Returning to the family !


- After such an intense sparring session that lasted a few hours & with me ending the session off by being flown like a broken kite .... I opened up my eyes expecting to feel some type of discomfort ... But who would've thought that I'd be feeling pure bliss instead .... I can feel something very very fluffy and soft behind my head ! .. It took about 2 seconds for my vision to clear up as I rub them and to recognize the reason behind this wonderful comfort ! Lily is back in her original fox form peacefully sleeping while being wrapped around me as if shielding me from everything ! Or maybe she just wanted cuddles hehe ... -

- I start to admire her beautiful appearance and start rubbing her fur gently while just enjoying the soft silky fur weaving through my fingers .. when suddenly I can hear faint purring .... -


•Lily: ( faintly purrs ) " A few more inches up please "

•Vontè: ( I follow the queens command by rubbing just a few inches above where I started .. only to see her face in deep ecstasy )

•Lily : ( purrs slightly louder )

•Vonte: ( only just a few more years .... )


- While I was enjoying and providing service to my beautiful fox companion .. I failed to notice another presence quite a few distance away as if afraid of coming closer to us ... LinQu was just staring at me with eyes full of sorrow and guilt ... I sent him a mental message to comfort him while I get up from Lily after hugging her and teleport next to him ... -


•Vontè: ( Hey LinQu ! It's not your fault at all ! The only fault is still my weak strength and lack of battle experience! You've also taught me various things during our spar ! So thank you ! )

- As I'm sending that mental note .. in less than an second I appeared right next to him which shocked him briefly lol ! I start to rub his head to show that I'm not mad at him in anyway, but on the other hand very thankful and he starts smiling again ! ... -


- After a brief head patting for my new companion LinQu ... Countless notifications sounds are being set off ! !!!!


[ Ding ! ]

•GS: [ After an intense sparring, host has gained enough experience to breakthrough to an MAJOR REALM ! Congratulations Host ! ]

* [ New Cultivation Rank : Lower Lord Rank 1 ]

{{{{ author note: ... this guy is monstrous .. I LOVE IT }}}} ....


* [ Ding ! ]


•GS: [ Host has gained a new innate ability: ] [ Supreme Rank Passive Innate Ability ]

( • Absolute Nature Manipulation • )

- Description: Due to also having an bloodline perfectly fitted for nature elements, User is now directly connected to the natural world ! Manipulate, Influence & communicate with the natural world as you please ! User can survive in any natural environment ! -


*[ Ding ! ]


•GS: [ Host has gained new passive innate ability:

[ God Rank Passive Ability ]

( • Gaia's Voice • )

- Description: With having such tremendous affinity with nature that's never before seen in the world of UTOPRIME .. User is now able to fluently communicate with the whole natural world and it's laws !


... %%*#%*# $ Error $ %%*#%*# ...

* [ Ding ! ]

•GS: ..... [ Host gained unknown rank passive ability and Title ]


[ Unknown Rank Passive Ability And Title ]

( • Absolute Ability Creator • ) [ LOCKED ]

[ Must achieve DemiGod Level to unlock ]

....! Description: User will be able to create any supernatural ability without side effects , while also being able to gift anyone with created abilities without limit or side effects as if born naturally with the ability .


*[ Ding ! ]

•GS: [ Host has gained 20 Gacha Tickets ] 40 remaining ! ]




- I stood there as if I was a scarecrow .. stiff ... eyes repeatedly rolling behind very tightly shut eyelids with a facial expression as if about to say :


•LinQu : " What is it Ma .. "


•Vontè: " WHHhaaat ... !? " ( I even received an ability that literally broke the system ... lmao ... RNJ )


•Vontè: " I'm now also an Lower Lord Rank 1 ! Haha my family is going to have a thrill when I arrive back to the cave !!


•Vontè: " Hey Lily, time to head back ! "

- I then see her instantly teleport next to me staring at me with a cheeky smirk while I just start to scratch under her chin ( which she loves while in this form ) as her reward of sorts .. & transforms back to her 10 year old angel fox body .. We both then hop onto LINQU'S back as we leave the inner world and head back to the cave to where father, mother cleo and grandpa klemu are waiting my arrival, since it's been about an hour in the real world and I also dearly miss them .... Lily is also hugging my back tightly and seemingly sniffing my long locs and neck ... ( must be my imagination ... )



Back to the inner core cave


- You can see a very beautiful 5'6 vixen like woman ganging up on a man that's twice her size seemingly pissed and worried at the same time, and a bald head old man sharping his new sword outside the cave entrance with a huge mystical white tiger laying next to him seemingly to also be anxious about something ... when suddenly the beautiful woman that was inside the cave started gunning in a northeastern path from the cave -


•Mother Cleo : " Antonio, where exactly is my son !? You said you know exactly where he is but why can I not feel his presence !? It been over a hour since he ... "


•Antonio: * shakes head with a wry smile as I get up from the wooden chair crafted when I was around Vontè's age and walked towards the entrance * ... " My love, I told you he was only going to be an hour ... it's only be 20 seconds over .. " ( starts smiling embarrassingly )

- I then see my father looking at me with his head turned smiling very widely and goofily -


•Grandpa Klemu: " HAHAHA ! A very loving and caring wife you've found for yourself son. Truly a good daughter-in-law ... But, ... Vonte must've had a very heavenly encounter within that hour he's been gone ... , No ? .. BREAKING THROUGH 6 MAJOR REALMS IN JUST ONE HOUR !? UNHEARD OF !! .... BUT VONTÈ HAS ACHIEVED SUCH AN FEAT ! .. MY GRANDSON ... ! Hahaha ! LONG LIVE MY GOLDSTARS !!


•Antonio: ( I start looking towards the path my wife took with warm eyes and a very proud fatherly smile as I rest my hand on my fathers left shoulder ) " This son of mines truly do bring me new surprises and tremendous pride ! But, .. Father while is just us, let's talk about his coming of age training to prepare him for his journey, I like the idea of both my uncles teaching him the ways of a real sect leader for a steady foundation since it is something thats a staple part of his future ... after all he chose to create on his own sect and I'll make sure that he' .... "




- Enjoying the beautiful tropical environment around us while mounted on LinQu's back while having deep conversation about our future path together . ( after all, a solid team plan is an winning plan ) .. My • treasure ping • skill starts detecting something very close to our current position .. I ask LinQu to start moving to the directions I point out and we arrive to an large blood red tree hidden in a maze of trees with white coconut size fruits dangling in abundance ..


•Vonte: ( Scan that tree for me Gs )


* [ Ding ! ] ...

[Scanning ... Completed ] ...

[ •Tree of Sweet Vitality • ] ...

- Description: This particular tree absorbs star essence and vitality from the surrounding elements causing it to become solid red from star energy while the fruits are filled with pure sweet tasting fleshy energy essence that'll greatly increase ones lifespan/vitality .. ( only one fruit a day can be eaten before essence overload )


- Not a bad find at all ! So after placing my hand onto the tree it disappears into my inventory ... I then transfer it into my inner world after cloning it and placing many more around the • tree of life • hoping for a transformation in the tree maybe .. When suddenly my vision blurs for a second from being shifted from my initial position .. only to find myself wrapped up inside a very loving and worried hug from my mother that lasted for a couple seconds without words being spoken .. I should've said something before I left ...


•Mother Cleo: " I was going give you a splitting headache literally for making me worried ... but I see you've gained a new companion while also becoming stron... WHHAT !? .. You're a lord rank cultivator now !!? ... ( spreading over my divine sense over him to confirm my speculation... & truthfully my baby boy at the age of 10 became a Lord Rank Cultivator ! Such tremendous talent he's blessed with and he's just a young child , his future is limitless ... fufufu .. Mommy is so proud ! ) .... But tell me son: Do you have an inner world son ??


- After basking in the warmth of my mother's grasp & the praises that I know for a fact shes giving me inside her head .. She drops the bomb on me , and she just only curious !? But I will not lie to my mother ! -


•Vontè: " Yes mother, I didn't get the chance to tell you yet, but I will let you know everything ! ( besides some high classified skills and the system of course )


•Mother Cleo: " Well with such a strong and knightly looking mount .. Mother will ride with you and Lily as you can also tell me about your encounters this past hour ".


•Vontè & Lily : " OKAY ! "


•LinQu : * blushes & makes sure to glide in the air very very smoothly *



End of chapter


HELLO EVERYONE ! It's your new favorite author here with a very thankful note ! I appreciate everyone who takes time to read my novel ! Whether if you're anticipating the next release or just viewing it to give a try .. Truly thank you for keeping me going .See you next chapter