No time for distractions !


Meanwhile... Inside of the smithing cave as our MC is slowly approaching ..


•Grandpa Klemu: " HAHAHA ! A very loving and caring wife you've found for yourself son. Truly a good daughter-in-law ... But, ... Vonte must've had a very heavenly encounter within that hour he's been gone ... , No ? .. BREAKING THROUGH 6 MAJOR REALMS IN JUST ONE HOUR !? UNHEARD OF !! .... BUT VONTÈ HAS ACHIEVED SUCH AN FEAT ! .. MY GRANDSON ... ! Hahaha ! LONG LIVE MY GOLDSTARS !!


•Antonio: ( I start looking towards the path my wife took with warm eyes and a very proud fatherly smile as I rest my hand on my fathers left shoulder ) " This son of mines truly do bring me new surprises and tremendous pride ! But, .. Father while it's just us, let's talk about his coming of age training to prepare him for his journey ! .. I like the idea of both my uncles teaching him the ways of a real sect leader for a steady foundation since it is something thats a staple part of his future ... after all he planned to create his own sect once he officially set off to his destined journey ..


•GrandPa Klemu: " Son, don't tell me you forgot who exactly made the clan to what it currently is today and WHO it was that taught those knuckleheads ! Those brothers of mine Omega & Rah only have that position because I've been in closed cultivation and vonte isn't of age or yet strong enough to take over as the Patriarch ! Besides this old man will not be dying anytime in the distant future .. So here's a better idea ! We will instead spend the next 7 years drilling all of our experience and knowledge into him and make sure that he has the most perfect foundation and mind ! Vonte is an truly gifted intelligent child that needs the right teachings to truly broadcast his latent potential . Cleo will also be personally training Lily while we train Vonte and pitch in whenever shes free and also train Vonte .. Being trained by TWO DIETY RANK GODS & A SUPREME RANK !? Don't you also wish to see how he changes this world, as we watch from afar protecting his shadows ?


•Antonio: " I agree with that proposal Father ! ... Since we are going to use that route, I have created a very beautiful training spot for all of us to use that's not far from here ! Its on top of an mountian peak not discovered by anyone but me and its located deeper within the core of the range, its surrounded by abundant star essence and very pure dense mana .. Even if all 5 of us were to go full cultivating mode, the essence is so thick and abundant that we wont even put a dent into it .. It'll be a perfect place for us to train vonte, while also not neglecting our training ... We might even be able to level up a few minor realms ..


•Granpa Klemu: " I'll take you up on that son ! After all I've been inside this cave for the past 10 years and could definitely use some new air and surroundings! HAHA ! .. This will also serve as making up for lost family time ... " (* as i start to stroke the back of the neck of my long time companion *) " I can create a mini portal connecting this cave and the spot you'll take us so we can always come back and craft, after all this is the prime spot for blacksmithing ! .. I also contain book copies of every single piece of world knowledge & history , basic bronze-lord rank cultivation techniques, art techniques, cooking techniques, books of known beast/ores/alchemy plants , etc .... So his knowledge will be better than the best Master Teachers !


•Antonio: " But I refuse to also hinder his childhood or take away his chances of making lifetime companions to help along his journey .. "


•Granpa Klemu: " A loving father indeed you are son ! .. ( * I smile very proudly * ) .. But vonte doesn't worry about those things right now, as you can tell by the look in his eyes .. He's also a GoldStar, so you can pretty much already figure what hes' going to say about this HAHA ! That child desires strength, knowledge and family time .. Everything else to him is a distraction: .. & after all Antonio .. He has that very adorable demi-human fox winged companion, NO ? .. She's going to mature up to a very heaven defying beauty ! HELL, that growing lady killer himself might have atleast 4 wives !! Gotta keep the bloodline pushing ! haha


•Antonio: " HAHAHA !! I COULDNT HELP BUT TO AGREE MORE! ... ( * ROAR ! *) ... Hmmm ... " (* I hear an very proud sounding roar from a beast that's very close and I start seeing my wife sitting alongside vonte and lily riding on top of an very majectic looking qilin mount thats walking on flames .."


•Antonio & GrandPa Klemu : " Welcome Back Son/Brat ! "




- It's taking us a little bit longer to arrive back to the smithing cave because Lily was happily telling Mother Cleo about the recent sparring session that lead to all of us getting stronger while LinQu was just cruising in the air absorbing its fire elements peacefully allowing us to appreciate the surrounding scenery and some bonding .. While that was happening I was currently inside of my head thinking about my future moves. I'm only 10 years old at the moment, so I'm limited to a small list of things I can freely accomplish.. Its the best time to start real life training for my foundation and gaining crucial knowledge in all fields to help me in my journey and to build my own SECT !! HEHE, cant wait for that amazing dream to become reality .. I'll ask father or BETTER YET ! I'll just ask GranPa Klemu to train me in the ways of an sect patriarch and to provide me books on EVERYTHING !!! ( * folds my arms and nods my head in agreement *) -


[Ding ! ]

•GS: [ Due to host making such wise decisions, granted 2 gacha ticket ] 42 remaining ! ( new ! )


•Vontè: " Yup ! Thats' perfect !!! "


•Mother Cleo: " Hmm ? " .. ( *tilts head in a cute confused manner ) " What kind of scheme are you planning son " ?


•Vontè: " Not a scheme mother ! But I'm taking everything GrandPa Klemu has to offer !! "


•Lily: .. ( * shows an cute angry pout with electric sparks on her fingers .. * )" Vonte .. stealing is not a good thing ya know ... "


- I know shes serious ... ! But, how can somebody be so cute making mad faces .. This is why I tease her so much lol ..


•Vontè: " I'm not exactly stealing Lily .. I'm just being a little sarcastic lol ! What I mean to say is that I'm going to ask my father and grandpa klemu to train me heavily for the next 7 years .. I don't need friends right now because I have an real loving family, a strong magical mount, and you ! I just need the strength and knowledge to build an unshakeable foundation, mind full of knowledge and a heart full of happiness by being surrounded with loyalty. In the distant future we'll have more friends to cherish and more responsibilities to manage ! So for now, I will only purely focus on becoming STRONG enough to stand on my own and having the power to protect those dearly and not just some empty words being thrown out !!


•Mother Cleo and Lily: ( * smiles warmly and pays close attention to vontè telling his goals * )


•Lily: " My dream is to be by your side for eternity, so whatever you choose to do, I'll be right there with you vonte ! I will also train harder to not let you down !


•LinQu : (* lets out a very proud roar *) " I also will follow master wherever he steps for eternity ! "


•Mother Cleo : " I look forward to what you guys will show us in the future ! But, that all depends on the efforts you'll put in STARTING tomorrow ! Your father, GrandPa Klemu and Yours truly will be privately training you two for the next 7 years .. Lily you will be training exclusively with me and vonte will be with the father and son duo . Are you guys ready ?!


•Lily: " Hehe, im excited about this ! What about you vonte ? "


•Vontè: " Ehh, I'm kinda worried you'll cry after I past you up in cultivation rank Lily !! HAHAHA !


- After those words were said, I was punched in the shoulder by Lily very cutely since the hits had no power, and listening to Mother Cleo giggling away happily ... We start to finally approach the cave as I can see both father and grandpa klemu waiting for us patiently with open arms and Kenu !( the mystic white tiger bounded to granpa klemu ). We both hop off the back of LinQu and run to father and grandpa klemu and wrapped them up in hugs as we also start recalling our past few hours to them ! Mother Cleo is patting LinQu's head and running her fingers through his fiery like mane leaving him with a head above warm waters ... After telling about our sparring and scenes we saw venturing the cave .. They told me news which made the fire inside my stomach overheat and anxiously ready to start MY JOURNEY !!!!


•Granpa Klemu: " GET READY SON !! FOR THE NEXT 7 YEARS, YOU & LILY WILL BE GETTING TRAINED BY US ! We will be instilling all that we know into you, while also perfecting your foundation and knowledge for the SUPREME WORLD !! ...


[ Ding ! ]

[ Host has reached ]



Author note: Thanks for reading my first ever novel ! If you've reached this far, your amazing ! I very much appreciate it . See you next chapter !!