The Cauldron of Evolution: Gifting an God Rank Bloodline !

•Vontè: " Welcome to the family ! I'm happy to have another addition to the family ! Just know that being contracted me with me will not hinder your freedom ! Protect my love ones and experience the journey to the peak with me is all I require ! Now, a name for you .... LINQU ... YOU SHALL BE KNOWN AS LINQU !!!

•Linqu : " Thank you for saving and naming me master !! If it wasn't for you .... Noo .. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart Master, I will forever be your shield and loyal companion !

•Vontè: *smiles happily *

" I know Linqu ... and for your sworn eternal loyalty ... I will give you a new chance at life .. "

* Suddenly teleports everyone inside the inner world and pulls out an diety rank treasure *



- An heavenly one of a kind treasure created by a unknown GOD that loved nature and its beast. It has the outline type as all cauldrons, but the unique aspect about this cauldron is that it's outer appearance is one that is completely formed by CLOUDS!! that are constantly moving around as if alive ... It can awaken a bloodline within any creature contracted by soul or granted one randomly from the many residue bloodlines still lingering within .... ( magical beast must be bonded to soul by blood pact ) .


- After teleporting all 3 of us into the inner realm which has also been awhile since the last visit, as you can tell from the newly added • tree of life • that's shining brightly in the middle of the flora plain and a newly formed pond next to it ... You can feel much denser natural elements in the air that's bringing a very calm relaxed feeling to the soul ... -

- Then right next to me ... Lily transforms back to her original fox form, but due to her recent realm upgrade, she also grew larger with tails slightly elongated, 2 new fully golden yellow tails mixed within the bunch, with a new golden crown insignia fused with a lightning bolt going through the middle inside of it featured now prominently between her beautifully sculpted eyebrows ... and that's not all ! Her paws are now crackling with electric like flashes preventing her from touching the ground ... her fur is still an pure angelic white .. but, her 4 legs are an pure golden yellow color ... She leans her heads down towards mine and starts to affectionately rub against my cheeks ... After she deemed it enough ... she starts walking off elegantly towards the • Tree of Life • and lies down to stabilize her bloodline ! ... -


[ Inner World: Tree of Life ] [ Immortal Grade Treasure ] - A Immortal rank treasure to add more potent pure life elements inside inner world while also stabilizing the bloodline within contracted beast - ...


- After watching her walk off and peacefully start cultivating whilst also stabilizing her bloodline .. I then turn my attention to my new companion LINQU ! There's no sign of unrest from being neglected while I flirt with Lily .. Just eyes of pure worship for having another very stronger companion and anticipation for the future along my side ... Truly a very loyal companion I've befriended ! ... -

- So without further ado, I take out an heavenly treasure that's going to break the foundation of this world !!!! Bwhah ... *coughs heavily *

(.. Act accordingly bro, greed will kill you first ...

* breathes & exhales heavily *... ) & despite this little performance .. Lily is paying no mind since she's inside a deep like trance state and Linqu just blinking innocently waiting for a command ... I couldn't help but scratch the back of my head and smile embarrassedly for a brief second ! ... hehe ... Now it's time for the main topic lol ... After pointing to the normal size cauldron a few feet away from me with the appearance of moving clouds vividly floating about ... I SHOUT THESE WORDS WITH A PURE JOYUS VOICE !! ( I think Grandpa Klemu is influencing my pitches lol .. )


•Vontè: " I shall grant you a new life LINQU ! Those cowards who ambushed you earlier .... ( my eyes take on a deeper ruby red ) WE WILL FIND THEM AND KILL THEM !! .. ( * as I start petting his head * .. ) NOBODY ***** WITH MY FAMILY !! They looked down on YOU who has no bloodline ... but I can tell that it was YOU WHO WORKED THE HARDEST ! YOU STOOD SO PROUDLY despite having no bloodline and they've still felt INFERIOR ! HAHA !! LINQU are you ready to gain strength and STAND ABOVE those inferior cowards and become a true alpha of the monster race ?!

•Linqu : *( let's out a very roar full of desire to gain more strength )* YES MASTER !! WHATEVER PATH YOU LAY BEFORE ME I WILL CONQUER IT !

•Vontè: " Glad to hear your resolve LINQU ! ..

I then point towards the ( • Cauldron Of Evolution• ) ... I SHALL GIFT YOU A BLOODLINE !!! ... That which you see there is an diety rank heavenly treasure made from a High God and Nature itself ... It grants a random bloodline or unlocks a latent bloodline that lies deep within your ancestral genes ... LINQU ! I will not sugarcoat the word " random " and this will be my VERY FIRST USAGE ! ... You say that you'll conquer any path ? Show me your determination !!


- After such words were said .. LINQU roars loudly again .. ( *If Lily is disturbed he won't survive lmao* ) .. and looks at me with pure respect and respectively bows ... But it wasn't just any bow, he slams his head hard on the ground leaving web like cracks where his forehead just kissed the earth ... -

- He then starts to • air walk • over towards the cauldron ... As if sensing the beast approaching it .. The cauldron literally expands itself just big enough for LINQU'S body to fit inside .. As the cauldron is expanding anticipating the arrival of a new potential host, it starts to radiate an ancient like aura as the clouds on the enlarged outside shell is starting to stir as if a storm is begging to brew .. A multicolored substance is suddenly filling up the inside of the cauldron and once completely filled ... That's when LINQU dives inside it without hesitation and before he's completely submerged inside, he looks at me and yells !!

•Linqu : " I'LL BE BACK SOON MASTER " !!


- As soon as Linqu is fully inside the multicolored substance within the • Cauldron of Evolution • the clouds on the outside are now very grey in color and revolving around in a manner as if it's the outer wall of an viscous incoming storm .. after about what seemed to be 5 minutes of real life time .. the cauldrons appearance forms back to it peaceful floating clouds outer appearance as an intense bright red light shoots out from the inside signaling a completed process ... and what greets my eyes is an bigger version of the same LINQU but with a more Ruby Golden colored fur like my eyes ... He also has these two floating orbs constantly revolving around him now .. also big golden rings wider than his legs but seems to be floating in place around his heels .. I then ask the system to scan our new and improved LINQU !


[ Ding ! ]

•Gs: [ Scanning ... completed - Showing Stats ]


[ Name: LINQU ]

[ Race: Primordial Cosmic Flame Qilin ]

[ Bloodline: Origin of Ancient Cosmo Pyrokinesis ] ( God Rank )

- Your the absolute ruler over cosmic flames ! You can create and manipulate the flames of deep space at your will ! These flames are created from the depths of space which needs no oxygen to be formed ! Cultivates only the purest forms of the fire elements and star energy ! Extremely High Affinity to space, lightning, fire and luck elements ! Fire type monsters will submit to your royal status ! Able to devour all fire elemental magic to rise magic slightly . Flames can bathe an enemy to ashes or produce warmth with ultimate healing properties that can even bring the dead back to life ... All flame related abilities or skills are permanently strengthened by 40% !!


[ Cultivation Rank : Lower DemiGod Rank 1 ]

[ Body Cultivation: Primordial Stellar Flame Mimicry Body ]


Strength: 1080

Agility: 1100

Vitality: ♾

Magic: 1200


[ Skills ] :

•Fire Mimicry•

- Able to turn the body into pure flames -

• Air walk •

- Your hooves doesn't touch the ground or water, instead you bend the air to your will and walk on the winds platform -

• Fire Aura •

- Surround yourself with the warmth of the flames ! Provides a fire aura like barrier while boosting physical capabilities by 10% -

• Fire Manipulation •

- Create, shape and manipulate the fire elements to your will.

•Cosmic Fire Manipulation•

- Create, shape and manipulate the flames of deep space ! -

•Cosmic Incineration•

- Burn anything in your sights in ashes ! -

•Fire Absorption•

- Able to absorb fire within the body and strengthen fire abilities slightly-

• Bestower of Luck •

- Brings luck to those in good favor inside the heart -

• Enhanced Bite •

- Use teeth enchanted with mastered elements and close down the jaws of death on your foe !


- I stare in amazement as I look at the newfound stats of our new DemiGod companion !! Lily is by far stronger though ! .. As I'm occupied looking at the stats in the corner of my eye and the new notifications I'm receiving, I've failed to see Linqu approaching me .. it was until he called out to me that I came back to my senses ...


[ Ding ! ]

[ Host has evolved an bronze level beast with no bloodline into an never before seen DemiGod Rank Beast ! ... Host has gained 10 Gacha tickets !! ]

31 remaining !


[Ding ! ]

[ Host now has two contracted beast ! .. Keep up the good work and add more to the family ! .. ]

[ Gained 1 Gacha Ticket ] 32 remaining !


[ Ding ! ]

[ Due to being contracted to a magical beast with the " Law of Luck " ... Host has leveled up 4 minor realms in both body and cultivation !! ]

[ Host gained 3 Gacha Tickets ] 35 remaining !


[ Ding ! ]


•[Cultivation Rank: Lower Silver Rank 7 ] [ New ! ] ..

•[Body Rank: Lower Silver Rank 7 ] [ New ! ] ..


•Strength: 190 [ NEW !]

•Agility: 240 [ NEW !]

•Magic: ♾

•Charm: ♾

•Vitality: 600 [ NEW !]

•Contracted Beasts: 2 [ NEW ! ]

•Gacha System Tickets: 35 [ NEW !]


•LinQu : " MASTER VONTÈ ! "

•Vontè: " .. Huh ? Ohhh ... My bad, my bad .. I can hear you now LinQu ! " ( * I start to pat his tall head proudly * )

" Congratulations on cultivating to DEMIGOD RANK ! You now have more than enough strength to fulfill your revenge if you so choose ... I will not intervene in the path you wish to take ! "

•LinQu : " From the bottom of my heart i thank the heavens for meeting you Master .. Truly thank you for granting me this new life which I will pay back by eternal loyalty and devotion to you master ! This heart demon is something that I must fulfill on my own .. I will leave now towards where those bastards are master and make sure that something like that will never happen again ...

•Vontè: ( * smiles warmly and pats his shoulder since he's a little taller than me currently * )

" I'll wait for your return LinQu ! Stay aware of your surroundings and DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ENEMY ! FULL POWER WITH EVERY STRIKE ! Is that understood !?

•LinQu : " Yes Master ! I'll return back very soon !! " ( Leaves inner world covered in cosmic flames ) ...



Author Note: Hello Everyone ! Your new favorite author InkosiPiff here: Hope everyone is enjoying the series and the new cover art !!! Don't be shy and share feedback if you're enjoying my series or if I can improve it better for you guys ! After all a happy author types faster . Stay safe and see you soon !