The Sparring Continues ...

.... *insert an howling wind noise here * .....

•Lily : " HEHE ... we're just getting started boys !!! "

•LinQu : " Good Strike Master ! But I will not be caught slacking again ! ROUND 2 ! "

•Vonte: * smiles in a devilish manner *

" Two more hours until its time to head back to the rest of the family ! COME AT ME !!! "

( everyone let's off there own unique auras )


•Lily :

[ Strength: 1267 ] [ New ! ]

[Agility: 1540 ]

[Vitality: ♾ ]

[Magic: 2500] [ New ! ]


•LinQu :

[ Strength: 1100] [ New ! ]

[ Agility: 1100 ]

[ Vitality: ♾ ]

[ Magic: 1420 ] [ New ! ]


[ Ding ! ] ..

•GS: [ Host has leveled up 4 minor realms to Upper Knight Rank 10 ! ]


•Gs: [ Congratulations Host ! Awarded 4 Gacha tickets for new accomplishments ]


[Showing Updated Stats .... Done ]

•[ Name : Vontè GoldStar ]

•[ Age: 10 ]

•[ Gender: Male ]

•[ Race: Peak Human ] [ NEW ! ]


•[ Bloodline: Original Essence of Terra ] [ Supreme Grade ]

•[Cultivation Rank: Upper Knight Rank 10 ] [ New ! ]

•[Body Rank: Cosmic Vessel of Nature ]


•Strength: 900 [ New ! ]

•Agility: 900 [ New ! ]

•Magic: ♾

•Charm: ♾

•Vitality: ♾ [ New !]

•Gacha Tickets: 14 [ New ! ]


•Vontè: " COME AT ME !!! "


- After that war cry, I used my newly acquired skill • aerokinetic wing manifestation • to produce an additional pair of wings coated in fire that also gave me an fire like aura ... I also release my sword domain which increased to a domain of 30 feet ... Gaining some higher understanding of the abundant earth elements around me, I then willed some of the beautiful golden sand to create an earthen armor plating around my vital parts, while I also harden the sand by using my cosmic flames tempering it ! .....

- .... Followed by • magic blade creation • as I create an exact copy of my • Scorching Blade of Sharpness • for my left hand so I can level up my dual wielding ... while also coating both the blades with cosmic flames .. ( since I also have infinite magic, it'll be such a waste if I don't use it to my advantage ) ... After creating an carbon copy my of my sword, Ive also created numerous magical blades of all types behind me enough to block out the sunlight completely .. & since I've also created my second elemental sword for Lily, infusing swords with elements is simple to me now .. so of course you'll see some swords coated with different kinds of colors showing all kinds of elemental swords ! .. Due to my other favorite skill • magic skill creation • .. I also created some new elemental skills like • Cosmic Flame Sparks •( basically lightning bolts covered with a dense layer of pure cosmic flames ) and had them hovering with the bunch of swords ready to be ordered for the slaughter !!


- I can hear an earth shattering rumble as countless flashes of gold streaks starts to appear in the sky and a very large angel winged fox that's above me suddenly glowing yellow and suddenly transformed into an 10 winged vixen like angel with fox ears and a crown insignia fused with a lightning bolt on the center of her brows wearing an golden sundress that's definitely not hiding her perfect curvature ... Dismissing LINQU'S whole presence .. while looking at me with such a devilish smile but still seems to have been triggered ...


•Lily : " HEEeeh ....Vontè wants to challenge me in lightning elements .. I wonder if you can take these strikes while I'm in my transformed form of my future self " • LIGHTNING SPEAR ! • ( Lowers Hand .... 🌩⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️..... )


•Vontè: ( makes an very pleased looking face from seeing her new form ) ... " S*** incoming ! "


- I swear she transformed on purpose ! Countless lightning bolts are being hastily and accurately sent my way !! I start flying towards her while also unleashing my swords and ( • cosmic flame sparks • ) towards Lily & LinQu ! ....

.. - After countless swords and sparks blasting and offsetting each other ... You can see numerous lighting bolts within 30 feet around me being slashed away by my sword domains barrier ... I've mostly been dodging nimbly and slashing at the in the air from those that slipped inside of my domain with my swords ... When suddenly very fast sharp wing blades starts being sent towards me !! .. I stop midair to slash them down since barely no power were inside of them .. mostly feints .. and turn around 180•(degrees) to see an angel fox with her new 3 ft long light greenish yellow sword

• Sword of Frost Lightning • without a sheathe staring me down with a smile 30 meters away ! ... After releasing my swords intent barrier and suddenly flapping my wings very hard to speed boost towards her ... I followed it up with • meta teleportation • ... -


* swoooosh *


- I appeared directly infront of her with my swords both coming up vertically from her feet to slice all the way up ! -


- She easily doges left while swiftly slicing towards my neck .. !?


- I used my • wing shield • to block the incoming attack ! But it didn't fully block all the power since she's STRONGER than me .. only to be flown a few meters back with a throbbing pain in my left wing with a slight cut .. ( * coughs ! * ) ... but not enough to hinder my movement in the slightest ! Once I opened my wings up again, Lily's angelic appearance was flying infront of me with a lightning covered blade and slashed at me from a few feet away !


•Lily : " •Chidori Slash • !! ( sword becomes surrounded with lighting sparks and with an single slash sends out an very lethal

crescent lighting blade )

•Vonte: " • Cleansing Slash • !

( both send out similar skills which cancels each other out ) * BOoOooOoom *


- After that clash I was sent flying downwards from the sky while doing spirals smack hard into the ground leaving behind a mini sized crater & very huge thick dust cloud that's lingering ... After three seconds past to gain my vision and balance back, I then use a very vital new skill I've recently acquired to start healing me back to my prime state ... -


•Vontè: " •absolute life inducement • "


- Just after barely surviving that clash without missing a beat while the dust clouds are still heavy ... • Rapid Cosmic Void Shots • ! ( upgraded version of " finger of void " skill ) as multiple fireball sized red beams are being shot from my finger tip through the heavy dust storm towards where I estimated Lily to be !!


- Just as I finished spamming void shots ... Behind me I can feel the heat turning up very rapidly through the dust clouds ! -


•LinQu : " Stay Focused Master " !


- My neck starts feeling like it's been gripped by something and I suddenly get flung towards the area with dense forestry ! Not forgetting about my • forestry magic • or just my affinity with nature elements period ... I then use my magic to command the trees to catch me with their leaves to cushion my fall !! But life would not have it that easy !


•LinQu : • Cosmatic Flame Wall • !!


- I can see literally just that ! A very large and wide wall like shape of flames being sent my way to incinerate everything infont of its path. !!


•Vontè: " I'm not someone who backs down !!! " ..

( I raise my finger and point towards his over confident *** mug he's showing right now. )

• Rapid Cosmic Void Shots •


( The bullet sized shots and the wall collided with each other which canceled each other out ... creating sparks and falling pieces of fire landing i

On the sand / sea


- Two figures suddenly start clashing in the air above the trees.. as one is slashing with his swords and the other deflecting his slashes with two multicolored metallic balls that's acting as a auto-defensive shields while very bright sparks are showing up here and there in blurs !! ... -

- * clang * clang * clang * clang * clang * .....


- About about 40 clashes .. with me only landing about 4 hits onto him ... suddenly LinQu open his mouth as his fiery mane starts flaming more brightly and fires a very dark empty void like fire ball that looks as if to suck everything around in its path is shot point blank onto me and blasted me like a broken kite through MY OWN inner realm ... ( he's a demigod after all ... )


•Lily: " KNOW YOUR PLACE !!! "

•Lily : ( I copied vontè's • meta teleportation • skill and learned • advanced teleportation • since I have some affinity with the space elements .. and appeared immediately next to that ugly mut thats only fit as a mount and pointed my hand directly in his face without emotion ! )

•Lily : " • SPARKLING VOID BOMB • ! "


[ Ding ! ]..


[ Host has leveled up a MAJOR REALM ! ]


[ Ding ! ] ..


[ After intense training, Host was knocked out ]


[ Ding ! ]


[ Host gained 2 Gacha Tickets one system ]





Author note: Hey everyone, hope everyone is staying safe and healthy !! Thanks for taking the time to read my novel ! I appreciate every single one of y'all . & if you've reached this far; your an OG in the family now haha ! SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER