First Mount !! Evolving a Bronze Tiered Monster !

- Then it was time for us to end the competition and show off our hard earned work ! Father is being tended to by mother who's happily wiping away his sweat with a towel - Lily is fixated on the sword I created and Grandpa Klemu has an shocked expression as if he has just outdone himself !


•[ Elemental Sword of Frost Lightning ] DemiGod Rank

Description: [ Created by Intermediate blacksmith Vontè GoldStar out of pure love and compassion for his companion. This deep light greenish jade color mix with a hint of gold enchanted with the lightning attribute that dances around the blade once removed from inside of the frozen scabbard is an very sharp 3 ft double edge sword that will smoothly cut anything in its path. If inside the hands of an high leveled lightning elementalist , swords sharpness increases by x5 ! ]

( + 20 strength )


•[ Elemental Longsword of the Deep Sea ] DemiGod Rank

Description: [ Created from the beautiful deep purple crystals of the treacherous seas of UTOPRIME ! Infused with enchanted ice steel filled with the metal attribute. This deep purple 6 foot long sword enhanced with the metal attribute is literally screaming danger from it appearance. Once sheathed from its red scabbard , a very fierce sword intent will be released and produces an duplicate carbon sword copy to fight along side you until shattered . ] ( +20 strength, creates additional sword created sword intent )

Created by Antonio GoldStar


•[ Dragon Slaying Elemental Berserker Sword ] Semi-Immortal Rank

Description: [ Due to high level knowledge of blacksmithing and pulling out some advanced techniques. Created an heavenly treasure made from the essence and bones of a variant species of dragon and 3 eyed berserker monkey. This sword has a long and wide 6 foot blade with the opposite edge with dragon bone pokes extending outwards constantly glowing silver !! ] ( +100 strength, double damage to dragon species )

Created by Klemu GoldStar



= Grandpa Klemu: * makes a whistle like noise *

" Now this is definitely a heavenly treasure fit for an Supreme Man as myself ! & for the both of you to also create ELEMENTAL DEMIGOD RANK TREASURES on top of that ! Makes me very happy and anxious for another BATTLE! I don't care about the coins: we own an abundant platinum ore vein that'll never run dry after all ! There isn't even a word to describe how loaded I've made my family ! *coughs*

•Grandpa Klemu: ( walks towards my grandson and carefully inspects his hard work ) ..

" Lil V , this is truly a very beautiful sword you've created ! The absolute frozen ice crystals enchanted with ice elements to keep the inside of the scabbard frozen will help keep the blade sharp and also clean it is genius .. The jade green golden blade infused with the lighting element is also very well done ! Since the jade is in harmony with the lightning elements and will bring much benefits to my adorable Lily "

( I ruffle his hair a little bit as he brightly smiles leaving him to my future granddaughter and proceed to walk over to Antonio)

"Antonio, doesn't this count as your first DemiGod Rank Elemental LongSword ?! CONGRATS SON !

( Since I'm still inspecting his very first created demigod rank elemental sword - I just reach behind me and heavily pat his back to congratulate him - he lets out a slight smile as he's being attended by Cleo .. )



( DAMN ! I thought I was going to win lol. Grandpa Klemu is an very extremely skilled blacksmith after all - but that doesn't mean I'll keep losing forever ! Lily is practically drooling looking at the sword and if you look closely enough - you'll see all 10 of her fingers slightly shaking as if being pressured to remain innocent from snatching something )

- I just shake my head wryly and with my calm expression & bright smile: I walk towards her and slowly extend both my arms as the sword is lying across my hands: she grabs it very carefully away from me while having stars in her eyes ! Slowly unsheathing it - you'll see an light jade green golden colored double edge blade rising out of an freezing cold interior while small wisps of lightning happily dances about ! Once it was fully out of the scabbard: an 3 foot long light jade green golden blade with wisp of lightning dancing about was being held in her right hand - while the left is holding the scabbard truly looking like a Divine Angel heading for war !

- As I'm lost in space yet again admiring her beautiful appearance and aura .. I failed to hear the muffled teasing like laughter behind me because the same Angel I'm daydreaming about, suddenly uses two of her tails to hold the sword firmly and tosses herself into my embrace with a very firm hug while pressing her face harder into my chest as if too get a clear deeper look into my soul ... I wrap one arm around her back to hold her and use the free hand to stroke her soft silky hair to show my affection back .. As we're enjoying the embrace of each other and lost inside our own worlds ... A few * loud whistles and rooting noises * later ... which brought me back to UTOPRIME reluctantly...

- I then grab Lily's hand, summon out my wings ( which greatly shocks the **** out of her initially .. but then quickly gets use to it, while the hearts in her eyes grows bigger ) and fly away a couple miles from the cave while princess carrying her the whole way ! ( after all this secluded cave that's inside a very small fissure of the core mountain is bigger than two nfl stadiums combined so there's plenty of places to explore ! )


* somewhere in the skies of the cave you can see two humanoid figures flying peacefully conversating with bright smiles .. one with white wings and the other with wings thats sparkling in the sun rays *


•Lily : " I didn't know you also had wings Vontè ! That's so cool and also looks good on you ! Hehe .. "

•Vontè: " Thanks Lily ! It's an innate skill I've received for my upgraded cultivation stage ! Speaking of which .. CONGRATS ON YOUR ACHIEVEMENT OF CULTIVATING TO DEMIGOD RANK !!! ( I give her two thumbs up and start acrobatically flying around her while after a few rounds of moves she also tags along happily ... )


- While having acrobatic vibes high in the skies with Lily, we pass over a part of the dense forestry area of the cave that's abundant with pure densely packed nature elements and very tall trees , so we chose to swoop down in order to rest and enjoy the very beautiful view ... -

- Tree tops that reaches as far you can see from the bottom, very healthy green grass with a large variety of flora scattered all over, elegant sunlight blankets forming through the tree tops providing a very portrait like cinematic view, fresh winds providing an calm feeling and the sound of water splashing in a distance bringing a peaceful calm state of mind ... My • treasure ping • is not going off which means I'm not in the 10 ft radius of treasure ... Currently Me & Lily are spreading our senses outwards to sense other life or potential threats ... But nothing thats a threat to us are around this area ... Instead i might have found my first mount ! But it seems to be very weak and injured, so I weave through the trees with finesse and quickness as I approach my target .. After about 5 minutes I arrive to the specific area with Lily two steps behind me ..

- What greets me is a injured magical beast that should have great latent divine mystical genes ... But literally seems to be the castaway bastard of the tribe it's from ... It's body is that of an fully adult tiger covered in dragon scales with a mostly red golden sheen and dragon like tail, but when in direct sunlight becomes almost multicolored , red ghostly colored flame hooves of a horse, dragon like head with alpha male deer like antlers and long carp fish like whiskers flowing in the wind .. alongside a lions like mane that's also covered in red ghostly flames .. But when looking at the blood pool underneath, I hastily run over to provide some recovery ..


•Vontè: * ( Hey Gs, Scan that magical beast for me ) *

[ Ding ! ]

•Gs: [ Scanning magical beast ... completed ]

[ Ding ! ]

[ Showing Stats ]


[ Name: N/A ]

[ Race: Teen Qilin ]

[ Bloodline: None ]

[ Cultivation Rank : Upper Bronze Rank 5 ]

[ Body Cultivation: Upper Bronze Rank 6 ]


Strength: 66

Agility: 80

Vitality: 30/140 ( Fatal Injury from being ambushed)

Magic: 130


[ Skills ] :

• Air walk •

- Your hooves doesn't touch the ground or water, instead you bend the air to your will and walk on the winds platform -

• Fire Aura •

- Surround yourself with the warmth of the flames ! Provides a fire aura like barrier while boosting physical capabilities by 10% -

• Fire Manipulation •

- Create, shape and manipulate the fire elements to your will.

• Bestower of Luck •

- Brings luck to those in good favor inside the heart -

• Enhanced Bite •

- Use teeth enchanted with mastered elements and close down the jaws of death on your foe ! •


- After healing it for a little minute in order for it to be able to move about with pain, it suddenly opens its eyes and looks me directly into mines ... It then looks at lily and right back to me ... after landing its eyes back on me , suddenly he rises up and walks my way and starts to rub his head against mines to show its gratitude, steps back and suddenly bows forward ... It's asking me voluntarily to make it my contracted beast !! I'm ecstatically over the moon at this moment ! I then proceed to make a sharp needle made out of magic power to prick my finger and start off the soul bounding process for my new contracted beast ! After pricking my thump and leaving a nice blood drop, I then press my thumb against his forehead as the soul bonding starts to transpire ... A very bright golden light engulfs us signaling the confirmed process .. & once it disappeared , you can see the same three individuals that was there before without any physical changes ... but mentally for two certain individuals something amazing was happening ...


•Vontè: " Welcome to the family ! I'm happy to have another addition to the family ! Just know that being contracted me with me will not hinder your freedom ! Protect my love ones and experience the journey to the peak with me is all I require ! Now, a name for you .... LINQU ... YOU SHALL BE KNOWN AS LINQU !!!

•Linqu : " Thank you for saving me master !! If it wasn't for you .... Noo .. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart Master, I will forever be your shield and loyal companion !

•Vontè: *smiles happily *

" I know Linqu ... and for your sworn eternal loyalty ... I will give you a new chance at life .. "

* Suddenly teleports everyone inside the inner world and pulls out an diety rank treasure *



- An heavenly one of a kind treasure created by a unknown GOD that loved nature and its beast. It has the outline type as all cauldrons, but the unique aspect about this cauldron is that it's outer appearance is one that is completely formed by CLOUDS!! that are constantly moving around as if alive ... It can awaken a bloodline within any creature contracted by soul or granted one randomly from the many residue bloodlines still lingering within .... ( magical beast must be bonded to soul by blood pact ) .





Thanks for reading everyone ! I appreciate all the feedback and love you guys have been showing ! Let's keep this series on ! 30+k views in a week on my first novel !!? I truly appreciate y'all man foreal . See y'all next chapter !
