My first steps towards an Legendary Adventure !!

= Granpa Klemu: " GET READY SON !! FOR THE NEXT 7 YEARS, YOU & LILY WILL BE GETTING TRAINED BY US ! We will be instilling all that we know into you, while also perfecting your foundation and knowledge for the SUPREME WORLD !! .. ANTONIO!


- After GrandPa Klemu said his piece and called out to father: I then see an very complex looking magic spell form under every single one of us including the beasts as we suddenly start glowing a golden color and start fading away from our current spot ! ...

* swoosh *


- When we arrived to destination that was set by father .. what greeted my eyes was the same familiar .. yet upgraded training spot that my Father & I first cultivated at together ! .. The mountain itself is above the clouds. But father ended up cutting a piece of the top off, leaving us with a couple miles worth of wide smooth marble like ground & the 360• view of an beautiful galaxy colored starry skies of space with the 4 multicolored moons of UTOPRIME combined with the current mesmerizing display of the distant sun setting is making for a very memorable scene for the start of something LEGENDARY !! There's also a new addition of an small mansion and many more rare plants planted around creating a comforting mini flora field for gardening/alchemy and a very wide brand new training platform ! ( Like the battle platform " C** from **Z used )


•Lily : " SoOoo Beautiful ! "


•Mother Cleo : ( Kisses Antonio on the cheek )

" You've made such a beautiful and comforting new home ground for the next 7 years baby ! "

•Antonio: ( Kisses Cleo right back on the lips )

" Its all for your smile Cleo . "


•GrandPa Klemu: ( Spreads our divine senses ..... )

" Fascinating.... I've been the owner of these mountains for eons and I've never discovered such a place within my home grounds that's so extremely densely abundant in STAR ESSENCE & MANA !! ... Truly even if everyone here was to go all out with cultivation .... We can all level up a major realm without putting a scratch on it ... Heeeh .... " ( I'm definitely intensifying this training for everyone! )


- Meanwhile I check my stats for one last time ! ... Because until I reach GOD RANK, I will not be accessing the system EXCEPT for the descriptions of new skills & emergencies in order to purely focus on my training and studies ! -


•Vontè: ( Pull up my stats for the last time and show it again only after I reach GOD RANK ! )


• [ Ding ! ]

•GS: [ Confirming request ... completed ... accessing stats .. ]


•[ Name : Vontè GoldStar ] ..

•[ Age: 10 ] ..

•[ Gender: Male ] ..

•[ Race: Peak Human ] ..

•[ Bloodline: Original Essence of Terra ] ( Immortal Grade

•[Cultivation Rank: Lower Lord Rank 1 ]

•[Body Rank: Cosmic Vessel of Nature ]

•Strength: 902

•Agility: 903

•Magic: ♾

•Charm: ♾

•Vitality: ♾

•Contracted Beasts: 2.5

•Companions: 0

•Gacha System Tickets: 40

•Wives: 1

•Sects: 0

•Wallet: 1.4 million platinum coins {{{{ IF YOU CONVERTED IT }}}} = ( 1,400,000,000 gold coins , 140,000,000,000 silver coins , 14,000,000,000,000 bronze coins ) [


•[ Ding ! ]

[ Host recieved an random unique unknown rank mission issued by the kindness of system ! ]

•GS: [ Due to an upcoming very important training for your future foundation & having the titles ( • seed of fate x cosmic keystone • ) the gears of destiny are finally starting to motion for an unprecedented adventure ! ... If Host manages to reach the God Rank by the age of 17. The following items will be rewarded: ]

•500 Gacha Tickets,

•Immortal Rank Contracted Beast,

•Sect Building Sub-System,

• One Unrestricted Free Wish ,

• One Semi-Immortal Rank Summon Ticket •


• [ Ding ! ]



- I just stood there looking in disbelief at that challenge given by the system & my new Updated Stats !! ... Truly a Golden Finger System !!! .. Then the warm soothing voice of my mother brought me back out of my head into reality :


•Mother Cleo: " Von and Lily ... Go and shower up, it's been almost a full day since we've been gone and you guys are also very sweaty! ... So go and relax for the rest of the night .. Dinner will be ready in about two hours .. Training will commence tomorrow morning before SUNRISE ! Now go, I must talk to these two musclebrains .


•Vontè: ( instantly runs into the house ! )

•Lily : * GASP *

" NOT FAIR VONTÈ ! " ( runs quickly behind vontè to catch up )


- Inside of an steamy, elegant, large white and gold marbled floor bathroom with a big jacuzzi tub like bath ... You can see the outline of a young male with long locs peacefully enjoying a bath and what seems to be a young Demi-Human female fox with 10 tails and a pair of wings wrapped inside a very thick white towel slowly opening the door as steam suddenly invades her sight and almost slips on the wet floor !!


* splash * splash *splash


•Vontè: " Heeh .. You must want to wash my hair and back huh ? I don't mind, thanks in advance ! .. ( I then sloowly turn around ... hehe ) "

•Lily : ( blushes intensely and slowly enters the pool like bath )


- After pre-rinse and the start of my hair getting washed... Lily stops & starts to speak ... I then start listening with all my senses ... and couldn't helped but to feel very loved and appreciated :


•Lily: " Hey vontè ... If ... If I ... umm ... ( starts blushing very intensely with heightened heart beats and twinkly fingers ) Become God Rank Before we reach 17 .. I want to officially become your .. wi ... wif ... wifey !


- After such an confession ... How can I .. To the girl that has stolen my heart on numerous occasions and that's so loyal to me be turned down !? I AM NOT A MAN IF I DON'T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS !! .. I turn around slowly to look her into her eyes and seal the deal with my first kiss as I hug her tightly ... -


•Vontè: " My first kiss for my first love. I wouldn't want to have anyone else to become my first wife ! But as you know, I want a BIG FAMILY ! So I will have multiple wives .. but no more than 3 ! Which mean two more sisters to keep you company. I will love you and who the other two are unconditionally and equal! Will you be okay with this selfish request of mine ?


•Lily : ( I grab his face and kiss him back with a shy peck .. waaah .. my first kiss .. hehe : But I then give him a very seriously firm answer )

" Only if I find them worthy ! "


- With that answer from Lily , I was above happiness !!! I WAS SO ******* BLESSED ! I wanted to hug her and push her in the waters ... Gah ! ... 17... 17 Vontè .... But someone must've been mocking me, because before I can move ... she starts washing my hair again, but , this time I'm facing her! with my eyes closed of course. But then she starts too use her tails to wash my body !!!! ... You can just imagine how more blissful I became because of that !! . Then it was my turn ... I started softly massaging and cleaning her soft fox ears, and I knew I was doing well by the fidget like motions and moved on to make sure to wash her tails every inch ... one tail literally had to wrap around both my wrist to stop my motions and then she very hastily but groggily walked away for some reason ..

•Vontè: " Once we become of age though ... ...


- I then start to walk out the washroom and head into my room to put on some clothes and meet my family for a very fulfilling meal ! ... The meal consisted of BBQ Fire Earth Python covered in a Smokey sauce, salad and fruits, soft bread, soup made from a Diamond Shell Ice Turtle, and fresh baked apple pies ! Its safe to say that I was very full after that scrumptious meal .... After eating and washing the plates / table off with Lily while happily conversing with each other.. GrandPa Klemu calls for me outside .. I then hug Lily & tell her I'll see her later before running outside to see GrandPa standing on the edge of the Mountain looking over the horizon patting the head of Kenu ! After sensing me, he starts to speak:


•Grandpa Klemu: " My child ... it has become time to start your training ! After all, what's better than cultivating after a full scrumptiously made meal !!! The time waits for nobody unless you control its laws .. Vontè , you are truly my most beloved child and I believe that you will walk a Legendary Path tread upon by no one that has ever lived on UTOPRIME ! That light will blind some; but it'll heal thrice as more !! Listen my child, nothing in life comes easy ! But those with a strong will and even stronger foundation WILL NEVER FALTER ! Me, Antonio and your Mother will be giving all that we have to train you and guide you on your selected path ! It will be very intense, I'm not stopping until you reach GOD RANK by 16 ! ... ( Tosses a copy of the history of the clan and every single choice I've made to build up my sect from nothing to the MOST POWERFUL ! ) That book is my pride ! It may be a copy, but it's yours too keep .. It contains the history of the clan and all the choices I've made to make our clan A POWERHOUSE !! I know that your dream is also like mines ( shows a very proud smile ) which is why I know that that book will become one of your most beloved possessions.. Now store it in your spatial ring I gave you earlier and come sit on that boulder over here "


- I catch the book GrandPa Klemu made for me with all the care !! This holy grail contains vital information to help me on my way to building MY OWN SECT POWERHOUSE !! ... After reaching the boulder GrandPa Klemu pointed towards and sitting on top ... I see father slowly approaching me with a tiny red box in his hand showing an very warm smile and as if knowing my thoughts ..:


•Antonio: " This box contains a very potent meridian cleansing pill made by me which will also stimulate any hidden power sleeping inside you ... So with this pill your Realm Upgrades will be smoother and quite more beneficial son ! So once you take it immediate start cultivating ! "


•Vontè: " Thank you for the gift father !! "

( I hastily swallow the red crystal like pill as my body instantly turns red with sweat drops forming all over my body and starts revolving my meridians ! My eyes are closed, but in other people's view: One can start seeing the star essence in the sky and nature essence greedily being consumed by me without any sign of stopping ! My sword intent barrier also activates which also gained higher mastery because of now a 50 ft radius of sword marks around me forming on the marble like mountain floor. My wings also unfold as a they spread out showing its greatness and lastly I started to become covered in a cosmic flame like aura with a small flaming crown forming in the middle of my forehead ....


7 Years later on the Year of 347 A.W.

31, January ..


( Birthday props setting off )!

*A lot of voices saying it together on a very large courtyard filled with gifts, food, alcohol, and LOTS of laughter !! * : " HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY VONTÈ & LILY !!!!






- A couple hours past midnight... standing currently on the edge of the same mountain peak with no shirt and scratch marks on his back for some reason ... that he's been training on nonstop for the last 7 years and have only just completed it today on his birthday ... You'll see a very handsome 17 year old young man with honey caramel skin, long healthy flowing dreadlocks with ghostly flame fiery orange tips, a solid 6'6 , athletically built, with a 6 foot long solid red crystallized great swords stuck in the ground by his feet ... also accompanied by a very mystical looking qilin by his side under the infinite starry skies of space proudly looking over the very vast horizon of the world of UTOPRIME.


•Vontè: " It has truly been a fun and very long 7 years !!! Now I can officially begin my LEGENDARY ADVENTURE!! You ready LinQu !!?

•LinQu: * ROARS ! * " Always Ready !! But where's Lily master ?

•Vontè: ( slightly blushes ) " She's getting rest for the early departure tomorrow ! "


- That's when I hear the most rewarding sound ever !!! Thought I would've never missed it , but I was wrong !! -


• [ Ding ! ]



•[ Ding ! ]

•GS: [ Due to host completing the unique mission. The following items are rewarded !!!

•500 Gacha Tickets,

•Immortal Rank Contracted Beast inside inner world .

•Sect Building Sub-System Unlocked.

• One Unrestricted Free Wish ,

• One Semi-Immortal Rank Summon Ticket •


• [ Ding ! ]

• [ Host Leveled up Two major realms !!! ]


• [Ding ! ]

•[ Host in now a Lower Level God Rank 4]

• [ Absolute Ability Creation Unlocked ]





Author note: Are you you guys still enjoying my first ever novel ? I appreciate the feedback from everyone . I've been working more lately, which inflicts my uploading times, but I still push out chapters AT LEAST ONCE A DAY. ! I really look forward to seeing you guys every chapter !! See you soon ! & stay safe !