushing my teeth after the meal to keep the pearly whites shiny like ( M**** **Y from n***** ! ) and putting on a new set of simple custom tailored clothes, consisting of an all black open one button shirt, black leather trousers and black boots with golden trims .. I walk out the wash room and see Lily staring at me with stars in her eyes ! Couldn't help but to stare back and smile warmly at her ! - .


•Vontè: " Hehe .. Lily you're drooling .. See something you like or something " ( I say teasingly to catch her off guard .. but who would've thought she had a precise come back .. then opened the door skipping joyfully down the hall leaving me to process what just happened .. ) .

•Lily : " You Vontè ! "


- After what seemed like an eternity of me repeating .. ( You Vontè... You Vontè... ) over and over inside my head with a slight redden face .. but in reality only 5 seconds passed, I've finally come back to the world of UTOPRIME ! As I'm walking towards the study room, I can hear my mother and father laughing their ass off ... seemingly talking about me .. and as I'm about to push the door fully open since it's already halfway opened, I hear mother say these words, as if I'm on cue : -


•Mother Cleo : " Sooo, you did what I told you to exactly do riight ~ ... my lovely Lily ? "

•Lily : .... * still has a beat red face on her milky peach skin while covering her body with her angelic wings, only leaving her golden fox ears showing * ... :

•Lily : " Yes mother Cleo ... waaah ... how can I face him now .. ? "

•Antonio: ( He still has a long way to go in order to truly appreciate his feelings ... But the flags are definitely flapping hard in the wind bwhahaha !!! LONG LIVE GOLDSTARS ! )

•Antonio: " Ahhh, speaking of the main character ... You're late brat !!! " ....


- .. I walk into the room filled with all types of auras ... Lily playing hide-n-seek inside her wings popping a small opening to peek at me ... My mother with a cheeky grin ready to explode into laughter at any moment ... and fathers changing expressions that doesn't match the words he just said ... * sigh * ... I'm definitely the topic of discussion lol .. I proceed to walk up to both mother and father, wrap them in a loving hug and greet them happily ... -


•Vonte: " Hello mother! , Hello father! ... and Lily ... "

•Antonio: * smiles warmly *

•Mother Cleo : " Goodmorning my handsome son, this morning has definitely got you glowing no ? " * starts smiling even wider *!

•Vontè: " Ahhh, Mother !! So you're the reason Lily acted like that !? "

•Lily : " No Vontè, I said so on my own .. " !

* gasp * ..

•Lily : ( suddenly wraps her wings around her tighter ... )

•Antonio: " Now, Now, don't bully Lily so much everyone ... Okay so the reason I called for everyone today is so that we can travel to the core mountain to meet Father Klemu or for you son, it'll be grandpa klemu: He held you once when you were first born, but he went into closed door cultivation afterwards and just recently woke up from his mediation .. He hasn't announced his awakening yet, but he's been constantly nagging me since then, so we'll be heading there now ! Okay everyone .. Gather around me closely so we can all teleport together .... Great .. Now don't move ... and off we go ! ...

* swoooosh


. Meanwhile somewhere deep inside the Secluded Core Mountain within the territory of the GoldStar Clan ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

•Klemu GoldStar: " How long must I wait until that horny brat bring my grandchild to me .. After all I've just ascended to the Divine Realm ! And now I want to spend my time with my grandson and nurture him to greater heights, whatever his path or dreams I WILL SUPPORT IT FULLY & IF ANY F****** BASTARD TRIES TO HARM HIM * loud rumble * ... !!! " ( But before I can start spreading my divine senses out to track that son of mines down ... I feel a very familiar aura approaching me inside the cave where I love to train and cultivate ..



BACK TO VONTÈ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

-. As we finally reach the other end of the teleport spell, the scenery in-front of me is truly majestic! We're currently inside a cave, but don't let the word " cave " fool your senses .... The cave is about two football size stadiums of earth ! The inside has an complete tropical forest ecosystem with wild life and natural/exotic herbs !!! How do I know that ? Because of my new innate skill I've received from leveling up to silver rank ! ( • Treasure Ping • ) which sends vibration like tremors in the nearby area to notify of high value goods ! We transverse within the dense forestry but a certain plowed path lays in front of us ... As all four of us. Me, Mother, Lily and Father are walking, small talking, and enjoying the peaceful vibes and dense abundant elements in the air.. We then finally arrive to a waterfall that spreads upwards for miles but not higher than the • Infinite Trees • which keeps growing as long as abundant nature energy is constant present . Diamond body sparrows flying elegantly , 3 eyed elemental monkeys swinging from branches on distant trees and a very relaxed looking man in his prime mid 40's with a bald head, ( Rick Ross type beard ) and healthy tanned skin ! Complemented with a broad athletic build; No shirt, but covered with scars: Stands a very tall 7'1, equipped with a very huge golden meteorite broadsword and a mystical white tiger the size of an elephant laying behind him as if protecting him from all harm. He then opens his eyes as an very ancient divine power can be felt from deep inside and spreads over all of us down to the depths of the soul as if to confirm of what he seeing is real .. Klemu GoldStar or which I like better; Grandpa Klemu then disappears in literal plain view !!! Suddenly i find myself holstered in the air with a firm grip holding me as if scared of breaking the most heavenly one of kind treasure ! He slowly let's me down as tears form in his eyes, but stills talk in the most joyful manner ! -


•Grandpa Klemu : " HAHAHA ! Truly my genes are impeccable ! For me to have been blessed enough to survive this long and have a grandson with the most latent talent I've ever seen !! While also being born into my family ... Antonio and Cleo, you've made this old man very joyful and blessed to experience being in such a heaven sent family ... Thank you. ( I give my son and daughter-in-law a very cheerful and emotional bear hug as I pick them both up from the ground ! )

•Grandpa Klemu: " & to my grandson ! Forgive this old man truly for not being with you throughout the years, even though I know you've been showered with love from your parents, will you also allow this old man to share his .. ?

•Vontè: ( Gives Grandpa a bigger bear hug ) !

•Vontè: " Father and mother always told me about you and your war stories grandpa !!! I'm proud to have such a legendary and kind grandfather !! We are family and I know you went into seclusion in order to get stronger and protect the family ! But Grandfather, I WILL SURPASS YOU & EVERYONE ! So you can also depend on me and watch as I take us to greater heights !!!!

•Antonio and Mother Cleo: ( Both tilts their heads to lean on each and smiles warmly while holding Lily inside their arms as they watch this heart warming scene )

•Grandpa Klemu: " I truly believe that you will my grandson, I truly do .. Now I've been here for about 10 years and I'm in need of fresh air and stretching ! ... Hmmm, how about this my child , as a apology, let this old man teach you some family tradition blacksmithing , you down ?

•Vontè: " LETS' GOO !! " ..





Author note: Thanks to everyone reading my series ! I'll be uploading more very soon !! Stay tuned, stay safe and see you next chapter !!